Baron Estaban Saik
"If you harm one hair on my sister's head you will suffer. I am glad that is settled! How about an adventure?"

Social Rank: 6
Concept: Curious Adventurer/Protective Brother
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 25
Birthday: 1/10
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Guard
Height: tall
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: bright blue
Skintone: tan
Obituary: Killing in Setarco, stabbed through by a huge shard of glass that almost looked like a shark's tooth. Weird, what sailors think of as art.
Description: Tall and handsome, Estaban is the picture of a strong gentlemen with a hint of mischief in his vibrant blue eyes. His skin is naturally tan but sun-kissed to be a slightly richer than some of his family. His lips are soft which is an abrupt shift from the attractive stubble he keeps on his chin. The man is very tall and his tanned body well defined from years of hunting, sailing, and training.
Personality: Estaban is a man of many mysteries but it is no mystery that he has a soft spot for his family, especially his younger sisters whom he is greatly protective of. He helped foster his sister's sense of adventure by dragging them out of the house and helping to spoil their curiosity. He offers them wisdom which can come as tough love but he is always adoring of them and is just as gentle as he is firm with them.
Sometimes Estaban is quiet and observant but he can also be charming and flirtatious. He puts his own happiness aside for his family, making sure that they are taken care of first. For his adored sister Arcelia he is a fierce guard, for his mother a loving son, and for his father an honorable warrior.
Estaban is a fan of sailing, adventuring, hunting, drinking games, and being a brat to each and every member of his family, Saik and Malvici alike.
Background: *Background: * For the first many years of his life, Estaban grew up in the Saikland Greens where he stayed and learned to hunt and cared for his family, learning the basics of diplomacy from the noble around him. While he was a boy he learned how to hunt and helped teach his sisters how to enjoy nature, putting them in trees, having mud fights with them, and doing other fun children things with his siblings.
When Estaban was fourteen years old his parents sent him off to foster his sense of adventure and desire to be on a boat. He sailed with many people but while his sister, Arcelia, was in Nilanza he often traveled with Argento sailors so that he could frequently visit her. He eventually taught his sister how to sail when her own curiosity consumed her.
When Arcelia left the care of the Argento's he went to spend time with the Malvici where he spent four years learning more about the military arts.
Relationship Summary
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