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Action by Redrain for Forgetfulness Plague

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 8, 2024, 9:14 p.m.)

With the fallout of the battle at Harrow Hall, Donella rallies humanitarian aid from the scrappy and can-do-spirited Northerners. The displaced and wandering amnesiacs must be provided for, stably housed, reintegrated, and given purpose. They must be made whole in so far as that is possible. They must also be debriefed so that the pattern of how they came to be as they are can inform the preparation of a strategy to deal with the Devourer, who is surely linked to their condition. If nothing new is learned, at the very least they will have done good work by bringing people in need back into the fold.

Using her skills in leadership and diplomacy, Donella sets a plan in place to organize the vassals and delegate duties to ensure all these needs are met by inviting/entreating/haranguing vassals of Redrain to take part in some facet of this work. She doesn't say that anything bad will happen if they do not... but the seriousness with which she treats if strongly implies something very well might.

Gwenna works to make sure the Northlands can handle and absorb the influx of refugees from a resources standpoint. She makes it known that the other Houses of the Northlands may have economic assistance from House Redrain, as endeavors like this take not only time, but silver to accomplish. There are few things more important to her than the people of the North and she makes sure that there are ample allowances available to coordinate the collective efforts.

Magaen extends an offer for the resettlement of refugees in Glacial Grove, where there are homes available (though in varying states of neglect) and jobs aplenty, particularly in the rebuilding and reconstruction of the holding's infrastructure.

Mirk commits House Halfshav to resettlement of refugees, and he makes time to greet them in Whitehold personally, where speaks to some of the refugees about their experiences. He acts as shaman, offering spiritual guidance and reassurances, and offers thems ympathy, but any insight he gains as to what is happening will be filed away and compared with other records in hopes of shedding the slightest bit of light on what is happening in the Northlands. After all, he has to be concerned about all of Halfshav's people, and whatever is happening to spread this Forgetfulness Plague is a concern to them all.

Rosalind will talk to the refugees, a friendly smile naturally on her face. She will offer them refuge at Stormheart if they wish it, shelter, food. To be that listening ear.

Marquessa Umbroise Acheron joins the effort in seeking to provide shelter and purpose for those who are lost or frightened. She'll open the gates of the City of Aviaron's Peak, and find as many of them as possible positions in the city. Using her charm and skill with people, Umbroise will do her best to ensure the people have shelter, sustenance and employment at the very least. If the city runs out of room, she will organize the people who can't fit into the city, seeking out the ones that seem most likely to be leader-types, and encourage them to build new settlements within sight of the walls of Aviaron's Peak, granting them lands to tend within the March. She'll develop programs to assess the skills and talents of those who seek shelter, and ensure they are organized into groups designed to build these new settlements. This may in turn result in new baronies being formed within the March of Aviaron's Peak. She'll of course also be keeping an ear open for any rumors of what happened to Ruin, or where Azazel might be currently.

Ann extends an offer for those that wish there is room in Riva for them to make a home once again. She has access to offer transport over the river to get there. They would be welcomed. Jobs offered and new families could be made.

Cadern will ensure Blackwood will take on a share of refugees, some of them being settled into existing territories as well as sending rangers to reclaim parts of the woods previousy ceded to the Horned one in previous conflicts. Personally he and his staff will do their best to make notes on each and offer to investigate what he can of their pasts and names, as well what they remember. Names and descriptions and what are found are shared across region where possible to ensure perhaps in the future lost ones and loved ones can be reunited.

Titus, the Duke-Consort of Halfshav, brings his unique cultural insights and organizational skills from Sangris to support Donella's humanitarian initiative. Drawing from the Sangris tradition where each individual's role is integral to the community's survival, Titus implements a methodical approach to reintegrating the amnesiacs affected by the Forgetfulness Plague.

His strategy involves conducting comprehensive aptitude tests to gauge the skills or latent talents of those affected, regardless of their memory loss. By identifying their potential strengths and areas of proficiency, Titus aims to assign them to roles where they can be most effective and feel a sense of purpose. This careful placement not only aids in the community's overall functionality but also fosters a sense of belonging and self-worth among those who are struggling to find their place in this altered reality.

In addition to this practical approach, Titus incorporates the power of music and storytelling into the rehabilitation process. Recognizing that melodies and narratives often strike a deeper chord within individuals, he organizes sessions where songs and stories are shared. This is done under the auspices of the gods Vellichor, Petrichor, and Gloria, with the hope that these artistic expressions might resonate with the amnesiacs, triggering latent memories, or at least providing comfort and a sense of connection.

Titus's involvement also emphasizes the importance of a safe haven for these individuals. He works closely with the Redrain vassals to ensure that the amnesiacs are not only employed in suitable roles but also feel secure and valued within their new environment. By integrating them into the community with clear roles and responsibilities, he helps create a stable foundation for their new lives. One must have a foundation if they wish to build a prosperous and long-lasting house.

Overall, Titus's support is there in the successful implementation of Donella's plan. His experience and empathetic approach might be instrumental in giving the displaced a new sense of direction and belonging, aiding in their recovery while contributing to the community's resilience against the challenges posed by the Devourer.

Well, it goes well at first. They are able to put in a great deal of humanitarian aid and see for the refugees arriving, helping most get settled. There's a great number of wounded among them, and some start to recover their memories, recalling an army raised by Azazel, a huge one, full of abyssal shards.

It does not take terribly long to confirm the existence of this army. Though 'huge' is unfortunately an understatement of the vast horde marching south through the Everwinter.

It's at least a million shards. At least that's the rough guess of scouts, as they can't see the end of it, and it just stretches into the horizon from ever vantage point they look at. It's a slow moving force, but it's clearly intending to sweep south through the Northlands and exterminate everything, wash over the domains and crush any defense on its way to Arx. Even at full muster of everything in the Northlands, it would be extremely badly outnumbered. Perhaps a stand at a narrow pass, a river, something to prevent the enemy from using the weight of numbers could stall it, but even then, numbers would likely still tell. Perhaps they could hold them at Farhaven, with its walls. But perhaps not. Nothing might be able to stop it, which is why a lot of refugees are still heading for Arx, in the vain hope of the strongest possible defense.

But one thing is for certain. If nothing slows that army, it's going to kill thousands upon thousands of refugees and smash every smaller domain before they could be evacuated. Hundreds of thousands could die. The entire Northlands could be exterminated.

It's something they have not faced since the Reckoning, not truly. Though perhaps more than any other domain, Redrain is willing to stand and fight if Donella wishes it.

To the Last.

Action by The Prismatic Order for Forgetfulness Plague

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 8, 2024, 8:46 p.m.)

The Prismatic Order hits the books.

We know that Azazel absorbed Fable, Ruin, and Legion. What we want to know, is what does this mean? How does this affect Azazel and how might be different? What strengths could he gain and what weaknesses might come along with it? Ultimately, he must be defeated. So do this, we need to understand who we are facing.

So, the Prismatic Order will comb through information. They will dust off old texts and seek understanding through whatever means inspires them. Maybe there's something out there, that will tell them more. As their own adventures takes them to different places, it gives them the opportunity to look everywhere.

Fortunato has a lot (a lot) of wild ideas, but this is not what they need right now. Where he can, he'll look for anything thematically relevant to intersections, archfiend absorption (gods, has this EVER happened??), reconfigurations in gods and their reflections, limits to absorptions, aaaanything. Where he can't, he'll have his old pal and assistant Ugarte collate. Certainly Ugarte should not be adventuring out in the woods. He's a purely urban fellow.

Time for the time-honored Aleksei tradition of figuring this out: hope that he luckily stumbles on the right tome. At least the Archive is more full these days, and even if this is an entirely unprecedented situation, maybe people have theorized? Or maybe there's records of this happening on a lower level (demon eating demon, etc.). Let's see if they can find it!

Faye has access to a lot of old records in the back rooms at the House of Questions. There are boxes of records from her father's time, as well as from Shreve's time. While mentions of Azazel might be excised, mention of the others may not be, particularly in accounts Inquisitors may have have had with those evil forces. As usual, it's often a matter of reading between the lines and trying to see what used to be there.

Research is something that Ann is good at. She will use her resources such as Inquisitor and Iron Guard to see if they have any information she might have missed in the old texts or if there are other ways to find the information that they seek.

Tikva will apply her inquisitorial skills to the problem and dig through all of Laric's weird-ass stuff in the old refectory and in his office while the others are prowling the archives. Surely between Vellicor's knowledge and the occultist texts and notes that have been accumulated over time they'll be able to sort out some kind of concrete plan for dealing with Azazel.

Keely can read! But everyone else has that covered, so she will use her social skills to schmooze and charm whichever scholars, Inquisitors, librarians, etc. that might hold the key to finding what team Prism is looking for.

While Khanne meditates, searching for answers in her soul's memories a bit related to these very questions (Action 4942), she also will seek more information on Azazel. Has this happened before? How did it 'change the game'? What tools were in place to defeat him? Are there weaknesses we have not yet discovered? Were there plans in place to defeat or stop him? She'll try to see if the parts of her soul that Ylaria's memories reside in can provide any information that might be able to help her.

It's a start. Azazel has the power of a dark god now, but even at his full strength, Baalphrigor was defeated in battle and driven into slumber then sealed. Through research, they are able to discover a few useful strands that might have value. Or might not. But it's something to start. Something to work with.

In order to pass through the Thinnest Point into the Shining Realms, a being needs to take physical form and coalesce into a manifestation to pass. The Thinnest Point is large, perhaps twice as large as a man, but something needs to physically pass through- it cannot do so in an insubstantial state, for reasons related to the way souls pass through death. So if Azazel intends to enter, he must become small enough to do so, and be able to be physically attacked before he passes.

The combined forces of much of the world was able to bring Baalphrigor low, and every indication was the Archfiend of Tyranny physically manifested on the world was significantly mightier than most of the other archfiends combined. This is intensely problematic if he should arrive, but it does mean that if Azazel is in physical form, he could potentially be defeated by enough raw force.

Azazel was brought into existence, amplified really, due to a working by Pyrite, the Great Seal, who some know as Aldwin the forch Archscholar of Vellichor. Pyrite had the magic that led to his creation, perhaps he could unmake it, if he met Azazel in person. And perhaps, though a grim thought, his death could serve to unmake Azazel. Though considering the great seal's death would almost certainly release Baalphrigor, that might not be very helpful. If his death does unmake Azazel, Azazel is likely unaware of it or does not believe it to be the case.

It's not much to go on. Much of the answers about Azazel and his original construction would be with an old man in Eurus, who currently has the Dune Emperor and Prophet of the Sands trying to kill him. It's thin, but it's there.

Action by The Prismatic Order for The Breaking of the Despite

(Public Action, OOC Date: Nov. 15, 2023, 6:59 p.m.)

The reemergence of magic in Arvum doesn't just spell trouble; it also opens up opportunity. And with Prism discovered to be suffering from poison, hopefully this newly emerging freedom will provide them more room discovering a cure. And so Aleksei is going to ask whoever might willing and able to help in exploring possible routes to helping Prism. He knows that she's suffering from a poison related to Legion, based on the skittering he saw inside of her. He knows that Triscali, one of Prism's past lives that she split off from herself several years ago, was bitten by a centipede at the battle at Sungreet. And he knows that Triscali is now acting a bit...erratic.

Aleksei has an IDEA, which is related to the events that took place the night of the Eclipse of Mirrors: if a number of people choosing with all their hearts to sacrifice a dream could help to divert disaster with Destiny's awakening, could a similar logic be applied to a rite to cleanse Prism of Legion? Choices, after all, are the antithesis of Legion's power. Aleksei is going to be doing whatever he can think of to investigate and explore the basic premise, particularly now that he's crossed another threshold with magic and has a LITTLE more ability under his belt.

Fortunato is here to dig, obsessively, in the archives. To seek inspiration through sitting in odd places. To cross-reference, cross-dream, situate and re-situate. He's relying on as much intuition as old texts.

As Khanne travels in the Northlands for other purposes, she is speaking to many people, visiting many towns and tribes. She takes this as an opportunity to expand their research. Perhaps the Northlands histories will hold some information on the Poison of Legion... ways to help cleanse Prism of his presence. She's had some luck in the apst finding truths in tales and songs of old, perhaps she will be lucky this time as well.

Faye concentrates her energy on considering the black roses their group collected some time ago and they have been cultivating. She visits the greenhouse where they are growing, gently pruning them to promote health and growth, removing dead leaves and such, keeping them company. And sometimes she just listens to them, sitting with them and meditating. Considering their connection to Triscali, they may have some link or key their group can use. And as she meditates, she draws a mandala in simple pen and ink. The drawing is a circle of twisting vines and blooms, something like automatic writing, adding closer detail as she goes, where she will see what has developed in the end.

Tikva is a pretty good investigator at this point and carries the full weight of a senior inquisitor as well as her balalaika and her spellsinging chops. The archive is a good source, but so are the stranger resources held in the old refectory, and as far as finding a dream to spend, she is sure she can come up with something, individual and distinct but in concert towards that same goal. She will also provide musical accompaniment to help people on focus. I hear classical strains can help with this.

Denica is not a words person, but she's really good with pictures. She will see if there's any answers in art. She will hit the archives, galleries, anywhere she can find old art, diagrams, symbols, charts and the like. Talking to people to see if they've seen anything that might provide some insight and guidance.

Ann is really good at finding out things that others might have missed. She is willing to help in this investigation in hopes of finding the answers to perhaps cure Prism from their suffering. Her magic skills are min so she can at least do background work for others if needed so others could use their strengths in that way.

It takes a great deal of effort, but they *think* they have a ritual that will work. Aleksei's idea seems to have precisely the right resonance, though it is a certainty that it will have to be used with Triscali present, and attempting to find sacrifices that resonante with aspects of her personality and reign, that have meaning to her and remind her of the parts of her life when freedom was not a burden, and why her soul embraced it. It puts Triscali (and Prism) at great risk, and if the ritual goes badly, it could potentially empower Legion to act- while preventing Skald from acting in return, which would herald doom. But inaction carries more than its share of risks, so they think they can try.

Action by Redrain for The Thornweave Threat

(Public Action, OOC Date: Oct. 1, 2022, 11:49 a.m.)

"For every name, a village." These are words Gwenna has not forgotten, and she is certainly not alone in hoping to keep the people across the Northlands safe. House Redrain has spent the years since the Pirate War preparing their coffers for future threats, which this certainly seems to be. The goal is to defend the lands and keep as many people safe as possible. Gwenna's role is funding and making sure everyone is as prepared as possible for their endeavors.

House Redrain has offered to pay the up-front cost for up to two siege weapons in each fealty (Stahlben, Acheron, Charon, and Clearlake took the offer!), and plans to build watch towers and way-stations near their own outlying villages. These stations will be stocked with anti-itch salves and bandages, as recommended by Lady Eirene (who has offered to provide humanitarian relief to evacuated villagers), as well as snowshoes to help the Templars, Knights of Solace, and guards stationed in the North to traverse the landscape. These will give the additional patrols in the area places to rest and restock. If they can get their hands on some of the vine-weakening solution, that will be added. These stations are meant to watch for trouble and alert villagers so they might have a chance to get to safer holdings.

With the news of the disappearance of the entire village of Littlebreak, patrols will be sent to the farther-out villages. They are to request the residents consider temporarily evacuating to places closer to their main holdings so as to avoid the same fate.

The Physicians Guild has been given permission to make a base of operations in Redrain lands should they feel such a location would be beneficial.

The tl;dr: building watch towers/way-stations to watch for trouble & stocking those with supplies for patrols/Templars/Knights of Solace, funding defenses for Farhaven and the fealty houses, and evacuations of the most out-lying villages.

Donella is not the nice girl she once was. Donella actually cannot remember being a NICE girl, and having all her teeth. It's been a dark time, and she's pissed. These attacks happening now, on innocent villagers, with everything else happening out east does not work for her right now. NOT TODAY. And though she can boss people around like no one's business, she is still not a warrior. So to help Gwenna, Nell is going *early* to those little intransigent outlying villages on horseback and with wagons that she can get to, and say basically: "Get in, losers, we're going to save the North."

The Princess Consort knows they are invested in their homes and possessions, but home is where your people are. And people are being liquidated to strengthen the enemy, and the hope that their small settlements are too remote for trouble to find them is a forlorn one. "To the last" doesn't mean fighting to the death where you stand every time. It means as long as you have anything to fight with, people in this case, you fight -- and the North needs its people to persist for what's coming. So yes, it's an order: to get to their nearest feudal strongholds, to ride double, to pack grandma and the kids into the wains, to help their neighbors turn the goats and chickens out to pasture and do it NOW.

If reluctance is a matter of property (which is not actually under threat), she'll spend up to a million silver buying them out at generous rates. Hell, she'll carry someone on her own horse ("Horse"). However, those too stubborn to obey while she's putting her bacon on the line for them -- perhaps the North doesn't need that sort of stupidity, and she'll say so. Those she'll tell to keep a dagger to use on themselves in extremis, so they at least don't strengthen the enemy against those who actually want to live to fight like Queen Valeria.

Princess Agatha IS a warrior, and isn't shy about letting people know. Yes, the princess will contribute resources to boosting the outer defenses. Some things also need to be handled personally, and the ginger princess will certainly do that. Donning her armor (is she ever without it...?), Agatha will personally lead her share of the patrols. And when she isn't on duty she will be assisting with training and keeping up morale for the other soldiers.

Helena Redrain isn't about to let What's-Her-Name (the audacity of having the same name! Really!) Thornweave kill any more of the northern folks if she can help it. And while she isn't a fighter in the traditional sense, the princess has long said she will use her voice to fight against oppression, slavery, and the Traitor and his minions. And so she lifts it now -- to try to convince the villagers to move to where it is safer. To assure those who have fears and to encourage those who have hope. She speaks of their courage and their community, of the need to be united. To ask for volunteers to help those less able as they move from their villages to the strongholds. To organize those volunteers into committees -- patrols, scouts, medical, cooks, etc.

Helena would be sure to make a personal trip to Gulljar to ensure the safe retrieval of the enshrined Discordant Harp. She will speak with the villagers and explain the significance of the harp, as she believes it may be useful in the fight against both Thornweave and the Traitor. If possible, Helena will try to convince them to allow her to take possession of it, but if this is not possible, she will strive to ensure that it is in safe keeping among the most trustworthy of the Gulljar villagers.

Kenjay is a diplomat's aide and a man with an unusual viewpoint. As both a prince born to House Redrain and a former slave in a foreign land, he's in a unique position when it comes to persuading people of the Northlands that being a slave is not for them. He's going to be focusing his efforts on the Eurusi expatriates who've settled in more far-flung Northern lands - after all, inviting them in and then leaving them exposed to that sort of danger is just wrong however you view it - but he'll also be trying to persuade more traditional Redrain villagers to come in from the cold. There are some things that even the greatest warriors can't fight, and none knows that better than Kenjay.

The plateau supporting Glacial Grove has an unparalleled view over the Gray Forest, one that, on a clear day, extends as far as Bastion. Charon scouts are particularly trained to interpret the east from this high vantage. Their eastward focus will not change but, given the reports of disappearing villages, is more attuned to look for oddness that may have been dismissed as fatigue-induced in the past.

The watch towers and waystations are positioned along the north, east, and south of the holding in keeping with recommendations from Redrain and the Physician's Guild. The siege engine, gratefully accepted, is positioned to do what the crumbling curtain wall cannot - protect the castle from an enemy that may have the ability to use the grove to advantage.

Arthen Dayne's been away from the world for a spell, it's true, but House Redrain can always count on him to blow back in on the colds winds like a bit of good news in their darker days. He's here to help (well, he was here to fence off some things, but it seems help is needed) and as an 'explorer' he's been all over the north so he feels pretty at home helping to evacuate the outlying and in-danger villagers that need to be sorted and leading them to wherever it is they're going, likely tucked away behind the safer walls of their main holding. If there are Redrain nobles out there hard at work and risking themselves, like as not he'll help them to help other folks, he makes a dang nice right-hand-man when he's not off gallavanting around and leading his own crew on adventures into the unknown.

Once again, another threat looms on the horizon, and the drums of war have started their beating rhythm. Once again, the call has been made - and Morrighan has answered. For a considerable amount of time, the Sword of Farhaven has been silent and unseen, but has maintained a presence. Now, with the North and its people in need, threatened, she's stepped forward to fulfill her duty.

Protect and guard. That's been her motto since the beginning, ever since she swore fealty to Redrain so many years ago, and it's with that motto in mind that she returns to Farhaven. Donning her rubicund-fireweave armor mixture, Morrighan rides North to her adopted home with Demonslayer close at her hip - among the other multitude of weaponry she keeps on her person. Once there, she patrols the castle grounds, and keeps a close eye on the Redrain Nobles, prepared to act if any trouble arises.

One of the few things Deva is confident in her ability is to scout and fight. Years spent away from court and well-removed from society proper has sharpened her attention to such matters-- so these days find her, as Redrain's minister of war, personally involved up north to oversee patrols in the northlands and race to conflict. It's been too long since she has spent more than a brief moment in her homelands, and while this isn't the way she'd prefer it, there's a deep sense of pride in being back and working shoulder to shoulder with Redrain's vibrant people. So she prepares and coordinates with the keen minds of the fealty, escorting villagers to safer havens and ready to shoot evil in the eye when trouble inevitably comes knocking.

As minister of War and former Knight of Solace, working on defenses might just be considered Icelyn's "jam". She's also got the headstart of Aviaron's Peak and the lands under Acheron control being old, strategically located and rife with tunnels with which to build on and prepare.

So mostly she has to assess the current situation and just... tighten it up. An additional siege weapon to watch the pass? She'll take that. Address deficiencies in the existing defenses of different settlements? She'll do that too. Where possible it's not just about rehabbing the defenses and making it easier for patrols to move aboveground though.

Overland routes are subject to weather. Terrain (and much of that around Aviaron not exactly easy to traverse to start out with) can slow movement, and when a settlement is under threat... speed of reinforcements count. So where possible without compromising secure locations tunnels are going to be checked, rehabbed and brought into use. Stability and practicality, yes, but preparations will also be made for the unfortunate potential of an egress being overrun;- to seal off areas if needed to protect the greater whole. Aviaron's Peak has always had hardy and self-sufficient people, Icelyn's job is simply to streamline things and make them work with their liege and vassals to insure that if the enemy comes for their names, it'll cost more than they gain.

Relay stations need people, and people talk. Cadern whole heartedly endorses setting up relay stations, and sets to setting up a number of relays to extend around Blackwood as well and encourages people to supply and exchange with these watchtowers to ensure the messages are continual and ongoing to reduce chances of a series of them going 'dark'. One can never have too much time, too much money, or too many ways of getting information about attacks on towns. Cadern will do what he can to spread plenty of fun stories picking up older tales of heroic messengers, and those who watch the dark.

As Sword of Stonedeep Aksel has distingished himself in the past as one of the best warriors of the North. When the call comes out to assist, he's first in line. He will use his experience as a soldier and fighter, to help ensure that those that are doing tasks are well protected. Either through actively patrolling himself with other groups to provide guidance on how to best navigate the norths various terrains or ensuring that adequate resources are assigned to other groups to assist in being successful. He knows the threats of the North and will use whatever available resources he can to make sure as many people stay alive as possible.

Ann in being born a Redrain will use this to her advantage as well as being Duchess for a time to lend her voice to the patrols that are going out to the far out villages. She will persuade the villargers to come in closer to safety so they do not end up like Littlebreak. Safety in numbers after all. If supplies or money runs low in this crisis Ann will use her skills in economics to make sure the Redrain money and resources stretch and go far to where it is needed until the crisis is over.

Cillian, The Sword of Storm March hears the drums of War and answers their calls with the scouts and Caribou he's trained. Scouting along the pathways his team knows between villages and towers alike which border the Northern wastes. Organizing supply lines and planning for reinforcements when needed. He will do what us necessary to keep his home and lands safe.

While Darren Redrain is the High Lord of the North and has earned the respect of his people and his peers over the course of his rule, it is no secret that Gwenna Redrain is the one who usually makes Darren's plans into reality. Quietly, Gwenna has amassed a fortune for House Redrain through her careful stewardship and diligent work for her people. She is not just respected in the North. She is beloved. Many Northerners admire her for her ability to distinguish herself without ever needing to lift a sword or wade into battle. After all, why does she need a steel blade when she has a will of steel?

The project she undertakes for the protection of the North is daunting. The building of watchtowers and way-stations isn't complicated, just expensive, but Gwenna Redrain's stock of coin and favors more than amply cover such an expenditure, especially with Princess Ann to help squeeze every last silver out of their investments to complete the project.

The really difficult part is convincing those in the most vulnerable holdings to leave their homes for a safer location. It requires all the charm and powers of persuasion of her family and allies. Princess Donella, through sheer common sense, manages to convince a fair share that leaving behind their homes is only temporary and if they don't survive, they won't get to keep their homes anyway. Few can argue with her logic even if they really want to. Of course, with a presence like Aksel at her side, some who might have wanted to be stubborn find that they might just want to follow Princess Donella's instructions instead.

Helena Redrain has a somewhat easier time in convincing. She just doesn't take no for an answer and seems very willing to pack people up into wagons herself despite their protests. Of course, she would be doing these things -sweetly-. With Morrighan at her side to assist in the 'convincing', there is even less room to argue.

Prince Kenjay focuses on the settlements of Eurusi to be found in the North. There aren't many, thankfully, but they are far flung and take him into parts of the land that he might not have seen since he was a small child. It could have been dangerous, but, thankfully, he has Princess Agatha to accompany him and watch his back, particularly out in the wilder parts of the mountains.

Princess Deva Redrain, with her skills acquired when leading people during her time away from the Compact, has those skills put to the test as she ventures into some of the more isolated villages to help guide them to safer pastures. Almost quite literally as a significant part of the train of people that she leads through the mountains consists of sheep that no one is willing to leave behind as they are 'like family'. Arthen Dayne also lends his aid to the efforts, particularly in finding trails through the treacherous mountains that will be safe for humans, wagons, and sheep as well.

Lady Icelyn Acheron, Marquis Cadern Blackwood, and Countess Magaen Charon work with Gwenna's offer of resources and assistance to fortify their holdings against whatever might come, be it Helena Thornweave or some other threat. Their people praise their wisdom and feel much more secure should danger come to them, even as they pray that the efforts of their lieges will be unneeded.

The result almost seems miraculous. A system of watchtowers and way-stations is threaded throughout the North in record time. It's expensive, but most of the nobility and commoners can see the value in the increased communication and fortifications even if they weren't potentially going to war. Even more miraculously, the efforts of the Redrains and their allies to evacuate villagers to safer domains is stunningly successful. There are hold-outs, of course, but after all is said and done, the Redrain evacuation is one of the most successful of such efforts in the Compact, earning the entire family acclaim for their forethought. Even the Lycene have to begrudgingly admit that maybe this new generation of Redrain are far more persuasive than ever. Despite the winds of war blowing over the Compact, some whisper that this is a renaissance for House Redrain after so much suffering and loss in the past decade or so. Most point to Gwenna Redrain as the quiet catalyst for the growth in Redrain power and she gains a reputation in the North as someone who gets. shit. done.

Action by Kaldur(RIP) for Rebuilding Redreef

(Public Action, OOC Date: Dec. 27, 2018, 7:07 p.m.)

Some time ago the idea of improving County Pearlspire's infrastructure was seeded. The idea began as a military effort, improving roads to improve troop movements. Which would improve trade. And like the bit of grit that eventually becomes a pearl, the idea has grown and taken shape. And grown some more. Inspired by Lord Michael Bisland, the success of the Empyrean trade route, and encouraged by Marquessa Deepwood, Lord Kaldur has begun shepherding a massive infrastructure project - an overland analog to the Empyrean Route that will set a series of trade roads through Grayson's principalities and farther. /From Stormwall to Ostria and beyond!/ says young Kaldur, with emphasis on 'and beyond.'

When the planning is done and construction begins in earnest, Lord Kaldur is a man who prefers to lead from the front when he can. In County Pearlspire he will work tirelessly alongside the men and women (and horses!) of the Seliki Engineering Corps as they plan and execute the work laid before them. He is a steadying presence with encouragement and focus at setbacks and ready with praise for work well done.

(OOC: Recommended support is 100-200 resources for Baronies and Counties, 200-500 resources for Marches and Duchies; but any and all support is welcome)

As work proceeds all over the Compact, who knows what will be discovered!!

Lady Peri Seliki has a strong relationship with the prominent traders that already flock to Pearlspire's shores and has reached out to those that she tipped off previously to some lucrative opportunities on lumber. She gathers information from them on where the best routes would benefit from roads to add to her brother's efforts and arranges for them to get the word out to others, both to fulfill the gap in transporting materials to the workers and in preparation for the new network.

Considering that some adult supervision will be required, Kalani would be happy to go along and serve as a stand-in for said-adults. Chiefly, if anyone is going to build anything, someone is bound to get hurt in the process. It's a natural outcome of people + tools = broken body parts.

Samantha is wholeheartedly invested in this notion, especially with Old Oak (presumably) being one of the stop points on the road. She'll invest resources into its creation, and encourage the hiring of the March's population for all levels of its creation. She will also look into facilitating the formation of security for the road, and aid in the diplomactic and economic efforts surrounded projecting its cost to create and projection of its maintenance.

As a purveyor of stone, particularly granite and marble, Grazia is going to have stone shipped to the Selikis for Pearlspine. Some of the stone will be used for the very roads it is to be transferred along, but the bulk of it will be sailed along the coast to the actual port city to be used to build the harbor. This is an important trading endeavor, and Grazia expects that due to the long-term nature of the project that it will offer a nice economic boost for her quarries.

Aviaron's Peak rests atop a MOUNTAIN, which means its architects and workers have experience working in... the MOUNTAINS. So Rhea will consult with her stewards to put together a crew of advisors and workers to help with Kaldur's project, lending them valuable experience. Aviaron's Peak will also provide any necessary metal for the project at a discount.

As stewards and protectors on the roads of Arvum, and as followers of Gild who favors trade, civilization and hospitality, the Knights of Solace lend their aid to the project with the promise that it will feature a few Solace waystations and shrines for pilgrimage. Thena offers the Solace soldiers stationed near the proposed route for protection and manpower. She also sends resources and silver for the project. Once complete, the route will be added to the Knights of Solace regular coverage.

Ann believes in Kaldur's efforts for a trade route and signs Stormwall up, understanding that he needs support in many ways to see success in the long run.
*She puts her economic mind to use, saving Kaldur where she can and maximizing profits.
*Pours over paperwork with him to make sure no one is pulling a fast one on him.
*Assigns Crovane's reserves to patrol the route inside Crovane lands.
*Uses her Inquisitorial contacts to make sure no one is sharing the details of the road to those outside of the Compact for their own benefit.

Michael Bisland rounds up maps and engineers who know how to READ said maps to help a vassal in need. Or in want. Since Kaldur doesn't /need/ these roads but he sure does love to talk about it. So much. Just constantly. Leave me alone, I helped!

Grady is following Samantha's lead here, helping smooth the way for increased security and infrastructure between Pearlspire and Old Oak, ideally helping both domains grow stronger and more secure. He talks to people, he negotiates, he encourages the soldiers, and he keeps a careful eye out for any rising arguments, moving to help quell those as swiftly as possible.

Gabriel Bisland is encouraged by the younger generation's drive to see the Compact reach new heights. He adds the weight of the mighty House Bisland to the project. Not only to fund the improvement (or new construction of) roads in Pridehall, but so that the project over all might avoid the danger of dipping into the red.

Giulio will assist in helping those that wish it in building a uniform code / set of agreements to make the best money they can on this.

Stonewood is no stranger to road building, having recently refurbished the road to Pridehall that helped put them on the map. What's not on the map, however, is a great way to cross the river at Stonehearth. So in coordination with this network of roads, Malesh will oversee the creation of a bridge or ferry (whichever is more practical/profitable) crossing the Gray River not far from the docks at Stonehearth.

Recognizing the opportunities for trade and also for his house, Fecundo is lending his diplomatic skills to getting the project moving, working through any of the lands where the road is planned to go. It also doesn't hurt that he'll be able to point to the quality of output from the Gemecitta stone.

Etienne has a vested interest in the pursuit of the expansion of civilization, trade, commerce, and the cause of safe journeys. All of which are accomplished by a well funded and functional transportation system. Etienne will be contributing silver generously provided by the Faith as well as speaking well of the endeavor whenever possible to those that need help convincing. Etienne would indicates the funds are for the builders, and those that support them, soldiers, cooks, and the like. Etienne would also be on hand for cutting any ribbons with hilariously large scissors.

Eddard uses all of his wiles and charm to help speed along permits and coax constructions crews to take on the needed jobs. If Duskshire ends up on the new set of roads, thats not so bad, eh?

Lord Bedivere Whitehawk will be acting on behalf of his dear newphew (Baron Silas Whitehawk) to lead forth Whitehawk soldiers to help out on the road project for Lord Kaldur Seliki. Bedivere himself will be out there as a managerial force to help out every day.
He seeks the help of huntsmen and cartographers in the area to help map the road around mountainous and hilly terrain to connect agricultural communities.
Since gravel and paving is time-consuming and expensive, wood is used in these instances to limit excessive sliding on the steeper side of a hill.
Whitehawk soldiers are deployed to help with security and digging where soil is already worn away, close to the bedrock, so muck will be less of a concern.

While the Volkov Woods is one of the newer areas of the map, and that they may not come anywhere near the proposed current trade route - Ruslan is hopeful that someday, when the trade route starts to create the terciary routes, that the Volkov Woods would be part of this future. As such, he has created a small patrol of 150 troops to be sent to provide security and protection for the crews along the route.

Lady Rey Laveer, as Voice of Laveer and a Mercy has decided that roads are more than needed to connect trade routes, but as a side not would be good for movement of healers to farther reaches of Arx. And has offered her House's support as well as her personal support to the Roads Project.

Given the Twainfort's traditional seat as a trading hub due to its control of the fork of the Mother in the Daughter and Son Rivers, it's simply good sense to see that more and more overland routes from far-flung, land-locked Houses can reach Riven's ports and speed the passage of their goods along its way. Mia will work with a number of her advisors, particularly those most familiar with the landscape and locations throughout her County, and those recently joined Prodigals from surrounding areas of the Gray Forest to find the appropriate blend of transversible but also defensible routes through the woodlands.

In her role as minister of upkeep to Inverno, Mirella will be working on behalf of the house to aid Lord Kaldur's project. Alongside advisors from house Inverno she'll be investigating the safest and most convenient routes for roads to the island city of Caina and any surrounding settlements, as well as figuring out required costs prior to these roads being built. She'll share this research with the Seliki Engineering Corps and assist them in any way that's helpful and beneficial to Inverno and Seliki. She'll also be donating 100 economic resources to the project, representing Inverno's ministry of income rising to the task to provide funds.

Though their home is an out-of-the-way island, the Truesworn are often keen to participate in the broader life of the Compact. A grand project to improve the infrastructure of the coastal trade routes evidently meets with the Truespeaker's approval. Sudara duly brings to bear all the Setarcan know-how and book-learning she can muster, in guiding her people through work to develop Esterhold's internal structure and develop its external trade.

Tenebrae, a warrior above all things, will help in this endeavor by both allocating and commanding soldiers to protect the works, as well as using soldiers as workers on the Isle of Esterhold. They will be learning from the engineers as much as possible, while also ensuring no resources go missing, and protecting lives. This protection also applies to guarding the sea lanes to ensure the transport of resources, skilled craftsmen, and the money to pay them.

The Marquessa of Nilanza is happy to supply as much as we can of the materials and labor required for the stretch of road to be built across the march, if the engineers to see it through can be provided by other means. Then we, House Malespero, can contribute both economic and social resources to the effort, and to all upkeep.

Belladonna has received an invitation to take part on Kaldur's new efforts to build a more cohesive network of roads for commerce. She will be seizing that opportunity and trying to convince other lords, traders, merchants, crafters, etc, to join in with some of their own resources, thus investing much of her Social pull into this. She wants to make Setarco, the whole island, a place of culture and wealth. She will know places to avoid and where the roads should go through.

Lord Sebastian Pravus will be visiting Setarco during January of 1010 as part of some other work. While there, he will talk with local contacts to get an understanding of the breadth and scope of work needed to build roads on the island, as well as the best ideas for placement to assist the engineering corp. Additionally, he will assist the project by spruiking the benefits of a well-built trade road far and wide with his many contacts in Arx and especially within the Pravus lands to drum up additional support and interest in the project and its potential benefits to the local economy.

Following her sister's lead, Celeste is offering her expertise in terms of patrol schedules, strategic importance to areas, most likely to be ambushed here... that kind of thing. She'll further take effort to extol the virtues of this project to important and influential figures in Arx and Setarco.

Mikani helps Kaldur understand the unique location that is Redreef. She gathers funds and encourages the infrastructure project through out her Barony. Mikani addes in economic resources to help with the building of the roads and other paths knowing that anything can be useful.

Baroness Skye Blackshore is a founder of the Empyrean Trade Route. She provides all the mappings where the ships will stop along the way, providing recommendations for fortifications so that goods can be transfered from the ships to the land. Then she will using her mapping skills and knowledge of war to figure out potential ambush points and provide that to people who are going to managing security of this route. She will also use her economic skills to assist Duchess Ann with negotiating better building rates, using her woodworking and infrastructure talents to make sure they get the necessary supplies for building without spending to much.

Dycard is going to help out with the persuading of people that this is a good idea and one that should be supported. After all, roads help farmers get their produce to market as well as letting military forces travel much faster, and that has to be to everyone's benefit come tax-time, right?

Tyde lands are connected both by more traditional roads on Tyde Isle, but more often by more watery roads. Increased trade is good by land, but with goods arriving all the time and boats being a bit more infrequent but with larger cargo capacity than a cart, it is important that there are places to store the goods and efficient places to load and offload. As part of Kaldur's efforts, and to connect this large Grayson road network to the Empyrean and the Isles, Tyde makes land and resource available for the construction of proper warehousing and expanded stone piers to allow for efficient offloading, and offer this same expertise to help build them on the Grayson shores.

Mirk had planned something similar himself, so there's no hesitation when he's offered the chance to connect Whitehold and Cascade Springs to this planned network of roads. As the Minister of Coin for the Halfshavs, he brings some of his House's resources to the table: chiefly stone for the main roads, but also access to scouts with experience finding routes through the mountains. He acts mostly as a diplomat and negotiator, working with others to see to it that those resources are used where they'd be most effective.

Magnus will participate by guiding and assisting in the direction and protection of the roads approach to the Bonespire and surrounding winter wasteland. Utilizing his tactical and martial aptitude he will make himself available to personally advise on any potential known threats or Shav'arvani bands in the area's which they pass through as well as coordinate the protection of all participants with other collaborative members of the team, to include the usage of a detachment of assigned Bone Warden's.

With the building and improving of roads into the far reaches of the Compact, some things might be discovered-- or rediscovered that are best left alone or need a Shaman's expertise to navigate. Volcica will be lending all of her skills to this effort, making sure the spirits remain content in Stahlben's lands and as far out as she can help.

House Ravenseye will happily do their part to be included in a road project to try and make their remote area a little more accessible. Cadern will be sending out missives to Ravenseye and some of their neighbors to avoid any ruffled feathers and ensure things get handled amenably for the usually isolated northerners.

As Voice of Steelhart, Col will invite the trade road to Highhill and provide some military support and strategy as needed to ensure everything is kept safe.

Believing this to be a good endeavor for his house (roads are great for horses), Count Philippe signs up for the project. Alongside his officials, they lay the foundation for dirt paths, making sure to disturb as little as possible of their natural resources by routing the road system through ground that has already been used. Philippe is adamant about raising ranger stations for the Knights of Solace on these roads.

The Rivenshari know other roads, those of the water ways that move through the lands. Which is not a bad thing, they can use that knowledge to help intergrate the two road ways together as well as the roads that will run through Riva. Eshra puts her best minds to this, with the Knights of Solace already having a barracks in Riva and the trade routes that have already been established.

Sasha is gather up 500 economic writs, 500 social writs, and 500 military writs for the roads coming through Giant's Reach. She is also offering to aid with the spreading of the good word of the trade route.

As Marquis of one of the more remote holdings, Gaston is thrilled at the prospect of expanding the Roads and making Cloudspine more accessible. Aside from lending Blackram's political support for the effort, Gaston will also dedicate silver, and military resources to help protect the engineers as they work through expanding into the wilder parts of Arvum.

Cullen will work with his brother-in-law, Lord Alessandro, to make sure that the section of the road that will link Greenhaven to the network (by running along the south bank of the river and establishing a ferry system just west of the fork, ideally with the aid of Rivenshari river captain expertise) will be well-defended during its construction. He will take personal command of a troop of light cavalry and archers. He will also inform any other soldiers, including the engineers, where the safest - and most dangerous - places in the area lie, and how best to fight in the region.

As Minister of Upkeep for Greenmarch, Alessandro is eager to collaborate on a project such as Lord Kaldur has put forth. He will work with the Seliki engineering corps, as well as all other engineers who are assisting, to devise the best route through Greenmarch lands for the roads, perhaps partly running near the river as suggested by his brother-in-law, Lord Cullen, for easier trade with those houses such as Rivenshari and others who are at the forefront of maritime trade. He will also assist with bookkeeping, allocations of funds if necessary, and various economic portions of the endeavor, should it be needed.

The Voice of House Lyonesse takes a personal hand in the great roadworks project, enthusiastic for the potential of growth it can bring to Lyonesse lands and its people. Lady Jenessa temporarily returns to Lyon's Redoubt to assist, providing insight into the geography of the area as well as the best routes for travel. Not only does she oversee the exchange of lumber for proper stones for the road surface, she also plots out the route itself with the Seliki engineers and Lord Kaldur. Furthermore, the Lyonesse offers use of what sailworthy ships they possess to expedite the transport of building materials up and down the river to the surrounding holdings of those involved. Not only is time spent and investments made, but Jenessa further encourages the locals of Lyon's Redoubt to make the experience a memorable one for the visiting engineers and Lord Kaldur himself, throwing a modest but personal banquet for the guests of House Lyonesse and all the workers who put in time and labor.

Reigna had been planning on building roads throughout Oakhaven to stimulate trade and facilitate troop movements throughout the March. Kaldur's plans dovetail perfectly into this plan, and she shifts her focus from just Oakhaven to the surrounding areas as well. She will be contributing resources from wood and stone, to engineers and laborers to help with the construction.

Olivia will draft a plan for House Ashford's particiaption, along with providing some necessary material support. Given her area of expertise, she will prioritize roads in Ashford territory to provide good access to typical regions of agricultural surplus so that these products can be moved to market more quickly without risk of spoilage.

Lilia Telmar offers maps and recommendations for routes through the Temarch, with particular diligence paid to their placement in respect to pre-existing towns and trading routes. She's trying to find that sweet spot between maximum efficiency in road construction and minimum disruption to the people of the land, who might like to use the roads but who don't want to give up their lands. She's tagged a particular river crossing for the establishment of a new bridge, and indicated that it is likely to become the site of a thriving inn catering to travelers.

In an effort to bring more interesting people to Acorn Hill, and support the travel development plan, Tessa is personally funding the construction of an inn in the town of Acorn Hill, with stables enough for larger groups of merchants, mercenaries and travellers that may be passing through. The Golden Dame, as the inn is called, also keeps a very comfortable room always open and free of charge to any musicians or entertainers that are willing to perform for their supper so to speak. The HOPE is that this will make the stays for every one more pleasent.

Kritr will put people working towards a road in the land he controls to link it with the rest of the road system and accept whatever help of engineers is offered.

House Grayson will be taking advantage of the economy of scale of the overall effort to acquire the supplies to improve the existing roads surrounding Bastion and Arx at favorable rates, with an eye to planning linkages for future expansion to the ducal territories of the Crownlands.

Saikland Greens is a small area but a link and a junction along the path between areas to the north and Iasu to the west and Ostria to the south should the route extend that far. The route, if it succeeds, is an opportunity for networking with other houses and fealities, for enhanced trade opportunities. The mappers, guards and engineers provided by Lord Kaldur to begin the initial planning and feasibility of the route are welcomed and she accompanies them during one of her trips to Saikland to make sure they find places that do not disturb the farming and vineyard, existing businesses, have resting points with water, camping areas, spots near villages and military posts for protection and provisions. They plan out areas to avoid such as difficult stream fords, the small bog to the south that moving inland a bit can circle. Lucita adds some of her military forces to the group as they look over the areas to the south and north and around the perimeter of Saikland, careful not to intrude into Fidante Holdings but to see the locations and condition of any existing routes and trails, help secure the areas within and adjacent to Saikland and the number and location of any abandoned groups along the way. Her charm and propaganda skills can sooth the way and help persuade some to join the compact rather than resist and prey upon the merchants using such a trade route. Once areas are secured, she will assess to see if improvements to her docks becomes necessary.

Sabella is well aware of the issues that might come up with this road and so she is ready to be on hand to talk it up to anyone and everyone that wants to listen. And even those that don't want to listen, painting a picture for people of the Compact of safe, faster travel and trade, and trying to pitch it to the Shavs that instead of having Compact people traipsing their way everywhere through their lands this will keep them all in one place and hey, they can set up stalls to sell them products along the way and everybody wins! Yay roads!

Tikva thinks this is a terrible idea. She has been repeatedly insistent that it is a terrible idea whenever it has come up. However, a number of her vassals are insisting on involving themselves in it anyway, and despite her best efforts to persuade him and others otherwise, the help of House Grayson has been sought. It is not in her to refuse what aid she can offer in order to defray some of the hazards that she perceives in creating a massive overland trade route through lands that are not held by the Compact. She does what she can to ensure that any workers are actively protected by soldiery, that there are relay stations set up along the route that she believes to be an ultimately doomed project so that messages and emergency cries for help when the raiding parties come can help protect them. Tikva does not anticipate that her efforts will be able to prevent anything from ending in disaster, loss of life and potential deep economic distress for those houses embarking on an ill-advised venture, but at least if she does something to try to stave off some of the worst, maybe she can mitigate the damage to people who insist on failing to follow her good advice.

Niklas will mostly make jokes about how they should extend the road to Stormward. Like, hey guys, why can't we do a road to Stormward? This is a massive undertaking, but you know what would really make you guys legends? Uh. A road to Stormward. Really, he'll keep doing it until people are annoyed with him. But only the people who are actually working on the project. For everyone else the celebrity prince will turn on the megawatt smile and gladhand like the white hot grease fire of charm and charisma he happens to be. He's no good with a sword, he doesn't run his own domain and he doesn't have an army to offer, but what he does have are contacts who can help to make sure the money gets to where it needs to be and parts more easily from those who may be reluctant to turn it over. Call it monetary logistics. You don't need to know what you're moving, you just need to move it.

As Minsiter of Infrastructure for the Crown, Jaenelle understands the captial city is certainly a hub of activity. Arx will continue to assist where needed, making sure the roads leading to and from Arx are kept safe to the traders as well as making sure the steets themselves are kept free from holes, cracks, or anything that might make travel harder. Jaenelle's focus will be the roads directly around Arx.

Jennyva has been given permission from Duke Malcolm to sign Graypeak up for this project and contribute writs, time, whatever Kaldur may need. Her expertise is in negotiations and marketing and she ensures that the merchants know to use these new roads to their advantages.

As a capable steward and Voice for Blackram, Teagan has stepped up to oversee her family's participation in this expansive project. As remote as the Cloudspine is, such a road will be greatly beneficial. She will gladly see to aiding in what ways she can beyond providing what Blackram will for the connection of their holdings to the road: primarily with her economic skills.

Sir Andry Bayweather seems more then interested in the idea of helping connect the compact into a more unified whole and is helping arrange patrols with the Knights of Solace as well putting in work to arrange funding for any sections which otherwise seem to be neglected

Seymour believes an effort like this can only further enhance the trade network between fealties, to the benefits of trade at all levels. Seymour is ensuring that there are ample resources to ensure the holdings in Stormwall and Ashford he is responsible for can be a part of this, and to establish new trade posts for Oak Mercantile where the need for additional trade along the new route may exist.

The Great Road is easily one of the most ambitious projects launched in recent years in the Compact, though the scope is so vast and the current state of travel in the Compact is so dangerous that it verges on quixotic. Still, the bold ambition is embraced by scores of notables in the Compact, and ambitious or no, they get to work with the massive project.

There are numerous challenges. First and foremost, the traditional respect for the autonomy of every domain holder. The Compact has always had paths, or even rough mud roads between major thoroughfares, and the Knights of Solace have long patrolled many of the most popular, but the proposed brand new road attracts notice of every domain holder that they would pass through, and this is hundreds of them. The majority welcome the increase in trade... provided a) it doesn't stir up an Abandoned response and b) that they aren't responsible for patrolling it with their own funds. That is relatively little help, and they are happy to profit from it, if it is at no cost to them. A smaller number enthusiastically welcome it, and are EAGER for an Abandoned response, and are actively looking forward to doing battle with their hated enemies. Particularly in the Oathlands, there's talk about 'cleansing their lands for good and all', which goes well outside the bounds of a friendly trade agreement, and is more than a little worrisome. Some of the talk goes well past a little worrisome, in fact. And a very few outright refuse to have any new road built on their land, despite all reasoning, pleading, threats, forcing the road to be built entirely around some random baronies and counties that simply do not wish to risk any sort of conflict with Abandoned or increase the flow of riff-raff through their borders.

But with initial agreements signed up, then comes construction. This is thousands upon thousands upon thousands of miles of road to build a road that unites the different domains on somethnig more than dirt, often overgrown, hunting paths. The sheer engineering this takes in laying down the stones and creating the waystations will stand as one of the most remarkable marvels done in the Compact in centuries. Much of the land goes through Abandoned controlled territory, even if it is ostensibly owned by the Compact, but the amount of forces brought make most of the Abandoned steer clear aside from the odd skirmish here and there as the road is being built with overwhelming force. But the key words are 'as the road is being built'.

The good news is that trade spikes up immediately, and many of the traders in the Compact are absolutely thrilled to have better overland paths in order to move their goods when rivers are inaccessible or impractical. It's a boon many of the domains, and the economic consequences should be strong, in the long term. The bad news is that there simply are not anywhere near enough Knights of Solace in the Compact to patrol thousands of miles of road. Certainly they do what they can, but the raids start immediately, and in great force, and the losses from the Knights of Solace start to mount, even as caravans start to hire sellswords and travel in greater numbers for protection. Which in turn, has prompted stronger raids. Much stronger.

The Great Road is an economic success, overall, despite the raids. And fame comes with such a large, daring project. But the social and political consequences are another matter all together, and those will be forthcoming.

Action by Joscelin

(Public Action, OOC Date: Sept. 24, 2018, 12:59 a.m.)

[Prestige Boost for Previous Action #2101 and bb Vox Populi/85] It's one thing to bend your resources like a river changing course into a problem that needs to be solved, it's quite another for those efforts to produce more than what was intended. Joscelin put the might of the Crafters Guild into rebuilding Stormwall for exactly one reason and one reason only: the Commoners. It's common (ha!) knowledge that Joscelin feels the foundation of a society is on the back of those who make up the most of it, and she knew that if the city was to be rebuilt and the markets to stabilize, it's best to start at the bottom. Working with Ann Crovane proved not only fruitful, but astoundingly successful, creating a college of her own volition, slapping Joscelin's family name on it for good measure. The Arterius College has the hopes of many poured into it, along with the experience of Crafters who've joined the city's efforts to rebuild, as well as many Crafters who hail from the city and some that have relocated for the opportunities inherent in such a grand endeavor.

Ann is delighted that she was able to come through for Joscelin and even slap her name on it! As an addition, she sets aside some writs for the Coldrain Scholarship Fund that will see to it that promising thralls are accepted as much as possible.

Word does spread about the accomplishments, and much of the peerage has a great deal of admiration for the work by the Guildmistress of the Crafter's Guild and also Lady Ann. It's a stark reminder to many just who can build cities, when they really try. ((70,000 fame and 7k legend to each))

Action by Gwenna for Gyre Straits

(Public Action, OOC Date: March 2, 2018, 8:08 p.m.)

"Movin' On Up, To The East Side" - Gwenna has been asked by Darren to spearhead the evacuation of the people of Crovane/Stormwall who will not be part of the fighting. She has already received permission from Duke Asger for this up and will personally be going to Stormwall to gather/lead the people capable of land travel (those who remained after the previous crisis via Donella's on @action 1669). She will be enlisting the help of others to aide the evacuation in a variety of roles, such as serving as protective forces should anything untoward occur as they make their way to the nearest, safest fealties. Gwenna will be carrying with her the lantern for House Redrain entrusted to her during the Rite of Thirteen Lamps.

While in Farhaven, Darren is going to organize the resettlement of refugees evacuated from Stormwall. He is going to prepare Farhaven to receive as many Stormwall citizens as possible, realizing that as a seafaring people they may need support from House Redrain in the form of food, clothing, and supplies. He is going to use his political muscle to strong-arm all the other leaders in the Northlands to accept as many of the evacuees as possible, ensuring that all civilians have a place to settle temporarily, and that, as much as possible the supplies and resources of those cities won't be pushed past breaking. Darren is aware that resettling a city like that is going to be expensive and strain the rest of the Northlands, but he wants to spread out the pain as much as possible so no one area is carrying the burden.

Asger prepares to go up to Stormwall to help evacuate it with Ann and Gwenna. Before hand he sends messengers to start preparing things Stormwall side making sure everyone is ready to up and move when the group gets there.

Cirroch is making efforts to provide protection for the evacuating citizens. He is making efforts to recruit guards that will offer the needed protection from raiding Shavs to the evacuated citizens as they move to safer lands away from the approaching forces. He is having flyers made to spread around Arx and the northlands, encouraging the fighting capable to go to Stormwall to assist those fleeing danger.

Ann is going up to Stormwall with Gwenna and side by side, they get their hands dirty. Ann uses her medical training to assess the health of the people to be evacuated. She then does what she does best - accounting. She accounts for every last soul that needs to be evacuated and makes sure no one is left behind.

Thena sends 250 highly trained Solace Knights to help evacuate Stormwall and protect refugees as they are relocated (represented by Solace Evac Corps, army #263).

Prince Artur will be riding with Darren to Farhaven and busy himself with helping to organize and resettle the refugees. Artur will be keeping an eye on Darren, with the intention of protecting him in case anything unexpected should occur, Artur will be coordinating with the local guards in order to provide leadership, keep order and try and keep the morale of the refugees as high as possible during what is more than likely to be a difficult and upsetting time for many of them. It's maybe not quite as glamorous an assignment as Artur would have hoped for, but he's going to do it to the very best of his ability in any case.

At the request of Princess Ann, Seymour will be organizing the funding and supply side of the evacuation effort. Making sure it is understood how many people will be coming into the area, what economic resources will be in short supply, organizing trade caravans from nearby lands and regions and contacting independent merchants. Essential services not already being handled by one of the nobles spearheading the effort.

Desperate times bring disparate allies and somehow the Aunt Superior of the Oathlands has been roped into helping with the evacuation of Southport. After rallying men at arms, she now rallies men at trees, men at building, men trained for survival in the wilds. Oakhaven and its lumber supplies (at a discounted rate) ride north along with men and women trained in using that lumber to build supplies, both martial and domestic, that will be useful in the rebuilding. When they meet the evacuees they will help in training interested parties with an eye towards a hopeful period or reconstruction. And if it should bolster future trading relationships, well, that's just a side effect. Some huntsmen from Keaton will go along to provide security to the goods and the former Countess. For her part, Margerie will try to meet with two groups - some of the evacuees that might know holdouts back home and some of the older nobles in areas bordering Redrain lands. With the former, she'll offer some diplomatic training and entreaties that might work to convince more people to evacuate Stormwall ((Leaving their fellow northerners to do the asking, though, so it isn't too much Oathlands interference)). With the latter, she'll be encouraging nobles to be prepared for and welcome overflow refugees if needed with offers of trade incentives.

As supplies filter in to Stormwall, Princess Gwenna Redrain organizes the evacuation efforts. It's a massive undertaking with the full support of High Lord Darren. Darren and Donella have traveled to Farhaven to prepare space for refugees, and Duke Asger Crovane encourages every nonessential person to get out of the line of fire.Princess Ann Redrain lends her encouragement, assessing the health of people who will be evacuated, and helping with last minute triage as needed.

Not all the people want to leave. This is their home, after all. But Prince Artur Redrain works to remind the people that this is difficult and upsetting, but that their people were most important to them - not the structures in which they live. Lady Margerie Keaton works with Artur as well, meeting with refugees and seeing if they know of any holdouts at home, helping traing people for eventual reconstruction, and generally strengthening the relationship between the Keatons and the Redrain.

Seymour Oak, who has established supply lines, also works to keep an eye on refugees, trying his best to encourage people to leave the city, taking stock to make sure the right supplies are being sent to the right places. Marquis Cirroch Sanna and Dame Thena and the Knights of Solace help organize protection details for the refugees. It's impossible to get everyone but fighters out, but they're making an effort, minimizing the potential losses in Stormwall as much as possible. This not only gets civilians out of the way, but has the added benefit of making supplies for fighters last longer - if indeed this fight is going to be a protracted siege. Those left in the city and the nearby environs make their final preparations and wait, watching the horizon for signs of the incipient invading fleet.

Action by Aleksei

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 23, 2018, 2:13 p.m.)

Aleksei is gathering some friends to have a little tea party. Wherein tea party means they are taking a stroll to the new Memorial Park outside the city to use the private upstairs areas of the Temple. He's gonna park some Templars at the ready, because he learned his lesson once about this, and then the tea party will begin! Wherein tea party equals a group of people sitting in a circle and very carefully reciting words to mean "Fuck you Azazel, you can't have this" for the information contained in the clue "Nothing to Find."

WHO, Laric wishes to learn with a BURNING DESIRE, killed my Confessor. Who. He and Salvadore will be showing up to do some magic and providing the necessary primum (rare metals, gemstones, etc etc, not the first rodeo).

Cara brings her medicinal basket and her magic knowledge, ready to assist with casting - and with patching up wounds, in the event it happens. She takes the protection of knowledge very seriously.

Ann helps! First, she has a big breakfast then borrows Audric's steelsilk, of course. She doesn't want to make a big huge bloody smear on the Faith's new hangout if something goes terribly wrong. And then she heads on over, following the lead of those more experienced. Stays hydrated. Alert. Focused. HelpfulAnn is Helpful.

They gather, and they ward - and their determination and focus is somehow even more magical than normal. Stronger. It's clear when they finish that this is one of the special times, that has joy coursing through them and leaves a smile on their lips. Until Laric looks down, that is, and sees the report they were trying to keep safe. There are several more lines on the report, hidden in plain sight. Were they there before? Surely not, or he wouldn't have been so frantic to protect and continue to suss out the killer.

The bartender's report is chilling. "There was a man, solid and strong with heavy, callused hands, brown hair and brown eyes, tanned with hard labor outside. He was quiet - so quiet, and when he laughed it was because others did, and when he moved it was like controlled violence. Older he was, with some salt and pepper in his beard, and he was the one that started the fight that killed the Confessor - and he was the one what struck the blow, too."

Action by Darren for Gyre Straits - Calling the Banners

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 4, 2018, 11:47 p.m.)

"Let's kill some Pirates in the Snow!" - Darren is calling all the banners loyal to House Redrain to stand and prepare to fight the Gyre. Darren will be calling on his Ducal houses to provide 2/3s of their forces to his main fighting force, but is leaving it up to the individual dukes to decide how much to ask of their vassals. Instructions are given to favor land units, the Redrain and rest of the Northlands have small navies, it is the infantry, archers, pikemen, and cavalry that are needed.

As a Redrain born and raised in Farhaven, Gwenna will be going around and speaking with the different houses, encouraging them to give as much as they can to this effort. She understands that they may be hesitant, even resistant, to helping the south or fighting beside the Templars. She will gently remind them, though, that it took a Northerner, the first Redrain, to marshal together different (bitterly warring!) factions and lead them as a whole to break the demons of a thousand years ago. It shouldn't be too difficult to band together with these current people, our allies of Arvum, to smash this present foe. The North is needed and should answer the call with all the strength they have.

Marian gave a speech at her husband's funeral (OOC Note: see to rally the Redrain NPCs to action as the new Warchief to House Redrain. She acknowledges the recent challenges with losing Princess Freja and Prince Fergus but puts herself out there to help the vassals know they are in good hands. She will share her Crovane Military Analysis 12/18/1007 AR with the vassals that need help understanding what is needed.

Ann is supporting House Redrain's efforts economically by carefully monitoring the budget and seeing that the proper funds are allocated where they need to go and directed as efficiently and quickly as possible. The armies and navies must be fed and well supplied - as well as the ports at which they are planning on restocking. She sees to it that they have the financial power to suport this.

While everyone is all RAWR for war, Donella appreciates that not everyone is going to be able to fight. She sees to the very quiet, orderly evacuation of the vulnerable (elderly, infirm, very young, and gravid, etc.) as should proceed battle, to Farhaven and/or other vassals lands, leaving the burden for their care and provisioning in no one place. She is well aware there will be proud (stubborn) individuals that need convincing to go. Fortunately she has a little experience with difficult people, and hopes she can convince them.

Astraea isn't anyone important, she doesn't have a particularly adept way with words, and she won't make false promises to the brave men and women who will answer the call to banners. However, as a Knight of Farhaven she will lead by example. Letting them see that with simple steel and the blessings of Gloria that each and everyone will fight with the ferocity of ten dire bears for their homelands and their families. "Actions speak louder than words."

Prince Artur has been seen moving amidst the nobility and vassalage of the Redrain Fealty on something of a charm offensive! Everywhere the counts and barons or the like meet to discuss the calling of the banners, it seems Artur pops up with that winsome smile, recounting the heoric tales of Rathlander Redrain and the like. It's an attempt to stir up northern pride and encourage his cousin Darren's bannermen to commit as many of their troops as possible to the defense of the realm.

Cirroch will go around to the other vassal houses of Halfshav and trying to rouse and inspire them up for war, encouraging them to join him in sending send House Halfshav 2/3s of their fighting force to war.

As Duchess of Nightgold, Lydia rallies her people to Darren's call. Of course she orders the regular troops to provide what Darren has asked for, but beyond this, she uses her [Charm] and [Propaganda] to rally the vassals of her lands, determined that Nightgold be remembered, hopefully for glory not sacrifice.

As Voice of Nightgold and Marquis of Acheron, Mydas makes use of his authority and leadership to encourage the vassals of both Nightgold and Acheron to raise their own banners. The North requires infantry, archers and pikemen, and the mountain men are well-suited to provide those.

As Voice of House Sanna, Tila works to rally those counties and baronies that bend the knee to Giant's Reach. She reminds them of the strength and protection her House has granted them, their oaths of fealty, and assures them their bravery and sacrifice will be rewarded when the fighting is done. She lays out the threat to the Compact - particularly to the Crovanes - and tries to make it clear it must be stopped now, before it threatens areas for beyond the coasts.

In an effort to assist with the gathering of troops for Redrain, as he has pledged to do so on Cirroch's behest, Jacque Valardin will be visiting each settlement, bringing some measure of wealth to give to families and making generous use of his family's reputation as honorable warriors to call every able-bodied man and woman to arms. He will attempt to impress them with some trick of swordsmanship, expending his resources and money to incentivize these displays in the form of local tournaments as well, promoting the need to defend their land from the aggressors and the duty of every person of the Compact - not just Northerners - in the defense of Arvani ancestral lands.

Jhond speaks to the people of the north he encounters, from the low born on up, of the threat coming to hem all the the need to face it. to heed the call.

As ordered by the High Lord, Kaede is reaching out to her own Ravenseye Tribe, along with any Barons that are beneath the Tribe. She doesn't exactly have the authority to demand such, but she's more than a little convincing when she needs to be!

Prince Darren Redrain issues the call to Redrain. They're a little less affected by the calls of the Faith owing to the large number of shamans in the fealty, but they're still members of the Compact and by the spirits they'll answer the call! Princesses Donella sees to the evacuation of the elderly out of Crovane and to Farhaven or other safer places. Princess Ann watches the ledgers, making sure supplies are bought and sent where they'll do the most good, and the armies and navies are well suppled and stocked.

While others work to prepare and protect the populace, Princess Marian Redrain steps up as Warlord of Redrain. Princess Astraea lends her public support as well. Jhond Whisper speaks eloquently on behalf of Halfshav in support of Marian too, and throughout the lands of Redrain warriors, healers, shaman - everyone that can respond and hears the message seems to start making plans to get to the muster points.

On the diplomatic front, Princess Gwenna and Prince Artur take the lead, spreading the High Lord's word through their vassals, helping where needed, lending their voices to the various leaders of the fealty as they talk to their people. Duchess Lydia, Marquis Cirroch, Marquis Mydas, Lady Tila, Prince Jacque Valardin - acting in concert with Cirroch, and Lady Khanne Halfshav answer the call. Even Kaede Starfinder reaches out to her Ravenseye Tribe to convince them to help - and help they shall!

Even as a fleet sails toward Crovane, Redrain unites for war.