Lady Desma Magnotta
What do you mean I have to wait for someone's approval? I'm someone. I approve. So I give myself permission to move forward with my full support!

Description: A captivating blend of quiet command, confidence and a certain invincible, unconquerable air embraces the essence of this young woman. Standing at a height of around five foot eight, everything about her commands attention; from the set of her brow and shoulders, to the mass of dark hair that falls to the small of her back. Her smile, when shown, is vibrant and alive, and her complexion bears testament to her southern heritage; rich and warm with a smattering of freckles. Military training has blessed her with a frame that's slender yet strong, and she carries herself with sinuous grace.
Personality: Pragmatic and down-to-earth, Desma doesn't suffer fools lightly. If a person needs telling that they're acting the idiot, she'll do so directly, and to their face. That's not to say she's rude, it's more that she doesn't see the point in tip-toeing around a subject when, with a few well-chosen words, that problem can be fixed. If you're in her face, she'll swat you right out of it, and though some can find her manner a little abrasive at times, those with whom friendships are struck tell of a woman that's warm and loyal to a fault. Inquisitive, adventurous, ambitious, she sees her life as a series of goals that must be secured.
Background: Desma came into the world rather unexpectedly to parents who believed their family was complete with their first-born. The second daughter of Darko Blackram and Wendy Malvici, she was born at the Cloudspine where the family had retreated to following the outbreak of the Southport-Tor war. A handful of years younger than her sister, she grew up in Dora's great golden shadow, but whereas her sister had been doted upon as a single child and had duly become somewhat spoiled, her parents were better prepared a second time around.
Despite the heavier hand that her parents took in her raising, it'd be fair to say that Desma lacked for nothing in her formative years. Her tutors saw to it that she was pushed in her in scholastic and physical endeavours, and she enjoyed the love bestowed upon her by parents that all too often despaired of her sister's behaviour. She saw first-hand the misery and embarrassment that her sister visited upon her parents with her reckless behaviour, and she resented her for it. It was a resentment that was, in no small part, due to the fact that Desma also possessed an adventurous soul, but thanks to Dora's wild ways her own adventures were curtailed to days in the forests with huntsmen and wardens. She took what she could however, knowing that her own time would eventually come, and she learned to shoot a bow true, and to track and hunt the animals of the forests that lay around their home. It was on one such trip as she neared her seventeenth birthday that she found a fledgling osprey which she'd go on to take home and raise by hand. It would be difficult to say who is more devoted to who; the bird to Desma or Desma to the bird, but one thing is certain and that is that he is next to useless for hunting anything but fish. She's been told far too many times by her reckoning that she should have found herself a kestrel or a hawk, a bird that'd be useful, but those that suggest such find themselves on the receiving end of her ascerbic wit or subjected to a look that could kill.
So it was with Desma, as with others of the Malvici line, that she enrolled for her military service at the age of eighteen. Her affinity with a bow placed her firmly amongst the ranks of the Southport army archers and she served time on many occasions on the Southport Fleet. It would come as no surprise to anyone that sailing with the fleet would throw her directly into the path of her cousin Domonico, and she naturally held a great depth of respect for him, not only as her cousin, but as Admiral of the fleet.
Gradually she saw where her future would lie.
She wasn't content to wallow as a mostly insignificant and distant relative within House Malvici, so set her sights on being a bigger fish in the smaller pond of House Magnotta. Like her sister before her she pinned her colours to her cousin's house, but whereas Dora hadn't committed herself heart and soul, Desma did. She bears the name of Magnotta with pride and comes to Arx determined to do her utmost to see the small island cluster on the southernmost reaches of Arvum thrive and flourish.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Akamos | Lady of House Magnotta. Packs a powerful wallop. |
Andromeda | Osprey, Hawks, Raptors. The Bird Lady looks like she belongs with them. And she has Talons, too. She knows how to use them, and her beak is sharp. |
Arman | Seemed a little guarded or wary. Also seemed to think I was senile, deaf or both. |
Auda | I think she's outdrank everyone I've ever known, combined. That's saying a lot, given I grew up in the Lowers. |
Cecilia | Warrior. That much was clear when she walked into the Temple. She also has questions. Even if she buries them in so deep she doesn't know where to find them. |
Cerys | For an archer, she sure knows how to swing a sword. I look forward to our next spar. |
Corrigan | I've heard much of the quality of warriors that come out of Southport. I feel so bad for Tor now, knowing how intense even just one of them is. Now an entire army, with someone like Lady Desma at the head? I would instantly fall on my sword. |
Daria | A fellow archer, she maybe a noble but she also seems pretty laid back. I sense given time her and I could become good friends. |
Drake | Being an important figure in a small, building-up house is certainly a challenge. I can relate to it. But it seems my cousin from Malvici's side is up to the rigors. She has the same eagerness that I did. |
Duarte | An impressive archer who seems to hit every target she's after. |
Elora | Huffy, but frustration will do that to a person. Maybe she's happier when Splinter is behaving? |
Ember | Sturdy. Can take a lot of punishment. I'm not sure if she doesn't know when to quit, or if her body just doesn't allow her. |
Erik | She is a bold one, I will enjoy future verbal banter with her |
Esme | Beautiful, skilled, and everything a lady should be. We are going to be the fastest of friends. |
Harlex | Eager to fight. Always appreciate that in a raptor. |
Ilira | She stands out to me amongst others in the city, in her looks, in her manner, though less so in her choice of pet--everybody's got a bird nowadays! They complement each other, both gorgeous and ornery. |
Jaenelle | Lady Desma is a boon to her house and her people. I expect great things. |
Jian | Lady Desma is my guide to the many uses for chocolate. |
Kaia | Lady Desma is sweet and a fellow archer! I look forward to working with her in the future. We are family thanks to my husband, and I'm sure soon enough we'll be great friends. |
Keely | A capable archer, and a spirited presence. I look forward to voyaging with her. |
Kia | In life you will receive a few greetings given at first meeting that seem to reveal the future. This one will be a friend, they say, if fate there is at all. |
Lucita | A bond of common loss gives an unexpected connection. She is friendly, interesting, and can hold her own in conversation. I sense the bud of a growing friendship here. |
Lys | A great duelist. One hope's to duel with her again sometime. |
Mabelle | A delicate Lycene Lady with fondness to chocolate cake. That's a good omen. |
Macario | Dedicated soldier. A Minister. |
Mailys | Winner of the Crimson Countess' Steel Legs Award. A very nice surprise. |
Marli | She has a cool pet, comes from a place I've never been and seems down for adventures. |
Martino | Known her for years and she keeps me secrets close to her. Thoughtful and diplomatic person, not one to brashly chase after glory making her a fine head and mind on good shoulders. |
Mattheu | Fiercely protective of her family, a notable trait. Would be interested to see her in a spar, or perhaps a better drink. |
Medeia | The Magnotta lady is, much like her Malvici cousins, a force to be reckoned with. I never know if I will be fishing her out of danger or following her into it. |
Mikani | Seems to love drunken axe throwing. We shall be seeing a lot of each other. |
Olivia | I love her attitude, I hope to be able to get to know her better with time. |
Orland | I wouldn't recommend drinking against this Magnotta! Iron stomach! |
Oskar | This one reminds me of my near-brother Haakon, and she didn't even have to argue with me for that comparison. Amazing. |
Pasquale | A warrior of some talent |
Porter | I don't know Lady Desma terribly well, but I hope she fights all the people. Maybe even more people than those people! Live on the edge! |
Remus | A truly skilled archer and swordswoman from a House known for its extremely good warriors - obviously she continues the tradition. It was a pleasure to spar against her. |
Savio | A fierce competitor when drinking contests are afoot! Not to be trifled with!! |
Seia | She's very good at what she does. A fine addition to a circle of friends. |
Silvio | A wonderfully stoic young woman utterly unaware of how charming she is, which only adds to the loveliness, doesn't it? |
Silvio | Even bristling with weaponry, one could never mistaken her for anything other than the charming lady she is. |
Terese | She seems a sharp woman. She seems quite talented in many ways. |
Thea | My cousin is home! As is her molting bird! I'm excited to see what all she'll accomplish. |
Triton | Rather perturbed at her bird, but managing the creture anyway, if not always exactly to her will. She keeps trying, though, which is a good trait. |