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Ceremony of Change and Virtues

As we await the spring and First Bloom, the Faithful gather to celebrate change. What is learned and given here will carry through to the First Bloom Celebration on March 20.


July 13, 2018, 9 p.m.

Hosted By



Cullen Victus Esoka Khanne Sparte Percephon Aureth Quenia Lucita Waldemai Lethe Sorrel



Arx - Ward of the Crown - The Palace - Palace Chapel

Largesse Level


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Lucita glances around as she makes her way into the area and with a smile makes her way toward a seat, her manner quietly respectful.

The strike of twilight, the splinter of sunlight as it sets, illuminates the stained glass windows to cast the chapel in shades of pink, purple, and blue. Disciples escort parishioners to the pews, each lined with individual silk cushions for comfort. Nearest to the alcoves, lining against the walls of the chapel, are massive golden candelabras which other disciples use a rod and wick to light the candles -- flooding the room in its warmth. An altar runner of white and gold with an embroidered snowflake has been set with two white pillar candles, each engraved with the pantheon symbols.

Lucita has joined the Pews.

Ailith has joined the By the Beautiful Altar.

Aureth has joined the Pews.

Victus would be trying to make the least amount of noise he possibly could on his entrance, leaving most of his retinue at the doors save for the Claw of Arx, who rests upon the Prince's shoulders as he's lumbering his way inside. The Thraxian finds himself a seat at one of the pews closer to the altar and settles in.

In the alcove dedicated to the Tetrad of the Arts and Science sits a young man, likely an apprentice houndmaster judging by his garb and Palace Staff ribbon. He lifts his pipe and plays a melody, so delicate and light, enough to be entertaining, but not enough to distract. The tune hints at a familiar hymn dedicated to Lagoma.

Lethe has joined the Pews.

Percephon enters the palace chapel for the ceremony, dressed monochromatic to allow the brightness of Khanne to shine. The pair walk arm linked in arm, having a quiet conversation between themselves that ends in. "... a vacation, please."

Esoka is assisting some of the Templars with crowd control. Offering directions to folk as they enter to help them find seats. She's in arms and armor, though her sword is peace-bound for the occasion.

Sparte has joined the Pews.

Lethe makes a quiet entrance. She takes a look around on her way to the pews.

Aureth has claimed a seat in the pews among many of the other Faithful, his hands folded neatly in his lap and his hair caught in a queue at the nape of his neck.

Khanne is dressed in fur trimmed white silk, a long gown complete with a hood that partially covers her wine-red hair, and at the same time makes it seem all the more vibrant in contrast. Arm in arm with Percephon, she starts to whisper as soon as they enter the chapel. "As soon as possible... I promise. Perhaps a trip to a warmer clime... for you..." She leads him, gently, to the pews in order to take a seat.

Khanne has joined the Pews.

Cullen arrives, following Quenia.

Sparte is just another face in the crowd, a face with little speckles of flesh-toned paint here or there on his face and hands. Mostly washed away from some earlier misadventure. He has a bright smile on his face, eyes on the musician as he waits attentively for the song to run its course.

Quenia walks into the palace chapel, dangling upon Lord Cullen Greenmarch's arm. She's dressed in her pink, glittery seasilk gown, and has her coif of black curls neatly pinned up with a pair of hairpins. There's a curious expression born on her face as she regards the palace chapel and anyone else who's already arrived. She smiles as she spies her cousin, Lucita, and gently steers Cullen in that general direction.

The sound of a door clicks and from the hidden nook arrives the Palace Seraph, crossing the front of the chapel to the altar. The hem of her white and gold robes sweeps across the floor, pooling when she kneels in a brief and silent prayer. Upon rising, Ailith turns to face and address the assembled, smiling wide.

"Cold day, isn't it?" Mirth creeps up to her eyes which squint when she chuckles and grins. "On winter days as these after duties, most of us would scurry home to gather about the fireplace. This was a cherished time for me as my family would huddle together and we'd talk about our day. It's a tradition that I see even here in Arx. Some with friends gathered at the tavern. Others with families to break bread over dinner. Or when we spectate our champions during duels. It's a time when we gather, talk, and in a way bask in the community of another." She pauses as her eyes sweep across the crowd.

Entering the chapel with his arm around Quenia's, the Cullen takes in the chapel with wide eyes and a rather pleased smile, following the Marquessa's direction over towards Lucita. Coppery beard and hair not mussed up for once, his green and black leather and silk coat is unbuttoned upon reaching the warm confines of the palace.

3 Thrax Guards, Teonia Redreef, Aryka Wyrmfang, Marquessa Pudding, a pudgy puppy arrive, following Sorrel.

Lucita gives a little nod as if in silent agreement with Ailith's words, listening carefully.

Quenia has joined the Pews.

Percephon has joined the Pews.

Sorrel has joined the Pews.

Esoka has joined the Back Pews.

Esoka shoots Ailith a bright, warm smile, then settles herself now that the crowd is mostly seen to. Keeping to the back pews where she can be watchful.

Ailith gestures to all gathered in the chapel. "Even a community like this one. On a time as this, nearing the cusp when winter's snow melts in favor of spring's warmth, it is an opportunity for us to prepare for change and consider the past year." She strides down the center aisle to look each person in the eye, very briefly and warmly. "We've failed and we've succeeded. We've quarreled and we've made peace. Much is life ever the ebb and flow. Much is the struggle to embrace our lives. How might we more embrace change? How might we accept change and better ourselves?"

Cullen has joined the Pews.

Waldemai is perhaps not the sharpest marble in the chapel, but Seraph asked a question. "By learning, maybe? You make a mistake, you heat the steel to hot so it melts, you melt it all down and start again and don't do that again. Not less you want a cuff round the ear from your master."

Quenia's eyes settle on Ailith as she speaks, and oh boy has Quenia's life had a major bit of change this year! Her gaze is intent as she listens, and then peers around at those who are offering comment. She presses her lips together, and gently folds her hands in her lap.

Ailith remains silent to permit the rhetorical question to be considered while she strides back to the altar. She turns and continues. "By the grace of the Gods, we are their will. What guides our souls are the Virtues which the Gods of the Pantheon represent. If you may recall, Legate Orazio not long ago addressed on this very topic. These Virtues are what make humanity ever so unique. We change as we grow and learn. Sometimes wiser, sometimes asking for patience to understand the wisdom. Sometimes, we get cuffed on the ear by our master or Grandmaster to learn how to do it better or again." She grins at Waldemai. "Sometimes you learn to accept the Wheel of Life and let go. Life is far too short. There's a time for sorrow and a time for joy. But tonight, it may be a time to grow." She motions in front of herself.

"What I offer you today is a Virtue. If you approach and speak to me of what change you are struggling with, what plan or goal, I shall advise you on a virtue. In the coming days before First Bloom, I invite you to speak on this topic with your friends, family, Godsworn, and disciples. Learn what that Virtue means to you and how it may improve your situation, your goals, or even yourself. Use this opportunity to embrace change. When we meet again at First Bloom, I shall have a seed for you to guide you further along your path."

Sorrel has slipped in quietly with the biggest change in her life snuggled in a baby carrier against her chest, snoozing with a tiny knit cap on his soft black curls. She silently takes a seat in the pews.

Sparte nods in easy agreement to Ailith's words. They resonate with him, earning her an appreciative smile and quiet attention.

Listening intently to Ailith as the Seraph speaks, Cullen's grey eyes remain fixed upon her as scarred hands upon a knee, considering those words with face inclined downwards ever so slightly, brows furrowed in contemplation.

Khanne whispers something to Percephon, but then contemplates the question posed. She hmms, thoughtfully, looking around to the others as if to take their lead. Looking to Percephon again, she asks, "what do I need to change?"

Esoka has joined the line.

Lethe has joined the line.

Sparte has joined the line.

Quenia has joined the line.

Lucita glances along to the others at the bench and murmurs. "There is always something one can seek to change or understand if you think hard enough." She quietly rises and gets in line behind her cousin.

Lucita has joined the line.

Nodding in agreement with Lucita, Cullen stands and silently gets into line after her.

Cullen has joined the line.

Esoka stands, squaring her big shoulders and approaching the Seraph. Step measured, like she's going over something in her brain with every step.

Turn in line: Esoka

Esoka bows her curly head to the Seraph, when she's reached the altar. "Hello, Seraph. The change I struggle with is one I know I should make. That I want to make. I'm restless about some things in my life and want to seek a new path for a time. Further explore parts of myself I've put aside for duty for a long time. But I fear that, once I take this other path, I'll lose the other parts of myself. The ones I've held onto for all these years, and still love. And always shall."

Sparte rises to his feet, hands in front of him. He idly scratches at an off-tan paint fleck on his knuckle as he steps towards forward. Then to the side, to respectfully and preemptively make room for Esoka to pass.

Quenia rises from her seat and joins the line of people who are willing to declare their struggles to changes in their life.

Khanne has joined the line.

Sparte has joined the line.

Quenia has joined the line.

Cullen has joined the line.

Khanne has joined the line.

Ailith bows respectfully in turn to Esoka, carefully considering what is said. "I would have you consider the virtues of Love and Mercy. Love is a virtue which endures and transforms us -- the love of who you are now and the love of who you may become. Mercy is a virtue, to me, to be kind to yourself and accept by change. If we do not change, we remain static and never grow, forever caught in that long struggle of what if. Learn to love yourself and give yourself mercy as you decide." Her eyes lift from over Esoka's shoulder toward Aureth, then back to the young knight. "But, too, I would look at what the Wheel represents. For every ending and its loss of what is left behind, there is a new beginning, a new you. What is behind you will always be in your heart -- Love."

Lethe decides to join the line, but then changes her mind and sits back down.

Acilius, 2 House Mazetti Aspirants arrive, following Valerio.

Esoka leans forward to hear something softer from Ailith, nodding firm. "I will, Seraph. Thank you." She moves back with that, to make room for the next.

Ailith grins at Esoka, squeezing at her sword sister's shoulder gently after whispering, then steps back to motion the next person in line to approach - Sparte.

Sparte steps forward, giving Esoka a small smile before turning to face Ailith. He glances to his hands, shifting them to his side and attempting to straighten himself before speaking. "I have been struggling with faith. Not in the gods, seraph, but in myself. I have been trying to change, to be someone more deserving of the faith I know others have in me. I have yet to silence the doubts and fears that I might fail them." He lets out a slow breath, offering a shaky smile. "But I am trying."

Ailith furrows her brows, the concern softening her eyes when regarding Sparte. "Self-doubt is difficult to master. Wisdom is the best Virtue. Our doubts are echoes within ourselves to break down our resolve. You have the patience to endure and the honor to try and uphold your vows. But you haven't learned the wisdom to see past what those doubts are rooted in -- to peel back every layer so you can put it at rest and becoming certain of yourself. Wisdom is not solely in books or scholars. It can be found in the advice of a friend, by observing others who are likely going through the same struggle and learning how they endure, defeated the doubt, and grew. And also, Love. Learn to love yourself and see what we all do."

Quenia moves forward with a quiet grace when her name is called. She studies Ailith a moment, and she says. "My life has been fraught with all sorts of change this year, particularly the moment when the Inquisition asked for my aid with the situation regarding the man known as Aurelian. Ever since that situation I have found myself second guessing my ability to trust other people." This she speaks loudly enough and boldly enough for others to hear, not at all afraid to admit this is something she struggles with. "How could I not know that the man that I was going to marry was a traitor? Who else might be? I try not to let it define how I act towards others, but I cannot be certain I don't." She bites her lip a bit as she waits for Ailith's reply.

Those two words are mouthed silently at first as Sparte finishes listening, then more audibly. "Wisdom, love..." He glances back to Aureth at the pews for a moment before returning his attention to Ailith and dipping his head to her respectfully. "Thank you for your guidance." He backs away, again shuffling to the side so as to avoid being in any of the other people heading to the altar's way.

Aureth cocks an eyebrow in return for Sparte's glance, his expression otherwise unchanging from its more or less composed neutral.

Ailith murmurs quietly to Sparte, nodding when he responds, before stepping aside to permit Quenia forward. Those words carry no surprise from the Seraph. Her eyes steadily meets the Marquessa's. "Betrayal can not only shatter and shake our Fidelity, the trust broken, but it can injure our hearts to accept any once more. If we remain distrustful of others, we lose the opportunity for good to enter our lives. And I say this as one who aided the Inquisition with this situation." There's a long pause to consider. "Patience, I would suggest. Patience is needed not only for yourself but by others with you -- to give you that time to mend and heal your heart. Wisdom is another, in understanding that because one person betrayed you that does not mean everyone. There are many in this room and among your relatives that had to undergo this consideration after Brand and the Silence. Patience and Wisdom will lead you to know when to accept Love and Joy to trust again."

With a quiet exhale over breath from between his lips, Cullen approaches Ailith with humility and an air of respect towards the Seraph, head bowed. "Seraph Ailith...this position I hold as the Sword of Greenhaven is one I was never prepared for, never asked for. I gained it through heavy loss to my family, and the weight of that knowledge burdens me daily. I want to bring honor and dignity to my House, but I fear I am mired in the past - I want to honor my cousins who have returned to the Wheel, without viewing this duty they held before me as a constant reminder of grief." Pausing for a moment, the Greenmarcher makes a slight gesture, "I would greatly appreciate your wisdom in this, to take joy in my responsibility, as well as feeling as though I am properly honoring Lady Eirlys and the Niamh." Afterwards, he quietly waits, hands folded before him.

Quenia inclines her head lightly at what Ailith has to say, and looks somewhat contemplative over the matter. Yet, she seems to linger a moment as the Seraph speaks a quiet word with her. She presses her lips together and responds back before returning to her seat and folding her hands in her lap once more as she waits to hear what the others have to say and what counsel they receive.

Ailith whispers a little with Quenia, her eyes softening when she speaks, before a tad reluctantly stepping away. With a motion, she calls forth Cullen and listens, transfixed by his tale, and the knit between her brows deepens. "There are many before you who carry survivor's guilt, feeling the burden of the legacy and mourning those who have departed. Sorrow comes and goes, striking us when we least notice. Through Lagoma and the Queen of Endings, we learn to know this time in our life can and will pass. I'd have you consider Joy and Honor. Both in hand, you may learn that honoring one's legacy doesn't mean it requires sorrow. You can find joy in being you. No one expects you to be as those who have passed. I recall how it was for Dame Leona shortly after Lord Commander Dayne had passed. She carried his shield and honored all the vows, what he represented for the King's Own, but did so embracing it her way. I'd also have you consider the Wheel by learning when one time ends, a new one begins. One of your own."

Dipping his head to Ailith with a grateful look, Cullen murmurs a near-silent, "Thank you, Seraph Ailith. I will take that wisdom and ponder it," before taking a seat back in the pews once more.

Khanne smiles at Percephon and rises from her seat in the pews to approach Ailith. "Seraph," she greets with a nod and a smile. "Um.. .. probably not good at this... you know.. given.. anyway.. Change. What I am trying to do is... let go. I put a tremendous weight upon myself to help as many people as I can, and... I have discovered that I am not some sort of super human with unlimited time. But, saying no, I am sorry, I don't have the time, or entrusting others to take care of something is.... difficult. So..." She nods a few times and says, "that is my personal focus for change. Taking on less, relying on others more, and being okay with it..." She purses her lips together and twists them slightly to the side, looking a bit sheepish, even glancing over her shoulder a little self-consciously at the others in the chapel.

Acilius, 2 House Mazetti Aspirants leave, following Valerio.

Ailith grins a little at Khanne and appears to have a swift reply, as though anticipating this request. "Lady Khanne, this has been the struggle. But how is anyone to learn if you do it all yourself? Two virtues -- Wisdom goes hand in hand with Patience. You've become the teacher whereas over a year ago, you sought mentoring. This is a change, not only for your benefit, but your students. Learn to delegate and accept while the task may not proceed as you choose, it is an opportunity for others to learn and understand. But," she chuckles, "also in that patience have the wisdom to step in when matters become increasingly headed down the wrong path. I would look to your husband, Lord Percephon. As a senior scholar, he has had to delegate other tasks he may have done as a student so they, too, may grow wiser."

Quenia whispers a few things to Cullen and then rises from her seat to leave.

Quenia has left the Pews.

Khanne smirks a little and gives Ailith a nod. "So, Perce was right and I somehow need more patience.." She chuckles then and nods. "I do look to him, often." And she does so just then, with an affectionate smile before she quiets and listens to Ailith. Before she departs, she gives the Seraph a hug, then rejoins her seat.

Lethe takes her place back in line and looks around nervously. "I'm struggling with some things. It's maybe that not enough change is happening in my life. So many exciting things are happening for my friends and family, and I feel like I'm left behind a little. So I want to make a change of some sort. I want to do something different and exciting, but sometimes I have too many ideas and no idea where to start."

Sorrel has left the Pews.

3 Thrax Guards, Teonia Redreef, Aryka Wyrmfang, Marquessa Pudding, a pudgy puppy leave, following Sorrel.

Ailith accepts the hug and ruefully shakes her head when parting from Khanne. Their softer words carried by whisper leave a smile on the Seraph's face. Her eyes then notice Lethe and she motions the young woman forward. Gentleness softens her smile as she listens intently. "It can be a tad daunting when comparing yourself to others. Your focus turns onto yourself. Your ideas may seem lacking enough to create doubts which inhibits you from moving forward. We all, from time to time, may find ourselves in this stasis. Wisdom and Freedom, Goodwoman. Come to understand, we are who we are. We are not measured by others, but of ourselves individually. Reaching this wisdom to bury the walls takes time. Freedom is by giving yourself permission to make a choice and accepting what comes of it. Wisdom ties into that decision for you'll look at your ideas and attempt to see where you may move forward. When we cannot discover this for ourselves, we can seek the answer in each other, by those who may have a similar interest in your pursuit. Listen to their advice, consider the consequences, if any, and discover what sparks you the most, then chase it with your whole heart. Let yourself be free and let go of those walls."

Lethe nods once she listens to Ailiths' reply. "Thank you." She then returns to her seat.

Lucita nods to Lethe as she steps down then moves to quietly speak to Ailith in a low tone of voice.

Ailith grins to Lethe as the young woman departs, then prepares for Lucita. She crouches to hear the Baroness and considers a reply. "Love and Charity." It is thereafter, she whispers further.

Lucita listens carefully to what Ailith says and gives a warm smile, then nods. "That sounds like something I can try to do. Thank you."

Ailith extends her hands, reaching to Lucita's for a gentle squeeze. "Tomorrow," she emphasizes before releasing. When she looks about, no others remain in line and she returns to the altar. "What we have shared and heard leads to an evening of consideration. To each of you, I've quietly suggested people you may seek. I sincerely hope you do or use that example for those closest and more well-known may do the same. First Bloom is in a week so have patience with yourselves." She grins a tad, then gestures to lead into a prayer. "We shall end the ceremony with a prayer to the Gods of the Pantheon, thanking them for their Virtues and how by those virtues our souls are enriched." The disciples join in the chorus of a hymn, leading into a traditional prayer of Virtues. The young apprentice adds to the harmony, his pipe becoming a soothing tone to the faithfulness displayed.

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