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Past Actions

Action by Sorrel for Metallic Cycle

(Public Action, OOC Date: Nov. 28, 2018, 7:13 p.m.)

Sorrel has written seven songs that she wishes to spread far and wide to educate the public about the Metallics and remind them of their heroes from long ago. To this end, she's employing an army of bards to get the music out about Iron, Steel, Gold, Brass, Copper, Cobalt, and Silver. She's also trying to provide some historical context for her songs to those that are interested. Some songs are catchy, some are a little sad, some are a bit romantic, but they're all slightly different and designed to be memorable.

Please note that the text of the songs are contained in @theories 369-275, with a bonus track in 376 that will not be spread far and wide (even if Tyrval found it hilarious). There will be a relative slow roll-out of songs, to give people time to start singing them and learning about them, and the events for them are going to increase in magnitude as they go. The coordinating calendar listings are 2455 (Iron and Steel), 2579 (Brass and Gold), 2523 (Cobalt), 2524 (Copper), and 2525 (Silver). Songs will be hosted either in the Hall of Heroes or the Bard's College or another appropriate place for a musical party. Silver's song shall be hosted in the palace, per the king, as the grand finale.

Galen's going to be bankrolling the main tracks of this little would-be Metallic Opera with a substantial amount of resources.

Lisebet is going to help organize parties and she will use her social acumen and singing skill (which may not be bard quality, but it's not bad!) to help spread the songs. Hearing them over and over will definitely work in favour of this initiative.

Tikva will absolutely help Sorrel with this, and she'll do so by adding her songs to her performance repertoire and using them to entertain and educate at every available opportunity! Why not? Sorrel's lyrics are all better than hers anyway!

What's that about an army of bards? Gianna has one of those! Or at least the closest thing to. The College bards will be taught the songs, and Gianna will sing them herself as well, using her reputation, prestige, and social resources to help. If any College types are on their way through Arx going elsewhere, they'll be encouraged to spread those songs. Even other non-member bardic types will be encouraged. This is one of the reasons the College was founded, after all.

Y'know what would be a real boost to a show like this? Having one of the most prestigious people in the ding dang city jumping on board to tell people how very excited he is about it! Oh, wait a second! Niklas is one of the most prestigious people in the city! And he's willing to use that. I mean, when you're It then everyone wants to do the stuff you want to do, right? Might as well put that to good use.

Clover is not a singer, no. What she is, however? Is a very smart propagandist. And so that is what she is going to do. She is going to spread these songs far and wide. She is going to get everyone talking about them. She is going to mention to them to everyone she knows. She is going to get her people talking about them. And she's going to start creating little pamphlets with the verses of the songs, and spread those about the city as well!

Sparte is no singer, but he can tell a half decent story. Converting songs to taletelling, he'll try to inspire emotion not with the power of music but that of the listener's own imagination.

Sir Corban is not a bard. But he does sing. How is that? Well, on their morning "jog" around the Ward of the Crown, the King's Own must carry a cadence. And as First Captain, Corban often gets to call the tune. He will in particular promote the song of Silver, the founder of the King's Own. And as the King's Own's drills are often a matter of public spectacle, the songs will spread in that way.

Have you heard about Princess Sorrel and the Metallics opera she wrote? You haven't? Well, Sabella will tell everyone she meets ALL about it, enthusing at what amazing prose Princess Sorrel has come up with and also the music! She composed it all herself! And it tells such an important story. Oh, you have heard about it? Well, let's enthuse about it to everyone around us! She will be talking this up to EVERYONE, pointing out how important it is that these things be taught in many forms, especially ones with catchy tunes attached!

Sanya will use her charm and musical ability to help educate the public on music about metallics. She's hoping she can show her musical range through this job.

Eddard is a bard and is quite capable of putting voice to song. Comfortable clothes and no silks adorn him when he ventures down into the lower buroughs. People /probably/ know him, but nobody should raise their nose at him singing on street corners to anyone who will listen.

Giulio will help with those seeking to learn more of the songs, working to teach of their meanings and provide insights and details regarding those spoken of as necessary. Moreover, he will work to make certain that something akin to 'hymnals' on the subject are available for such.

Orelia is a much better singer than she is teacher or propaganda artist, so she'll take the songs out and go sing them for the public. Most of that will probably be in taverns, bars and pubs as well as other possibly less than savory places, but it may help the songs reach a new audience. She'll sing other places as well of course, more public places.

Sapphira is a bard, and loves to sing songs everywhere she goes. She will sing them to her family, to random strangers, or to the birds. The tunes will be shared and with her angelic voice as she explores the city.

Throughout the history of humanity, many have sacrificed everything for the Compact. Those heroes who stood alone against unbeatable odds. Those who stood in that moment when darkness would consume the world. Those who refused to give in, whose actions were more than could be expected of a mere mortal - who stood and fell as a guardian not just of a city or a fealty, but of ideals great enough to encompass all - those are enshrined in the Hall of Heroes. Many who travel to Arx only once in their lives spend at least a day touring the Hall, reading the stories. Looking at history.

And over time, these stories became allegories. Became morals. Became legends used to guide the next generation, and the generation after, and the generation after that. That is what enshrinement in the Hall of Heroes meant. But memories fade over time, and these legends were faded too - the statues worn in places with touches over the stone, the words carved into the pedestals not always legible. The thoughts more of the morals therein, the examples - and less on the people who sacrificed their lives in these ways.

But Princess Sorrel Thrax has changed that. With a series of concerts, researched well in Vellichor's Archives. With the blessing of the King, with support from Whispers and Bards, from people across the Compact, she has written songs about the Metallic Order. Of Iron and Steel, Gold and Brass, of Cobalt and Copper and Silver she sings. They're catchy songs all - some sad, some joyous, some heartrending. She sings them - and they spread so swiftly through the Compact.

Princess Tikva, Gianna Whisper - the Nightingale of the Bard's College herself - Lord Eddard, Lady Sanya, Lady Orelia, Lady Sapphira - all of them aid, either as fellow singers in her concert, or by singing the songs themselves, or both. Officer Sparte is no singer, but he tells the stories too, reciting them to inspire as he can. Sir Corban is no singer either, but he teaches the songs to the Hundred as a cadence - and now on the morning "jogs" of the Silver Swords, they're drilling while using the cadence of the Metallic Cycle - especially the song of Silver. They teach the songs, the stories to others. They encourage the songs to spread. And spread they do.

'Have you heard the Metallic Cycle yet?' It's a common question among the socialites too. Count Giulio, Princess Sabella, Prince Niklas, Lady Lisebet, Duchess Clover, and many other famed and famous people are encouraging everyone to learn, to hear, to sing. It's on everyone's lips - and Princess Sorrel is becoming the Singer of Heroes, even as everyone reminds themselves of the promise: "As Arx endures, we will remember."

Action by Iseulet for Granato Expansion Efforts

(Public Action, OOC Date: June 21, 2018, 5:28 a.m.)

Iseulet begins spearheading a campaign to put into motion a new -MASSIVE- permanent trading route by water that stretches from the Telmarch, round the coast of the Oathlands, heading south round the Lyceum, to the Thraxian Isles, and cutting across to Arx up to Stonehearth.

Each House that participates is asked to donate 50-100 military writs for the funding of security escorts and the fightin' off of Pirates - river and otherwise). Optionally, each House can /also/ donate some social writs to help spread the word along.

The goal is to stimulate trade between Houses - Houses both import and export goods and benefit from the taxes and stimulated economy! Thereby giving a monthly income boost (and maybe some initial economic writs) to all houses represented here. Every House gets an equal share of all the profits, with the exception of the Houses contracted to secure the route from bandits/pirates (those that have attached ships to the action). Not only are these houses entitled to a bigger share of the profits (due to their increased risk) any and all contraband seized by pirates along the route will of course, be theirs.

The Count of Riva himself has taken a very strong interest in this wonderful mission, probably most likely because the idea was born out of a conversation with he and Iseulet. He knew he would be especially helpful among the peoples on the rivers and so the Count would head out to use his charm and diplomatic skill, as well as his life experiences and relationships to assist in the negotiating among not just the peoples of the rivers, but anyone who seemed inclined to hear him.

Belladonna endorses the deal, meeting with merchants and sailors around her port city and spreading word, building hype and excitement for this new trade route that will open up new revenue streams for the bold and daring who sieze the opportunity at hand!

Baroness Skye Blackshore lends Lady Iseulet the resources she needs to start the trading route, giving her military escort and blessing to move forward with these trading agreements.

Lady Tesha Telmar has spoken with Lord Ansel Telmar and they have decided that this is a good idea for the Telmarch to join in. So they are going to be providing Military and Social support for Lady Blackshore in hopes that this venture goes smoothly and without any bumps.

Always on the lookout to place Caina in traderoutes, Oriana, as a Voice of Inverno, interviews her ship captains to carve a new force from Caian's navy specifically to provide safe passage for trade from New Hope and spreads the word through her contacts and mertchant captains at home and in Arx.

As the Queen of Silver for the isles of Ischia, it's important to pursue business policy and trade like it's nobody's business. No pun intended. So when Lady Iseulet begins such a massive campaign she knew she had to be a part of it and was grateful for the opportunity. Providing ships and the Black Curs' finest corsairs, this southern House hopes to protect the vested interests (and further them when possible) of everyone involved. With the blessings of Gild and the spirits of air, luck and sea, Prisila will work closely with the Voice of Inverno and contribute her forces to helping provide safe passage as well as investing economically into this beautiful project.

Aethan will be supporting Lady Blackshore in her trade endeavors by escorting trade ships as needed, as well as clearing pirates from optimal trade routes able to be accessed by the Kennex navy.

Octavia notes the need for Stormward to be part of the building trade route, and commits significant resources to the establishment and securing of the trade route. The Stormward Fleet, an anti-pirate patrol by its origins, will certainly be excited to join the fray and tear the pirates apart.

Having received contact from Iseulet, Marquis Fairen meets with his staff and vassals to discuss the trade route, examining it's feasability to improve on the economy of Leaholdt. The resulting meeting ensures that not only does Fairen support the goals and objectives of the project, but he also uses this as a way to improve the sales on the unique product, Leaholdt Dreamwine: A rare and expensive alcoholic drink with a milky, herbal texture, and forest green in color said to produce lucid dreams if the consumer drink a full glass. Not to mention, the Marquis encourages his vassals and the merchants in Leaholdt to take advantage of this trade arrangement.

When she was a young woman, Petra listened to the wind and used her gift of clarity to guide her tribe to safe paths. Now that she is helping her family rebuild after the tragedy that Brand inflicted upon them, she has been relying on this ability again and she does so in this instance to help establish a trade route. She asked the voices threaded within the breezes which route they should follow: 'What course best balances safety and prosperity?' When she is given an answer, she relays it to the others and advises them which currents to follow.

Following the lead of Tesha, Ansel will be assisting in commiting the resources of the Telmarch to bear on establishing and maintaining the trade route project. As the northernmost bastion of the Oathlands, the Telmarch itself holds a key position in economic routes through the area, and Telmarine forces will be dedicated specifically to establishing and safeguarding the route. They will clear the way of any bandits, help establish any trading posts along the way, and provide security for the first few rounds of caravans that make the trip, in order to establish it as a safe trading route.

While the Trade Route is largely over sea, but for it to be successful once it finally reaches the end of the route in the Oathlands, where there are relatively few ports, there has to be ways goods can reach overland, as well as goods reach Sanctum and other Oathland Ports so they can travel back along the route. Edain will focus his efforts on setting up solidly defended trade line to Pride Hall to the East and Farhaven to the North. Attempting to extend the reach of the Blackshore's trade route, and to give the Oathlands, Crownlands and Northlands more ways to access the route if they are far inland from it. Where Isabeau is brokering most of the deals, Edain will do his best to make certain they are well protected and those roads are safe.

On behalf of House Valardin and the overarching route(s) through the Oathlands, Princess Isabeau will coordinate and negotiate with local merchants and militia knights to ensure that trade is fair and the caravans are secure. What's more, she will offer a small tax incentive for merchants who wish to travel on the new trade route and/or share their goods with customers outside of the Oathlands. She will also do what she can to help coordinate with the other Oathlands houses and provide assistance to them where required. (Assisting with an additional 200 writs of economic, military, and social resources.)

With the desire to trade by sea and Harthall being an Island based house, the two mesh rather well. Orvyn will work closely with Iseulet and others to best organize the ships and their routes. His own contacts among the various sailing groups will come into play as the pocketbooks of others will likely aid in ensuring that proper bribes and deals take place throughout the seas of the compact. He will commit several of the house trade ships and encourage their sailors and captains to find ways to follow the prescribed routes in an attempt to streamline the fee structures. Further organization with the other Voices and heads will take place so that two ships loaded with similar goods will not pass each other on the seas, organizing bills of trade so that expedience and profit can both be maximized.

It is Hadrian's attention to set about making arrangements for the planned commerce within the city-state of Ostria through acute applications of... delegation! Putting the proper minds to work within Ostria itself to work in establishing the necessary measures to safeguard Ostria and House Mazetti. Making absolutely certain that visitors, whether merchants or otherwise, to the city-state adhere to the laws and traditions of Ostria and remain in the Outer Round. The fleet of House Mazetti shall patrol their own waters and, if necessary, defend traveling merchants with utmost tenacity from the First Ostrian Fleet. Ostria will welcome escorts attached to commercial traffic in order to maintain the safety of the convoys of merchant vessels. The escorts will however be expected to maintain a respectable distance from the Walled City by the Sea. House Mazetti too will be promoting the endeavor, urging those citizens in need of employment to make inquiries at the docks with the potential boom of new trade. Finally, Hadrian will be dispatching his invaluable lawyer to review any documentation before providing his final nod to Hadrian before anything is agreed upon by the Hydra.

Lady Catalana Kennex will be supporting these endeavors. She will personally speak to every noble of Stormward to negotiate such things. She will happily trade with Blackshore of course to boost both of their economies.

The Crown Minister of Coin permits the use of the harbours and ports in the vicinity of the City of Arx as part of the trade route and provides a measure of support in economic waivers, military permits and social connections for the suitable parties. All in all, the effort is more administrative, indicating that on behalf of the Crown and King that the initiative will not be hindered. All they take, of course, is their cut through taxes from any eventual profits.

Malesh is going to commission a brand new trade center at Stonehearth. Port facilities will be expanded, as well as new warehouses and vaults. City defenses in general shall be beefed up as well, in an effort to make Stonehearth THE place to trust your goods with quick an easy access to several trade routes including this new one. As his people handle that at his expense, he will be busy touring the existing routes speaking to the benefit of this new route as well as the virtues of Gild and, of course, the value of trading through Stonewood. Stonewood forces will take charge of protecting the final leg of the trade route, from Arx to Stonehearth, both on the river and along side it. (1000 Economic Resources, 500 each Social and Military)

Ariel will be hosting a trade fair and festival to Gild to coincide with the trade route announcement. She is aiming for a week-long event showcasing the goods, services, and performers of the region. A tithe of 10% will be given to Gild of all money's made/raised. She will be putting forth the money to host the event so the craftsmen spend nothing out of pocket to set up. The trade fair will run during the day why the night will be devoted to performers. Singers, dancing, and theatre productions.

Amari, acting as House Keaton's Minister of Finance, will oversee the Oakhaven leg of the trade route, while the Riverdogs under the command of her cousin are committed to escort merchant ships and inspect them for contraband. A strong supporter of Lady Iseulet's endeavor, she'll tout the benefits to local merchants and others in Arx she's dealt with during her tenure and offer incentives to bring them on board. Otherwise she mainly concerns herself with the numbers and logistics of the undertaking with a lawyer's eye for detail and compliance, trying to make sure it's all as profitable and legal as can be.

Operating as a merchant for years, Lord Fredrik knows the best and most profitable routes among the Isles. How to avoid pirates, how to get the best profit for your returns, and how to make certain that you are not ripped off by the hundreds of hidden fees that are scattered in every port authority. He will bend this knowledge to help the trade efforts, as well as examining the rest of the route thoroughly for wastage or investment opportunities, trying to make this route one large, flowing river of product that benefits everyone involved.

Duarte represents not only Bravura, but also the greater goal and group, in negotiating trade routes and costs with transporters and contractors, mercenaries and merchants. Tying together such an intricately detailed route and nailing down precise agreements for the benefit of all is not always as straight forward as 'Let's do the thing!' and Duarte is there to help smooth the waters and finalize the commitments as a new, but adept, diplomat.

Lys, Voice of Afflua, will of course help! Granted, Fen de Lire is not particularly nearby the water. So she'll be doing what she can to put the word out for the project and see if she can get people to help with it! And of course they'll provide some extra muscle via the Valorous Few.

Lucita evaluates the maps and plans shown her and decides to assist. She uses her charm and skills with propaganda to heighten interest in this project, both locally in Saikland Greens and amid the trade partners she has already established, Secure trade and steady protection and trade partners can only help build the economy and strengthen the military protection against pirates of all who are involved. 100 military resources are put into helping fund the protection from pirates, 300 economic resources are invested.

Lady Cadenza Fidante is happy to assist with this endeavor. As both the Voice of Hawkmour as well as the Admiral of the Tempest Rose, she will be ensuring that Tor and their vassal's lands are properly patrolled and protected as they have always done. She will see to it that the waters around Tor and Brassfall March are properly guarded for the trade route to be safe and successful. In addition, of course Brassfall will be taking part of this trading endeavor to boost their economy.

Duchess Calista Fidante is well know for her charming ways and when it comes to public relations, there are few who can match her talent. She speaks with the Merchants of Tor about new trade commissions and how this opportunity will stimulate the economy. Tor is a city-state that is rich with resources. More trade means more money and everyone likes money.

While gratuitously thanking House Malvici for its offer to protect areas which include areas under control of Tor, their offer will have to be declined. House Fidante has protected Tor and her surrounding lands for a very long time. Knight-Captain Ignacio Fidante shall instead however increase patrols within the Torean region to ensure any efforts by bandits or pirates will be thwarted.

Quenia hears out Iseulet's plan, and agrees to talk to her merchants and her nobles. She works to convince them that this would be a good idea, bringing in new goods, and much needed new avenues for export. She also reminds them that all the new goods would also be traveling to Gemcitta, since Granato is the hub for trade with Rubino-Zaffria lands as well, which should help convince them. She talks to her fleets, and sees that they handle additional protection around the ports of Granato. It's not that she doesn't trust Malvici, getting on with the Duchess well, just she wants her own people to be out in the waters as well in a combined effort to protect the trade routes. Working as one Lyceum. As such, she invests military favors (100) and economic favors (200) into seeing this prosper.

House Malvici will most certainly not come anywhere near Lenosia with its ships. House Velenosa shall protect its own waters, with their own ships, and ensure the proper passing of any trade vessels along its part of the sea route. Prince Mydas Velenosa makes that abundantly clear, before setting to work on using his own knowledge of economics to ensure the venture is a successful one. He also brings in the Silver Consortium as its Voice, to supply their expertise and existing networks to the effort. All for commerce! And to each their own waters!

The proposed trade-route precisely fits with Sudara's hopes for the kingdom as a whole and the Truesworn in particular. Given Esterhold's location, this plan could bring many advantages to her beloved Prodigals: she is committing herself and her little House to its support. Personally, this entails uncovering as much relevant information as possible, and accurately passing it on to her people to help them serve as guides and guardians in their home waters: the latest maps, schedules, accounts of seasonal changes in weather and currents and tides, recognition signals and flags for all the nations and Houses, and more besides. Her hope is that she can make the waters near Esterhold as safe as possible for merchant shipping, and turn her little fief into a favoured port of call.

Tenebrae, like her Lady Sudara, is devoted to helping her people gain power and riches that they deserve. She will do all she can to assist in this endeavor, though with her skills, it will probably be restricted to ensuring the safety of ships around Esterhold and assisting with the navigation of the nearby seas.

Pasquale represents Malespero in seeing the trade route established, putting what military weight his young House has into helping secure the waters and encouraging Nilanza's sailors and merchants to utilize the route for buying and selling. He also puts some of his own personal time to use in studying the raiding patterns of pirates along the route and tries to come up with strategies to avoid and combat them.

Duke Harlan Ashford will also supply social and military support towards this endeavor, but also bring up the fact that he's expanding Fortune's Harvest in Oak's Rest -- and suggests expanding the trading route towards there, especially as he's already building a road from Arx that will lead there -- and the Knights of Solace are patrolling (see action 2250)! The duke will also be allocating 100 military and social writs to the cause.

Lady Olivia authorizes House Ashford's participation in the route, as well as encouraging its (NPC!) vassals to participate and supplying resources in support of the endeavor. In terms of personal contribution, while not a merchant, she is an expert in agricultural affairs and will effectively use that skillset to try and leverage Ashford's participation in the network as a food exporter, studying crop patterns and directing a focus toward those likely to create surpluses in excess of local use. She can also to a degree export that agricultural knowledge as a good itself, ie by selling good seed stocks and other such bounties to their trade partners, hopefully increasing production among all the participating holdings.

Dycard will be working his way through the social scene, reinforcing that this is a great idea and the profit should be rich - and that other trade routes will likely come of it. Not in on this one? Well, when it's a success, there'll be others. Worried about changes? Life is change, and not all changes are for the bad.

Turo commits to protecting the trade routes to and from his waters, ensuring clean hand-offs of responsibility to other fleets as they occur. He also commits his formidable skills and experience in planning naval efforts to maximising these routes. Turo collaborates with the merchants in Escuma, as well as the Arts Academy, and brings Estil - the minister of Income - into those discussions as well.

Arcelia will work to support the additional trading routes at port sites around Escuma. She will also attempt to combine her own efforts in establishing trade routes(@action 2257) for Escuma with Iseulet's much larger expansion of trade routes around Arvum. She will attempt to utilize her relations with the Marin'alfar to expand trade routes to them as well, an attempt to see to it that our potential underwater allies are well supported.

Given the proximity of House Darkwater, Redreef, and Blackshore - Edward already knows these routes fairly well. These are the routes that his family, when he was still Redreef, had him personally following and tracking to ensure efficiency and little loss of cargo for the two Houses. Now he will apply this same knowledge for House Blackshore, showing Iseulet how to incorporate House Blackshore into these trade routes which includes at least two routes down to the Lycem, one specifically going to Setarco. This information is meant to be used to not establish the route since there is one but to ensure the depth of its efficiency - knowing when it is safe to push hugging the coast line against when it is okay to move out. How much cargo can be moved before spillage takes place in terms of perishables, and what the most commonly desired imports for those places are so there is no guesswork to be had.

As Voice of House Tyde, Archeron is keen to promote trade which takes Tyde's hardwoods and other exotic goods wider than just the Mourning Isles and the East coast, especially as they are trying to expand their forestry. Tyde provides a good number of resources to acquire military guards, even recommending a few of the old reavers who have retired from House service but who know the waves and how to defend goods. They also put the feelers out to their vassal houses, spreading the word through their social skills and resources. Archeron will be as charming as he can, of course, to those who wish to trade - showing them the fine qualities of Tyde hardwoods, with the confidence a woodsman has. And of course, direct the leaders to the best and most skilled former soldiers, as mentioned, to defend them.

While her brother, Valdemar, sets up the trade routes, Ingrid's focus is to ensure an economical boost to exports while expertly managing the taxes and other red tape associated with establishing a trade route coming in/out of Grihem's Point. Understanding that often you must spend resources to net in a bigger profit, House Grimhall does just that, using some of their economical clout to influence potential new partners.

Ember prepares Redreef Shores for an influx in trade by organizing patrols to protect the trading ships entering the waters near Redreef shore as well as meeting with local merchants so Redreef Shore may benefit from the new trade.

Donato will take command of Caina's fleet and help to secure the burgeoning trade route. He will drill the sailors and inspect the fleet to ensure they are fighting fit and disciplined and help to plan out the most effective and efficient naval patrol routes to ensure everything goes according to plan.

Demura has given Anabelle the responsibility to oversee the new investments of the Trade Route with Blackshore, and as such the girl has taken an interest in learning more about the world of Investments and the Finnacial Stability of Lyon's Redoubt and her family. The girl seem very interested in the potential of this great partnership to be used for something more among the Dominions, and will make sure that the profit is guaranteed to all parts.

Marquessa Demura Lyonesse will command personally the Lyonesse navy to make sure the first few days of the trade route will go smoothly. She will organise routine patrols and establish proper scouting alongside her strecht of the route to make sure no merchant will be harmed while trying to pass through the Lyon's Redoubt, while promoting the incoming trade goods among her folk. (100 military resources will be donated, 100 social resources will be donated and the Lyonesse navy will be added to the action)

Clover would give aid in spreading the news about this campaign, talking to people and getting others interested in not only investing but using this new trade route once it's settled. She has friends in all sorts of places, and connections plenty. She would see if she could also get independent captains willing to provide help with protection.

House Farshaw adds to this trade route some of its merchant fleet to assist in the shipment of goods as well as two ships to help with escort. What is good for the betterment of the west also is for the betterment of Westcrown. All in Farshaw are in agreement increased trade is to the benefit of all. There is a profit to be made here.

Calypso is going to be using her newest assets to their fullest extent. While using the new naval base (still pending @action, Apost still needed to review early) as a logistical strongpoint for her fleet, she will be directing it to help ensure that the ships she is applying to the trade route not only are deployed properly, but that she is exercising the best coverage. Being relied-on to guarantee the southern route for now, she will be ordering her ships to keep a watchful eye for pirates. Ships Captains are expected to prosecute pirates with extreme prejudice. Her vessels will not be entering waters recognized as belonging to other Houses, however. In the meantime she has been coordinating with Valardin about the logistical angles while building out her combat fleet (Apost is aware of plans, pending base @action approval) and plans to spend a few days in Southport directly rallying her troops and sailors, getting them motivated and putting her best people forward. (The Army attachment should include pending additional Longship purchases, as discussed.)

There's a lot more pirates than expected. A -lot- more. And they seem to have caught word of exactly this new trade route, with a suspicious amount of forewarning about exactly when and where different galleys would be making port calls, as well as a decent amount of resistance by coastal lords who are resistant to seeing any warships in their waters even to guard commerce, which makes things tense and difficult.

It's still a spectacular success.

The amount of diplomatic work in easing tensions, and the amount of military forces dispatched to help oversee this, even with the limitation on where they can and can't go, means that the overwhelming majority of galleys are making their port calls, and after a few crushing defeats of piratical forces, it doesn't look like much will threaten that... provided that the forces stay committed to patrolling the waters of their domains.

The Empyrean Trade Route, as it is being known, covers over thirty primary domains as ports of call or in-land trading partners, and the gains in commerce is significant, even if it is just starting.

Action by Clover(RIP) for Gyre Straits - Calling the Banners

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 4, 2018, 8:35 p.m.)

Clover has very quietly become something of a propagandist, and as such she is starting the initiative to call the banners of the Westrock Reach. She will, despite being pregnant, go on a tour from the main island of the reach to the smaller ones. Bringing with her inspirational tales of bravery, loss, and war. Aiming to fire up and encourage all of the houses of the Westrock Reach to answer the call of the Banners. She will bring with her letters from the Faith, and hire whispers. And pour into the initiative her own military influence and writs. Hoping to cause more to answer the call by showing that the duchy is willing to pour as much resources into the initiative as the houses themselves will need to put in.

With all his charmed talents Saedrus willingly steps in to assist Clover to help gather Farshaw's vassals to arms. It is with an empathic call that Saedrus helps rally the duchy's men to the cause. Missives are sent with poignant prose to stir the recipients to answer their duty, to bolster them in the face of their fears and remind them that great honour is found in their bravery.

The Duke himself commands respect, and he calls forth the banners of Westrock Reach with great leadership. He puts forth a solid military plan and stresses the importance of a good turnout for his people. He especially focuses on sailors and their vessels, making a point that if they do not help now, the war will come to them later, for they are coastal and potential prey for the Gyre

As a service to her second cousin, Clover, and to seek strength for House Valardin, Princess Isabeau will be helping House Farshaw call their bannermen and rallying the troops along with the Duchess-consort and her sister. Isabeau will both make grand speeches and visit milk bars to carouse and cajole the duchy's citizens to both muster up their military might and offer what civilian resources they might be able to provide to assist.

Teodoro Whisper has been hired to accompany Duchess Clover on her tour. At each stop along the way, he will sing ballads of heroism and bravery, recounting tales of great heroes of the Oathlands and the Compact as a whole in song. It is Teodoro's hope that to stir up patriotic sentiment among the houses loyal to Westrock Reach and inspite them to commit the greatest possible number of their troops to the service of house Farshaw, as well as filling the common soldiers with bravery and a sense of noble purpose in the face of the challenges to come.

Elsbetta has been told of the need to raise the banners, and thus sets out to meet with any of the banner representatives, speaking with them about the oaths they took and the need to defend their realm against dire harm. Her relationships with others should help her persuade and rouse them to action. Charm with an overlay of politics, applied with practiced ease.

Once Clover informed Thorley of the need to raise the banners, the former sailor took to the docks of Westrock Reach, speaking to the Captains of the fleet of ships to press them to support the young Duke and Duchess in this endeavor. There was lots of alochol involved - but many of the former Captains will hopefully recognize the sailor turned knight and the new Sword of Lastlight to come around and assist the banners.

Alban is going to contact any local representatives of banners, impress upon them the severity of the threat that the realm at large faces. Remind them of their oaths, and their chivalric duties. These are Oathlanders, after all. For Gloria! Death before dishonor!

Sorrel cannot let her little sister forray off into banner calling all by herself, so she's sending a bundle of letters along to try and get the word out how universal this experience is. In addition, she'll send along copies of her battle hymn to better foster unity and good feelings and a sense of togetherness. The battle hymn, which has been made public for some time, is:

Joined strong by unity
Faith, hope, and victory
Together we have greater might
Forever holding in the Light
The darkness will be banished
Abyssal forces vanquished
As one people we do fight
To persevere o'er endless night

Duchess Clover Farshaw leads the way in calling the banners of the Westrock Reach. With the Duke at her side they go forth, meeting people and talking about tales of bravery, loss, and war. She brings letters from the Faith, and letters as a call to action written by Saedrus Whisper. Duke Ryhalt talks about battle plans, endorsed by Sir Thorley and Lord Alban. Princess Isabeau helps rally the banners with grand speeches and pomp and circumstance. Teodoro Whisper sings the battle hymn written and sent by Lady Sorrel herself too, and that's the song on everyone's lips in the Farshaw Duchy.

Joined strong by unity
Faith, hope, and victory
Together we have greater might
Forever holding in the Light
The darkness will be banished
Abyssal forces vanquished
As one people we do fight
To persevere o'er endless night.

Farshaw is called to war!

Action by Ailith for The Despite of Fable

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 8, 2018, 3:31 p.m.)

As the Scholars of Vellichor undergo a great archive across the Compact, Seraph Ailith has devised a project to focus regionally, beginning with Valardin. She will reach out to the Seraphs of all the parishes under the Valardin fealty to host monthly (or every two months) a community event (free food!) to encourage the people to share their stories which reflect their family, friends, and community. A local scholar will attend and write these stories to create a book that represents that community (village, town, cities!).

Eventually, a copy will be sent to the Great Archives in Arx where scholars can review and compare any stories to create other books such as a farmer's almanacs using stories and tips from the various local farmers or cookbook of local recipes, even mother's homemade cookies.

The idea is to create regional books that these communities can be proud about. And if any locals attending these community events feel inspired to help the scholar, that young person can be trained to become a scholar, too.

To Unify his past attempts to aid Duchess Clover and Archlector Bianca put pressure on the Story Eater, Edain will try and use the same network of Errant Knights that he is trying to use to assist Ailith. As errant knights wander and set up camps where people can come to share their stories with them, Edain will provide writing materials for them and their squires to take down these stories and to deliver them to the local scholars, that Ailith has recording the stories to be preserved in the Archives eventually. Hopefully this will extend the reach of her story gathering. to smaller hamlets, outposts, mining and logging camps that the local scholars and the workers employeed there cannot neccesarrily reach as easily.

Bianca is openly in full support of Seraph Ailith's call to the collection of knowledge and the promotion events to come. Orders have been dispersed among the Scholar parishes/libraries throughout the Oathlands to ensure everything is documented properly and copies are then forwarded to the Archive to be copied again and dispersed between the five great cities per the Archival Initiative.

Duke Cristoph Laurent will be putting the word out to his people in Artshall, going so far as to help mitigate the costs of these events himself for the local parishes. Everyone is encouraged to get out, enjoy and share stories of their family histories. Even the ridiculous ones! Mead provided by House Laurent.

Lord Corban, Voice of the Telmarch, will contact the new Seraph of the Telmarch and encourage him or her to participate in Ailith's efforts. He will also send Ailith's emissaries with a letter under the seal of House Telmarch exhorting Telmarines to participate in the telling of their stories. Sure, it's not important enough for Corban to go personally, but he can write a nice letter.

Countess Reigna Keaton is reaching out to her contacts within the Scholars to speak to those stationed in Oakhaven, beginning the coordination and brainstorming required to set up these monthly or bimonthly meetings. She is almost making sure they have all the supplies and resources necessary, in terms of parchment, quills, books, ink. She'll be specifically requesting Scholars with a keen ear and the ability to communicate effectively with all sorts of people, who are skilled at coaxing stories from even the shyest commoner or the most tedious noble.

Lady Margerie, Voice of Keaton, will reach out to her former citizens and a network of 'not in the seat of power, but still rather close to it, and stuck in the country' nobles out in the Oathlands to encourage their participation. A special effort will be made to reach out to older people and their families/neighbors to try and collect their stories even if they may not be able to attend some of these get togethers. To encourage Oakhaven's efforts specifically, she'll be sending recipes from some of the farflung places she's encountered in Arx, a chance for them to try new things.

Aleksei is reaching out to his family to get them involved. The Morgans have quite a history of service in the Oathlands, and there are surely plenty of stories passed down that they could share for just such a project. Plus, hopefully the involvement of such respected notables as Guard-Captain Hardwicke Morgan will help to encourage others to participate.

Clover will be reaching out to the vassals of Farshaw. As a new Duchess she feels somewhat on shakey grounds. However, she is providing a legimate heir for the duchy that will help stabilize the power of the area. In the honor of the future ducal heir she is going to be asking the vassals of Farshaw to start a collection of books for a great library to be created at the Westrock Reach, and in their own territories. To provide books of local histories, of local legends, and the like.

Thena asks the Knights of Solace stationed in the Oathlands to make sure that scholars and the cargo they carry are well protected on the roads. And should a Knight him/herself wish to jot down their own stories, well, what's more exciting than tales of adventure?

Beyond being encouraging of the Wyrmguards and their vassals to share more stories with one another and to seek young people with vocations as scholars, Sorrel is even more enthusiastically than usual working to inspire bards to collect and compile regional songs and ballads. (This is pretty damn enthusiastic for those who know Sorrel; it's like she's been unleashed to eagerly harass people about music, particularly old music with songs of the past.) She is absolutely unabashed about bugging other bards for their songs and encouraging them to write new ones based on the stories of today and yesterday.

Seraph Ailith leads an initiative to document the stories of the people. She starts with Valardin and with the help of many of the leaders of the House and its vassals, she and her team move through the countryside talking to anyone who wants to talk. It's a time to come together - refreshments are offered, people are there to listen. The first few towns are skeptical, but by the time they get to the third the word has gone out - they are listening. They want to know. The archival project to record the lives and times even of the smallest, meanest of lives is important. They are important. There's a rush of warmth and feeling, and for the length of their conversation with Ailith and her group, the people are able to feel like they matter. That something of them will live on beyond themselves.

Perhaps no one will care about the lives of the smallest vassals in Valardin. But maybe it all matters. And the people are now linked by the same connection - their stories are told. Their stories are important. Warmth and fellow-feeling grow in Valardin. A fondness for all those who participate in this great effort. And outside Valardin the question is asked - hey? when is it our turn for immortality?

Action by Monique

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 3, 2018, 1:48 a.m.)

Monique knows that a certain individual has been spreading rumors about the Minx. She also knows that Corban has been tarnished by this feather. And she knows that Corban has many, many friends who will help to cheer the Telmar Lord on publicly and not let someone else bring him down! So she's speaking to friends and kin of Corban Telmar, in an effort to have the man's honor be recognized above those who would inadvertently tarnish it, especially since it's his birthday coming up!

Agnarr, knowing Corban is a good paying client, occasionally takes a few moments to extoll his virtues and whatever it is that Telmar sells. (He isn't really sure.) Or else...

Bianca is happy to express Corban's virtues. From his gracious donations to the Scholars to his undying dedication to the Compact, she is happy to sing the praises of the man in any casual conversation that the topic may organically arise.

Every occasion in which Samael has been given the opportunity to meet Lord Corban has been a good one. That coupled with the fact he has the heart of his good friend, leaves Lord Corban in Samael's high esteem. He'll be telling anyone who will listen.

Dame Esoka Greenblood has always found Lord Corban Telmar to be an honorable, upstanding man and a fine warrior. She's happy to speak up on his behalf and tell all she knows that she's never found his conduct to be anything but chivalrous.

Thesarin Riven doesn't speak often, but he'll speak in support of Corban Telmar. A strong arm, some good company, and a man who helped keep his wife safe during a dangerous journey.

Reese would like to help by using her influence to speak positively of Lord Corban. She speaks of his help on the missions, his skill in battle, his level-headedness under pressure, his command abilities and his willing to step up when needed.

Marquis Rymarr's certainly willing to speak of Lord Corban's virtues. The Telmar did very probably save his life once. So speaking well of him? Not difficult to do.

Always a fan of talking up people, the King of the Compact makes a point of it to mention how pleasant he's found his interactions with Lord Corban Telmar in a few well-placed ears.

Clover will be doing what she can to start a propaganda campaign; going over Corban's many virtues to those Sworn of Valardin and Crownsworn. Telling about how how he worked with her as a vassal of Telmar in his duties as Voice. She will tell stories of how honorable and kind he is. And in general try to sway people to seeing hima s a respectable, and honorable, Oathlands lord. Who works hard for his duchy, fealty, and the compact.

There's a roving bard singing a song these days extolling the virtues of Lord Corban Telmar and it's incredibly catchy. To the point that random people are humming it in the streets now. And by the time they get to the clever ending, everyone's singing along. "Say it again! Who's that man among men? And we'll say it once more! Who's that hero next store? Who's that super success, don't you know can't you guess? Ask his fans and his five hangers on.... There's just one guy in town who's got all of it DOWWWWWWWWWN. And his name's C-O-R... C-O-R-B... C-O-R-B-A.....CORBANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

Action by Clover(RIP)

(Public Action, OOC Date: Aug. 17, 2017, 4:19 p.m.)

Clover will be mobilizing any of the house Wyrmguard medics (we're known for the city of mercies after all! The house has to have some medics), and going herself to the harbor to see if they can render aid. Anyone who made it to the shore, or made it to the harbor to help. If there is anyone who survived she'll be attempting to render aid to them. She'll be focusing on helping with the medical side, while she asks Alarissa to take care of arranging to help usher those who can be moved to either the house of solace to wherever any thraxian person asks them to go. Alarissa can also help liaise with Thrax is need be. But Clover's main concern is helping anyone who made it to the shore, and getting them where they need to go.

Vox post up about all the massive aid response organized by you all. Sophie separately finds an obscure reference to the ichor- calling it the Bile of Leviathan, a vile substance that is left in the wake of dread encounters by one of the greatest demons in existence. Strongly recommended not to consume it, and further recommends burning bodies of anyone that did do so and then perished, then burying their ashes in 13 separate graves and at least 13 feet under ground each to avoid, "Dealing with the Beast that Hungers." Any dead that showed signs of dying from ichor poisoning are so treated. As far as they know. Dun dun dun.

Action by Clover(RIP)

(Public Action, OOC Date: March 14, 2017, 10:35 p.m.)

Clover has decided she REALLY WANTS to know more about Aion. So to that end ontop of trying to investigate him-- she's decided that she's going to go sleep infront of his altar. She will go and meditate there, and sleep in a bedroll she's leaving at his altar for anyone to sleep in. And see if maybe she can contact him that way. (If nothing happens that's okay! She'll know that doesn't work, and to go find some other way.)

Clover has a truly deep sleep. In fact, she sleeps almost to noon the next day, only waking when the priests of the Pantheon try to rouse her and ask if she's all right. She can't remember any dream, but she feels refreshed, and has more energy than she can ever remember having.

Action by Tarik for Fighting Legion

(Public Action)

Tarik will be searching for the weapons cache located at the remains of LastLight Hold, or close to it. He will be bringing 350 military resources in the form of sellswords of various levels of experiences from the favors that he collected over the years. The plan is to locate the weapons cache, and gather any hidden knowledge that might among the remains that related to the fight against Legion. Base on Tarik's past's experiences with dealing with previous thought dead beings coming alive, they will be taking cautious appoints. Tarik's sellswords will be divided upon guarding the non-combatants traveling with him, rapidly retrieving any injured personal bringing them to the healers, and the first few ranks in the formation. Extra care will be protection to allow for quick movement, but keeping noise to the minimal. The standing operating procedures if engage by hostile forces is to protect the flanks, and the non-combatants. It is to keep a tight formation in which no unit can be isolated. They will seek aid from any shavs to aid in the of securing of the weapons cache. If they are successful, they will depart the area in the quickest and most efficient way possible. Tarik speech to the people with them, "We are going to the place where Clan Morien after spilling theirs' and enemies' blood sacrificed their lives to by time for those mustering their forces. Yes, it was a small battle, but that battle led to the Compact. This mission might be a small mission, but it will lead to defeat of the Compact's greatest enemy. So for this brief moment in time, until we are gone. Be like the best of your ancestors, draw from their strength, and make sure no history could ever hide the fact that you gave all for the Compact!
Sir Preston lend Morien the use 50 military resources in the form of Templars.
Dame Thena lent 300 military resources to Tarik in the form of Solace soldiers. The unit consists of 30 sworn Knights and 70-foot soldiers under a commanding officer. The 30 sworn knights will be split between guarding supply lines between camps as needed, and the camp themselves taking in consideration in account for the maximum effectiveness. The Templars lent to him by Sir Preston, and the 70-foot soldiers will make up the bulk of the force. If successful in finding the weapons cache, the Templars will be asked to move to the rear flank to help protect their escape. Tarik will spend 300 economic resources to make sure everyone has enough food, fishing and hunting supplies, extremely warm clothes, material to make on the spot repairs, even extra journals so that any knowledge gain or final thoughts if the worse happens might not be loss for all time. He will spend 50,000 silver on medical supplies. Tarik will spend 300 social resources on calling on favors among the Refugees and Golden Hart's sailors and Merchant to find enough ships to help transport everyone to northwest Arvum, and heading east towards the mountain. They will do their best to establish a main camp followed by a secondary and tertiary camp as needed. Since the area that they are exploring is vast, they will move the collapse and set up the main camp as needed for safety and security. Noncombatants will be housed in the main camp, and triage will be set inside.

Wash will be providing transport on his brand new cog. He will commit 50 military resources in order to scrape together a crew of able-bodied crownsworn sailors. This mission is not authorized by the Marquis, so he will not be using Kennex resources for it. He will be bringing his loyal champion, Jayne.

Clover will be taking 100,000silver from the Wyrmguard bank to help pay for the expedition; purchasing gear, sellswords, and the like. While she is going she will also be there to both investigate/research as they go along, and act as a healer.

Rey will be coming along with all of her healing things at the ready to hopefully keep as many people from being killed by the kinds of horrors that require italics (or more commonplace horrors).

Aiden came to Tarik as soon as he could, with the information of the ballad, knowing that he was a Morien. He came to aid Tarik, believing that as one of the last Moriens, that Tarik had the right to the weapons before many many others. He knows that numerous groups are deploying at a rapid pace to try to get their hands on these weapon caches. Afraid that they'd lose valuable time, Aiden struck a bargin with Tarik. He would proceed to go with him on the expedition, and challenge anyone who would otherwise deny Tarik of his right to the cache. Aiden knows the importance of history, of the echos of it. Tarik's people took their last stand over this cache and as a Grayson, he is determined to see the right people get it - He will EXPRESS that to anyone who says otherwise. In return, he only asks that if a bow were to be found, that he has claim to it, to defend the First Children with it.

As unofficial co-leader/supporter and Grayson representative, Aiden brings to the table his survival skills and his awareness of dealing with First Children and Abyssal Creatures. He has spoken to a First Child before and so will COMMAND the group not to attack anything 'animalistic' until he's determined if it was abyssal or not! (Animal Ken Rolls!) He will also aid in scouting, whether by himself or with a small group of Isles Canines that he brings with him (Military Res: take 100) to protect him and to provide support to the military proceedings of the group.

His Speech to the Group: "Together, we will win this fight. Our piece may be small, but put all the small pieces together and it makes a larger picture. We must not let this cache get into the wrong hands. I trust the blood of Morien, who sacrificed themselves to leave us these last measures of strength to free ourselves with. Tarik, will take the cache. As a Morien, it is his to protect and dispense to those warriors who would stand as Moriens did before. A fight to the death, to the end, to the very last!" (command/leadership to inspire!)
Aiden came to Tarik as soon as he could, with the information of the ballad, knowing that he was a Morien. He came to aid Tarik, believing that as one of the last Moriens, that Tarik had the right to the weapons before many many others. He knows that numerous groups are deploying at a rapid pace to try to get their hands on these weapon caches. Afraid that they'd lose valuable time, Aiden struck a bargin with Tarik. He would proceed to go with him on the expedition, and challenge anyone who would otherwise deny Tarik of his right to the cache. Aiden knows the importance of history, of the echos of it. Tarik's people took their last stand over this cache and as a Grayson, he is determined to see the right people get it - He will EXPRESS that to anyone who says otherwise. In return, he only asks that if a bow were to be found, that he has claim to it, to defend the First Children with it.

As unofficial co-leader/supporter and Grayson representative, Aiden brings to the table his survival skills and his awareness of dealing with First Children and Abyssal Creatures. He has spoken to a First Child before and so will COMMAND the group not to attack anything 'animalistic' until he's determined if it was abyssal or not! (Animal Ken Rolls!) He will also aid in scouting, whether by himself or with a small group of Isles Canines that he brings with him (Military Res: 100) to protect him and to provide support to the military proceedings of the group. His skills with the bow are sufficient enough to help provide a line of defense and will likely provide command or support command to archers.

His Speech to the Group: "Together, we will win this fight. Our piece may be small, but put all the small pieces together and it makes a larger picture. We must not let this cache get into the wrong hands. I trust the blood of Morien, who sacrificed themselves to leave us these last measures of strength to free ourselves with. Tarik, will take the cache. As a Morien, it is his to protect and dispense to those warriors who would stand as Moriens did before. A fight to the death, to the end, to the very last!" (command/leadership to inspire!)

Aiden is also using his social status to help with diplomacy issues that arrise when traversing, ensuring safe passage. (Social Res: 100). Aiden is also ensuring that there's enough supplies, given his travel to the North before, he's a little more accustomed to what needs to be brought along. (Econ Res: 100)

Cassandra will be talking to the Templars and getting together a small group of volunteers to assist her in taking this. She is looking for a group of veterans who can rally around her and are familiar with how to strike down this end. She is not going to order them into combat but will be expending 100 military resources in this action to ensure it succeeds.

Fiachra will be accompanying Tarik on this mission. If he happens to recall anything about the location of the cache, any potential traps, etc, he will be letting his comrades know. (Please see my character's secrets, if they become applicable during this action.)

Shae will use her knowledge of tracking, and her keen senses to help in assisting with locating and scouting out the area. Looking for any sort of information she might be able to find while doing so. Her dog Deagmund will be assisting her with this. If they should come across any animals (or other creatures) Shae will use her skills and knowledge with them to help defuse any possibility of a bad situation happening. In addition, she would be most willing to try and speak with any Abandon they might come across and try to convince them to join with them in stopping Legion and his forces. As well that if they need help or assistance or new homes that the Lodge of Petrichor can help them. And that as a Disciple of Petrichor Shae will do all that she can to help them. If fighting does occur, Shae does have her bow with her and will do all that she can to help and assist her group with her skill set. ((Shae does have a secret that could possibly come into play in this.))

Lou will be using her extensive knowledge of Arvum (see @clue Lou's Travels) to help in the expedition to find the weapons cache at LastLight Hold. She has maps of her time spent in the far north and in Everwinter, and has the skills (Survival 3) necessary to scout ahead and find safe spaces for encampment and any additional food they might need along the way so they do not risk frost exposure. She will also act as an archer in times of danger, and if it should come to it, switch to hand to hand combat when archery is not an option.
Lou will also spend 25,000 silver towards helping to ensure that the party has enough food, drink, and warm weather supplies to help keep them stocked during the expedition.
I mean -- COLD WEATHER SUPPLIES, not warm weather! -- IE: coats/cloaks, boots, warm socks, gloves, blankets -- Thank you!!

Mason is accompanying Lou and the others to the horrific place of ice and snow. He's surely going to freeze to death, but he loves his wife and so he will go. He'll be lending his experience as an explorer and scholar of the occult, assisting where needed and endlessly muttering in Eurusi about how cold it is. (but no one will really be able to hear it under the 10 layers of clothing and scarves anyway)

The Blackram Marquis will be bringing with him 75 infantry troops, and 25 archers from his March's forces, as well as offering his personal expertise as a scout and huntsman to help survey the land and enemy, as well as engage in guerrilla warfare. Forging trails, using his keen eye to locate potential sources for the cache, as well as setting traps to maim and slow any pursuit by the followers of Legion.
When Gaston was in the wild, he heard the name Legion whispered to him in his dreams. Leola surmised this was perhaps due to Sylv'alfar blood, or perhaps something else. Whatever it is, Gaston will be wary and on guard should the demon seek to speak to him in his dreams once more.

While not skilled in much beyond healing, alchemy, and artwork, Jayanthi is going with Tarik and those supporting him to offer her aid as healing. Given her severe lack of combat capabilities she is keeping her head down and keeping out of the line of fire as much as possible while healing people. Though, she does put special effort into assuring members of the High Lord families stay safe.

Valery hasn't left Arx since she arrived and she doesn't really want to, even less back north! but she cannot really say no to Tarik's request of help, he says he needs her...
So she's reluctantly packing her warmest clothes and a bunch of health supplies (adding 100 economic resources) and she gets ready to help with any healing (or alchemy work) needed.
However, if there is any danger, she's going to try to stay as out of sight and out of trouble as possible: people don't call her Mouse in vain...
(As they are travelling North, Valery's secrets may be relevant.)

The group made the long trip northward without incident. They scouted out a map in an ancient settlement, abandoned to the weather (and a bear). Heading even further north, they did find Lastlight Hold - but that's where things went wonky. A basilisk, ancient rock elemental guardians, and traps galore both protected the weapon and ate quite a few of the people looking for it. In the end, the basilisk was chased off - and it was carefully noted where he lived so that it could be avoided in the future - the weapon was carried to safety, and Tarik's ancestral home was destroyed. Hopefully it was worth the sacrifice.