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+guards/summon <name>
+guards/dismiss <name>
+guards/attack <guard>=<victim>
+guards/kill <guard>=<victim>
+guards/stop <guard>
+guards/follow <guard>=<person to follow>
+guards/passive <guard>
+guard/get <guard>=<object>
+guard/give <guard>=<object> to <receiver>
+guard/inventory <guard>
+guard/discreet <guard>

Controls summoned guards or retainers. Guards that belong to a
player may be summoned from their home, while guards belonging
to an organization may be summoned from their barracks. Dismissing
them will cause the guards to temporarily leave, and they may be
resummoned from close to that location. Guards will automatically
attempt to protect their owner unless they are marked as passive,
which may be toggled with the /passive switch. Some types of agents,
such as small animals or assistants, are passive by default. Guards
that are docked in your room from being dismissed or having logged
out in that location will be automatically resummoned upon login
unless the /discreet flag is set.