Princess Bellamy Redrain
Oh, no, this is just too hard...

Description: Standing at a perfectly acceptable five-foot-six Bellamy is not the tallest, nor the shortest, Princess around. Her hair is a pale platinum that lingers just this side of white. Her eyes are a honeyed hazel color; green but with an amber ring around the pupil. Her lips are usually quirked up in a sweet smile below a dainty, upturned nose. Her lips are graceful and slender, lacking in muscle definition that many of the Redrain family might otherwise have. Her skin a pale that suggests she gets rarely any sun.
Personality: To say that Bellamy might be the sweetest princess you'd ever meet might not be far from the truth. On the flipside, to say that she is the softest Redrain princess you'll ever meet is almost definitely the truth. A kind-hearted young woman taking her first steps out of a sheltered and more than a little pampered childhood. She would never have an unkind word to say about another, and she would surely give the clothing off of her back to someone in need but she's not the most aware of the struggle of the common people. She's all full of bright smiles, grand gestures that help the immediate but not long term problem, and a heart too sensitive to take even the mildest of criticism. She's sweet, but spoilt and soft.
Background: Bellamy Redrain is the-later-in-life-child of a Laurent Lady turned Redrain Princess. As an infant they were concerned that she would not survive. For the first months of her life she struggled to draw enough air to breathe, but somehow she made it into her first year and then beyond. Her mother would remark that has a baby she was utterly determined to live... She should have grown into a woman with a steel spine. She should have grown up with the same sort of dogged determination as her older sister. She didn't. Nor did she grown into a person with the sense of adventure and wonderment that her older brother did.
No, instead, a cossetted, pampered, and perhaps just too sheltered, childhood lead to a soft, sensitive woman. In childhood while many Redrain princesses might have trained with the sword, or shield and spear, or perhaps an axe... She was not. She took an interest in it once, and it took quite the argument and persuasion with her mother to allow her to even begin her lessons. And as soon as she got the fainted of scratch (and started crying over it) she was forbidden to try again, and the tutor given a stern lecture.
And this was how it was for every thing that Bellamy might have pursued. As soon as it became a touch difficult she was either forbidden by her mother to continue or was allowed to stop because her mother couldn't bear her tears. And so, the only thing she became good at were non-dangerous things or things she had a natural aptitude to for; such as research (strictly in the archives, of course), and social interactions with others.
Indeed, if she weren't so kind hearted she might make a skilled diplomat.
However, even The Softest Princess can ignore the call of adventure and the excitement of Arx for so long... and after a year of fighting with her mother she was allowed to travel south and join her older siblings in the great city.
Name | Summary |
Bliss | Oh, what a pretty delight. A shy thing, but she has so much more to offer under the surface. She reminds me of someone... and that resemblance needs to be cultivated. I suspect Redrain has a little powerhouse on their hands, whether they know it or not. |
Clara | A very kind seeming Princess. I wish her well. |
Cornelius | A very nervous young lady. |
Domonico | Looks distinctively uncomfortable in a social setting where others are undressed. |
Hamish | The very picture of a sweet-natured Valardin princess. What do you mean 'Redrain'? Well, now I'm just confused. |
Korka | Everything I expect a Princess to be. Stylish, squimish, and not all that smart. |
Kritr | How does a Redrain Princess have such a weak stomach and so little experience with violence? She is going to get tougher fast. I hope. |
Liara | Pleasant company and easy to chat to, and while there are hints of shyness, she moves past them without undue difficulty. She took an interest in everything that had been in my mind and arose in conversation, without belabouring any particular point. |
Mabelle | My young and eager Redrain cousin. Radiant in nature as she is with her beauty. |
Martino | Mere mud won't keep me away from the blonde Princess' knuckles. Nay! Cleverly cautious with both their charm and those of us from the Lyceum. She'll make it, so long as the wall comes down every-so-often for us dearly fun ones from the South. |
Mikani | I always like a person who loves to help. They always seem keen on adventure. |
Nina | She's a talented actress who got into character quickly when we were practicing a play! She can pretend to be haughty but I suspect she is really quite nice. |
Orelia | So shy and innocent! There's no way that will last long. |
Poppy | A gentle princess who loves creatures and plants like I do. I so enjoy her company. |
Ras | Friendly, for a silk. But I've noticed northerner nobles usually are. Maybe she hasn't been messed up by the city yet. Her maid seems wise to shit, though. |
Shard | I think I might like her. Well, no. I don't know her. But she was enjoyable. |
Sunaia | Bashful, guarded, enjoys her wardrobe and showing it off. Either an excellent liar or horrible. Probably the latter. |
Sydney | Redrain is tough as nails, in my experience - except her. This one's about as tough as soap that's been left in a heated bath overlong. I'm sure she has heart, as most who pale at violence do, but it was certainly amusing watching her try to keep her dinner at the talk of crunching bone. I'd be lying it it weren't endearingly cute - likely not what anyone wants to hear as a grown woman. |
Viviana | Not cut out for Training Center banter, it seems. I don't blame her. |
Zoey | Poor nervous thing. Perhaps she needs a companion in social situations until she gets comfortable in public life." |