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Manage outfits made of wearable and wieldable items.
Manage Usage:
outfit/create <outfit name>
outfit/delete <outfit name>
outfit/archive <outfit name>
View Usage:
outfits [<outfit name>]

The /create switch makes a new outfit from your currently worn, sheathed,
and wielded items. The /delete switch deletes an existing outfit, but its
items still exist. Note that after deleting a modeled outfit, each item's
"buzz message" will revert to its individual value. Toggle archival
status of an outfit with its name after the /archive switch.

Follow base command with an outfit name to see items comprising it. With
no switch or name, view your outfits. Similarly, use the archive switch
by itself to see archived outfits. These tables show an appraisal number
for outfits yet to be modeled, or the buzz their modeling had generated.

An outfit's appraisal is based on items that can be modeled; it excludes
items not crafted by mortals and all previously-modeled items. Appraisal
allows a fashion model to compare outfits, and does not consider the
model's skills.

Other commands that utilize outfits: Wear, Model, Get, Put