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@agents <org name>
@agents/guard player,<id #>,<amt>
@agents/recall player,<id #>,<amt>
@agents/hire <type>,<level>,<amount>=<organization>
@agents/desc <ID #>,<desc>
@agents/name <ID #>,name
@agents/transferowner <ID #>,<new owner>

Hires guards, assassins, spies, or any other form of NPC that has a
presence in-game and can act on player orders. Agents are owned by an
organization and are generic, while personalized agents are created and
ordered by the @retainer command, which are unique individuals. To use
any of the switches of this command, you must be in a space designated
by GMs to be the barracks your agents report to.

guard: The 'guard' switch assigns agents of the type and the
amount to a given player, who can then use them via the +guard command.
'name' should be what the type of guard is named - for example, name
might be 'Thrax elite guards'.

recall: Recalls guards of the given type listed by 'name' and the value
given by the deployment number, and the amount listed. For example, you
might have 10 Grayson House Guards deployed to player name A, and 15 to
player B. To recall 10 of the guards assigned to player B, you would do
@agents/recall grayson house guards,B,10=grayson.

hire: enter the type, level, and quantity of the agents and the org you
wish to buy them for. The type will generally be 'guard' for nobles,
and 'thug' for crime families and the like. Cost = (lvl+1)^5 in
military resources for each agent.