Buy or sell AP/Resources in the market
broker/search <type>
broker/buy <type>=<amount>,<price>
broker/sell <type>=<amount>,<price>
broker/cancel <ID #>
broker/reprice <ID #>=<new price>
Allows you to automatically buy or sell crafting materials or
more abstract things such as influence with npcs (resources)
or time (action points). To sell or buy action points, specify
'action points' or 'ap' as the type. To sell or buy resources,
specify the type of resource (economic, social, or military).
It costs three times as much action points as the amount you
put on the broker. All prices are per-unit. Note that cancelling
action points for sale will not refund the full amount.
When searching, you can specify the name of a seller, a type
of crafting material or resource (umbra, economic, etc), ap,
or categories such as 'resources' or 'materials'.