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The Siren of Redwater Cove

The Red Sails have long since been one of the most famous, well respected Pirate Clans there are - among cutthroats and thieves. So when reports arrived of them being involved in the piracy in Ischian waters, it was a bit of a start. The first few times they'd left crews intact and no one had been harmed. A little bit traumatized and battered, most certainly, but nothing like some of the other Clans. After the third strike against one of the Seraceni's vassals, things escalated quickly to bloodshed - which is not the Red Sail way but the tell tale signs and first hand accounts make it quite clear that these attacks were motivated and carried out by a woman known as the Siren of Redwater Cove, an enigmatic woman whose enchanting voice is practically legendary.

The scouts, led by none other than Starra Serrano, have located the flotilla of ships that is the bulk of the Red Sail fleet off the coast of an otherwise abandoned isle. Deemed the perfect location with which to engage, the Scions of Ischia and their allies move to intercept and hopefully bring to heel this enigmatic Pirate Lord and her army of reavers.


Oct. 19, 2018, 5 p.m.

Hosted By



Coraline Iseulet Nijah Viviana Starra Argos Vanora Gianna Merek



Arx - Ward of House Pravus - Seraceni Manor - Promenade

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Sultan's Suite <SS> is now unlocked.

Aida, 8 Pravus Honor Guard arrive, following Belladonna.

Once the enemy had been spotted, almost precisely where Starra Serrano had predicted they would be, the action happened quickly. The combined fleets of Seraceni and their allies split into two, flanked the sizable flotilla consisting of no less than thirty ships and began a pinscher maneuver. It was quite effective and the battle began in earnest. The sound of splintering wood, the screams of soldiers, the clash of steel and the hail of arrows from the Ischian corsairs, all of it was drowned out by the voice of someone with such musical talent as to make Jayus himself weep.

The immense dromond at the center of the tangled mass of ships was well defended and the Red Sail reavers themselves seemed feverish to keep it safe by any means. However, with the preparation and superior numbers on the Compact's side, this battle was not going in the favor of the Pirate Clan yet they fought on ferociously, egged on by the song in their ears and the desire to live another day.

This would only go on for a scant few minutes of carnage and destruction but to those who were fighting at the forefront, or whose ships had collided into the opposition and were beseiged, this might seem to last an eternity...but then it came. Upon the flagship dromond, at the center of it all, a white flag was hoisted up on the main mast. The battle would still rage on as was customary among Ischia and the border Clans but there would be parley, for those brave enough to sail through the opening provided by the Red Sail fleet that is. Meanwhile, the Duchess of Setarco's own flagship is present with the Auxiliary Corps in case things need to be escalated further, but mostly her and the Voice of Ischia monitor the progress of the battle.

One of the ships found waiting to see if there is need is a dromond and a fleet of longships flying the clenched fist holding flame of East Light, and upon the Duchess of Setarco's flagship stands the East Light's Knight Grandmaster as she watches the battle unfold with focused eyes.

Gianna is not good on sea voyages. She's been pale, sweaty, and in danger of throwing up for most of the journey. Getting out on deck into the fresh air seems to help somewhat, but the bard is miserable with a bow. Why she's here... well, there's the matter of the singer. Gianna does have interest in that, and she listens while hunkered under cover, trying not to puke. There's nothing left in her to throw up except bile, but that's still pretty gross.

Merek was assisting with the fleet action, hand upon sword which is at his hip, as he's put his bow back upon his shoulder while he looks to the flag that is raised up. The Admiral had also come to this to assist, even if he couldn't bring the Guard's navy with him, he did have a lot of experience with the sea at times. The Knight waits to see what the orders are.

Being Thraxian born, Iseulet is pretty at home on deck and is currently dressed in supple leathers and linen with a floppy hat. One hand she has the rum in the other she has a bag of salted peanuts. Anyone that roams nearby is offered from both as she watches the battle unfold from the rigging where she can stay out of the way of scrambling sailors.

Starra has rejoined group on the main boat. Originally with the scouting parties and then with the flanking teams the man has been here and there in the battle. Even as he clambers up the net, he is calling down orders for the other scout vessels making sure nothing unexpected is coming in. On deck he straightens his clothes and takes a position near the rail where he can watch the battle unfold. He checks his bow string and waits for the way forward to be clear. Straight into the pirate's den eh?

The water has begun roiling, as if during a storm. Swells out this far were usually quite tame but they were indeed close to the shore of a small, otherwise insignificant isle. With the skies growing darker throughout the day, one could've anticipated this was a possibility but seeing it is another thing entirely. A battle at sea is already a chaotic thing, but mix it with a storm and you're talking about difficult times all around.

The sudden momentum made ships drift apart, the men walking planks to board the ships falling into the water between the vessels before the swell would push them back together again with a resounding crack. Out of this mess, a longship sails. With the white flag above it and a grimacing youth at the head of the ship, staring at the flagship where Gianna is hunkered down beside Iseulet whose peanut shellings might be whipped around into people's faces from the force of the winds. Starra, Merek and Viviana haven't yet had to draw their weapons, but with this longship sailing ever closer they perhaps might. Coraline and the others might note that the approaching reavers have their weapons lowered and don't seem to be menacing beyond their outward appearances. From way down below the Duchess' dromond, one might hear them yelling. "Oi! Our Lady sent us here to ask that you might come to parley as she's been waiting for you," says the grim-faced man ominously while awaiting some kind of response.

The motions of the ship do not seem to affect Cora, her own movements accomidating like the ship is part of her. She keeps her weapon sheathed but does keep her hand upon it ready to draw as needed. Her eyes watch the oncoming ship waiting for betrayal, knowing full well what she would do were she in the position of the pirates. "Why does your Lady not come to us? You are surrendering yes? Let her come in a dinghy such that attack is not possible."

Gianna looks even more ill as the water gets choppier. She makes a disconcerting gurgling noise, jamming her hand over her mouth. Her other hand goes to the hilt of the knife on her belt, though she doesn't draw it. "Or meet on land," she mumbles. Maybe Iseulet will hear her; maybe not. It's very quiet. She very much misses land right now.

Merek doesn't comment upon the situation, and seems content to shift his black-silvers cloak about him, watching the one that has come to ask about the parley. He looks to the distance as the storm begins, while he frowns a bit.

Pbftht Pbftht Pbftht. Peanut shell. Everywhere. Gianna looks ill so she hands down the bag of peanuts, "Salted peanuts? It'll settle the stomach a little. Just mind the shells!" Iseulet turns on her heels, addressing Coraline, "I believe to parley is.. protected, it's something of an article for many pirate clans. Not that I know if these pirates /do/ but it'd certainly be very /rude/ if they slaughtered us once we went to her. Mmm her and three men? Peace tied weapons?" She suggests.

Bow in one hand the other tangled in the lines so he can watch the boat on it's approach, Starra looks down to the clearly discomforted woman. While she might be an impressive shade of green, a battle is not time to be enjoying someone in such a position, so he stops a boy dashing across the deck. "When you finish that bring the woman big cup of rum." He points at the woman to be sure he knows the one and sends him on the way.

When Coraline ipes up with her comment, the young grim-faced fellow whispers something over his shoulder. The men with him give a bit of humbuggery but they don't dissent. He nods a little bit and goes to respond but by then Gianna's suggestion is heard and the fellow clears his throat to say something but the tap on his shoulder stops him. He sighs heavily, one can tell by the way he rolls his eyes, and nods to them. Giving a shrug before his mouth opens once more, he takes in a breath and then Iseulet's suggestion is heard and the air just goes right outta those sails. More whispering with the men before a fight breaks out, it's ended pretty quickly with Grim-face punching the other guy in the muzzle and telling him to take a fokken seat. Smoothing his oilcloth cloak and looking back up at the Blackshore Lady,"Aight then. My lady will come to shore with three men and peace tied weapons. We'll make landfall at the same time aye?" He cries out as a wayward peanut shell gets him in the eye. First blood to Iseulet. The boat sails off as the man cusses up a storm with a rapidly reddening eye.

Cora frowns but nods and looks to her fellow shipmates, a look of sympathy for Gianna and the offer of a disc of ginger, "This will help more than peanuts, though salt isn't a bad idea." She shrugs, "Seems that is the best we will get but I think we should have a care. A pirate isn't a pirate by following rules." she nods to Iseulet, and a look of amusement for her shell assault, "Nice shot." is all she says before her attention goes back to that longship.

The normally elegant Whisper looks highly suspicious of the peanuts and the ginger and the order of rum. All of it. The idea of putting something in her stomach is perhaps not appealing, but these are all sailor-types and they know better, so she accepts what she's given with some mumbled thanks. Pushing some of the hair stuck to her forehead away, she asks, "Did he say shore? I can get off this boat?" Ship, Gianna.

Cora quickly adds, "Don't eat that ginger Whisper Gianna, chew it. Spit it out when you are finished with it."

She gives Cora a little tip of her hat, her grin broadening as she chuckles. "Yes, we'll do the shore - can't have one of our diplomats threatening to upend the contents of her stomach at any given moment!" Iseulet puts away her secret weapon, the bag of peanuts, in her belt and prepares herself for the shore. "Well, we should call for a dinghy to be lowered, perhaps?" Maybe she just wanted to say dinghy.

Starra gives a wry smile at the war of emotions on Whisper Gianna's face. "Don't know that the drink'll help but it's rum so it can't hurt!" With that he swings down and calls for a long boat to be made ready. To the Lady's and other's gathered he gives some advice. "They might be pirates but they aren't likely to be the first ones to break the terms of the parley." With a look around, "They have a code just not one we might agree with. No unnecessary aggression, yes?" Ugh, who the fuck is he right now?

Merek looks around a bit, while he takes his weapons a moment to peace tie it. He then nods to the others, while he walks to them, "Hopefully, this all goes well," he offers to the conversation, as he watches from the hood of his cloak.

Starra walks over to Merek takes a look at the peace tie and slides his knife out making a careful cut in the tie. "Pull hard and it'll snap. Looks like nothing though." He grins, "Just cause they have a code doesn't mean we can't be ready."

Coraline checked command + war at difficulty 40, rolling 7 higher.

She too gives Starra a strange look, like he had slugs crawling out of his ears. "Does /Prisila/ know you'd say that?" Iseulet winks and practically cackles and totally takes up space near Coraline. "Look I was spat on the last time I did this...." So she grabs her second secret weapons: her handkerchief! And tucks it into her pocket before they all depart. "And I agree though - backup plans are always best."

Coraline checked willpower at difficulty 15, rolling 16 higher.

Merek checked willpower at difficulty 15, rolling 3 higher.

Starra checked willpower at difficulty 20, rolling 9 lower.

Gianna checked willpower at difficulty 20, rolling 8 lower.

Iseulet checked willpower at difficulty 20, rolling 7 lower.

All were in agreement that they would go to shore and parley with the Pirate Lord. Already upon arrival a pair of dinghy's sit on the shore, turned over so they're not pulled back out to the tide. On the beach are assembled three figures in cloaks, one of them is positively immense, easily standing six and a half feet tall with a giant fuck off axe on his back. The one in the middle is the smallest and as the wind pushed back her hood, her face became visible for all to see.

Such a stunning beauty with red hair, copper colored skin and green eyes so bright they looked like shining emeralds. Her mouth was open and the song she sang was of such astounding beauty that all save for Coraline and Merek seem to succumb to the Siren's call. They all make fools of themselves as they fight the compulsion to reach her faster than anyone else. It almost looks like a mad race but Gianna comes out in the lead shoving the absolute shit out of anyone who gets in her way, until they're all standing before her and then she stops singing and stares down at them.

With their minds no longer befuddled, it's easy to see she is much too young to be the Siren of Redwater Cove. The Legends go back forty years at least but this woman looks barely a woman at that but the doubt might be washed away when she smiles and flashes a mouth full of golden teeth. That, along with her blood red armor mark her as the woman in question. For certain. Starra, Gianna and Iseulet are all given a looksie with the one who arrived first being offered a special smile. "Which one speaks for you all?" Asks the woman in a heavily accented speech that held a melodic cadence.

Merek checked charm + seduction at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Gianna has chewed on ginger and, as directed, spit it out. That, perhaps coupled with the fact that she's going to be on solid land again, raises her spirits somewhat. Having noted Starra's actions, Gianna gives a cord a small cut and fashions a similarly snappable bond to her wicked little knife. She also takes a few moments to compose herself and tidy her hair up. She looks like a Whisper again, the little musical note pin on her coat and the blue sapphire ring marking her as the Nightingale. Of course, all this preparation is for naught, because she's immediately spellbound. "That was beautiful," the bard breathes to the Siren.

Merek looks aside to Cora from beneath the hood, while he watches the others move to the Pirates. He seems a bit thoughtful, "That's not normal," he looks like it doesn't affect him much, it doesn't. When he arrives a bit after the others, he looks then to the woman a moment, "Nice song, needs a bit of work, you know... I could teach you a bit about charm," he then winks at the woman, and seems to be using his song instead it would seem. The Knight does a little shimmy to the side with his hips as he places a hand upon the belt he wears so he can let the actual parley begin. In his mind although, he already succeeded in winning the first exchange.

Cora nods in agreement to Merek's statement. "I think this is going to get dangerous." Her own hand is perched on her peace tied weapon. She frowns as she sedately walks up to the parley not hurrying in the least. She doesn't hesitate to look anyone in the eye either. Her expression blank but there is an edge of fite me, in there.

Starra comes to his senses standing in front of the singer. He gives a little glare to everyone in sight, the dash across the beach barely a hazy memory to him. He takes a moment shrugs his shoulders and puts the smirk back on his face. Then he steps aside to let the important folk talk.

Nijah checked willpower at difficulty 20, rolling 2 higher.

Gianna shoots Merek a look. "It was a wonderful song. I think only I could possibly match her," she hisses at him. Gianna flicks her hair over her shoulder, haughty. Then she smiles at the red-haired woman, more warmly than she smiles at most.

Iseulet may have been outbid on the attempt to get to the Siren first, but then the spell is broken by Merek's... shimmy. She stares. Then, once her throat is cleared, she steps forward and gives a little respectful bow. She is unarmed (save for the bag o peanuts) and looks harmless enough. At least she's not trying to use her hips as some kind of strange mating ritual. "That would be me and my associates, Gianna Whisper, The Nightengale and Nijah..." She gestures to the two women in turn.

Aida, 8 Pravus Honor Guard leave, following Belladonna.

Quiet and always observing, Nijah makes her way up to the rest of the group with a calm and easy stride, taking a long look at the supposed siren with a suspicious squint, hand on her hip and a bit of a curious look to the rest of her companions that had practically bounded over towards the woman. "Well, it was being quite charming," comes the young woman's thickly accented words. "But are you the one that we are supposed to be speaking with?" she wonders.

"Oh darlin' that song's an old one. My mother used to sing it to me when I was a wee lass but I'm glad you liked it." Says the woman with a smirk on her lips as she openly admires Gianna. She seems to take her in for a while, even as the others speak her eyes are kept upon the Nightingale. It's Merek, Cora and Nijah who draw her eye though and they are each given a bit of a wary look. Although the Knight who'd ridiculed her got a double take. She runs her tongue along her teeth salaciously and takes two steps towards him as if she would have him right here on the beach, but then the big man (huge understatement) reaches out and grasps her arm tightly before speaking in a gravelly tone of voice and removing his hood. "Let's wrap this shit up Shyrene, I wasn't bloody jokin' when I said I needed to take a shit." He gives a derisive snort and crosses his arms. The Siren looks back at him with a glare and then says to Merek. "Maybe I just need a new muse..." The banter though, it passes when Iseulet speaks up. "You and the Whisper and that one then. Come closer so my eyes can see you clearly and that we may not have to speak in raised voices but know this, I came to profess our innocence. We didn't start this and we didn't raid no lands of our kinfolk to the west," she says this with a look towards the Seraceni present, her eyes stopping and lingering on Nijah. "I know that accent...sickly sweet like the poisons of Mangaldissi...child of the dunes are you?"

Starra almost laughs at the huge slab of a man. In most circumstances he would have replied but he was told to be on his best behavior. Not many would know that name.....Ole gold-teeth silver tongue is full of surprises it seems.

Iseulet approaches (mostly) fearlessly, taking in a deep breath of salty sea air to sober her as she draws closer. "Well, truth be told it was a bit of a shock to hear you'd been somehow involved in piracy in Ischian waters. First few times crews were left intact and unharmed. Things escalated after that - I assume that it's just gotten out of control - am I mistaken? We've been approved to offer you and yours full universal pardons should you decide to come into the fold of House Seraceni."

Merek watches as the proceedings take place, not bothered by the advances of the woman much. He looks over to Nijah, and offers up a kind greeting in the Eurusi language, while he turns his attention to look at the man with the axe, study him, then he gives a study of the Siren up and down a little bit in thought. The hood seems to mask the features of his.

"You might be saying so," Nijah says with a small smile towards her, drawing close alongside Iseulet. "I am coming from far away and finding myself being in the company of the Seraceni. They are treating me well, and as... how you say? 'Child of the Dunes', I am certain you will be finding such an arrangement agreeable, yes?" Nijah smiles bright. "It is being a situation in which nobody loses."

Cora is one glowering presence, she just scowls at all of those on the other side of the diplomatic company. Clearly she doesn't trust them, she doesn't intend to trust them, and her eyes keep moving expecting trouble. She is the short haired, well armored party pooper.

When Iseulet approaches the Siren's smile widens, that grille of hers gleaming in the sunlight. The one hooded and cloaked figure on the left of the Siren hasn't said anything up until now but he speaks in a chilly tone of voice,"That's close enough lass." He doesn't say anything else but it does cause the red-haired beauty to snicker under her breath. She's got eyes on Gianna though, and even leans in to utter something quiet. "I'd be willing to negotiate that but first I want to hear her sing and after, if she's impressed me, I'll think about it." The big man laughs,"Fuckin kneelers and their pardons ain't worth spit. We want justice," Without looking away from Iseulet, the Siren slaps the big man on the chest and nods along enthusiastically. "We're not a bloodthirsty bunch, we just want your shit and when we have it we leave and everyone gets to go home. Business keeps coming through that way. That fat lordling is mad because I turned down his advances and his shitty little offer to join his shitty little House. He's playin you and your fancy March-lord..." She pauses here before smilin at Nijah,"We're cousins of a sort. You Seraceni and us, we used to be family a long time ago. My father's father was a Lord of the Compact. Fought in the Reckoning and all that...but he still got turned out...why would we trust you now?" The hooded, quiet man turns the darkness of his hood upon Coraline and stares her down. Kissing noises can be heard, even from where she stands all the way back there.

Meeka arrives, delivering a message to Merek before departing.

Meeka arrives, delivering a message to Merek before departing.

Cora's scowl deepens at the question, but the kissy noises cause her to ever so slowly, ever so elegantly make a sailor version of fuck off, all while smiling sweetly at the hooded man. Her attention still apparently firmly on the conversation. She doesn't speak but perhaps she is biting her lip not to say what she thinks. Even still she isn't here for diplomacy, clearly.

Gianna inclines her head to the Siren, lofting her chin immediately thereafter and straightening up. "I can certainly sing you something," she tells the red-haired woman. "A song about sirens, I think. When you're ready." She didn't bring her gittern along with her, but her voice is her real instrument, anyway.

Merek checked intellect + occult at difficulty 35, rolling 11 higher.

Merek looks within his pack a moment, and also finds his lute which he draws forth as he shows that to Gianna, "You want me to play for you, or do you wish to?" he asks. He then looks to the Pirate woman as he seems to consider, something in his gaze tells her that he seems to have vast amounts of knowledge. It's the kind of look that one might take note of.

Iseulet puts on her honeyed words, "Well then you'd agree there's strength in numbers. Imagine the spoils and riches untold you'd have a piece of if you came back to Seraceni? A prize of a lifetime. All it takes is for you to join the Compact and turn your eye to Shav prizes. A pirate would turn into a privateer should they have the ambition. We've no intention of squashing your desires in that regard." And as to the fat lordling, "Sounds like me every week. Look, nothing and no one's going to make you try to marry someone if that's what you're worried about. If he is playin' Seraceni that definitely needs to be brought to the Marquis' attention. But I'm not here to discuss that. I'm here to discuss a match that would make everyone all the stronger and richer for it." She looks to Gianna and Merek with a little bow of her head, she steps aside to let them convince the Siren in their own, musical way.

Iseulet checked charm + diplomacy at difficulty 15, rolling 15 higher.

"You should be trusting us because you are having no reason not to," Nijah says slowly. "There are being many problems in our seas and if we are working together, that is good for us all, no?" Nijah than looks to Iseulet and gives a sharp nod. "And as she is saying. It is making sense to join houses! And when you are joining with Seraceni, we are not going to be telling you how to manage your own seas, we are just being stronger if we are standing together."

Gianna's eyebrows arch; she regards Merek and his lute with a bit of surprise, then gives him a very faint smile. "Thank you," she tells him. "Something simple will do." And then she begins to sing, her voice a clear clarion call, powerful and pure. There's no denying it's the stuff legends are made of. "The sea is lonely, the sea is dreary," she begins. "Thou seekest quiet, thou art weary..."

Gianna checked charm + performance at difficulty 15, rolling 68 higher.

Merek checked charm + performance at difficulty 15, rolling 27 higher.

Nijah checked charm + seduction at difficulty 15, rolling 18 higher.

Gianna gets Song - The Sirens from repertoire.

Coraline checked command + intimidation at difficulty 30, rolling 3 lower.

Gianna drops Song - The Sirens.

Merek takes up the lute, while he begins to make a tune upon it. He is actually pretty nice at it, it would seem at the moment. The man points to Gianna to let him know that she can move forward with the song.

As the hooded man reveals himself and gives Cora a look, she returns it with a bring it face, her arms cross and her chin goes up, a fierce look of confidence in her expression, a still healing line on her cheek indicating she has seen recent action.

Coraline checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 25, rolling 33 higher.

Coraline checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Coraline checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 35, rolling 36 higher.

Coraline checked stamina + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 14 higher.

Iseulet's honeyed words are heard and even though she makes a rousing speech, the Siren seems hard to read. She does nod along at the talk of riches and privateering, but otherwise is virtually unreadable. Nijah is given her full attention and a sympathetic look, but seems also otherwise hard to read. When the lute is produced by Merek and he begins to play his tune, her eyes seem to light up with interest and then Gianna sings like nothing else. Her voice rivals the Siren's even and the performance has drawn in the red-haired beauty and the big man, who places his elbow atop the woman's shoulder and feigns a lean - no way in all the Abyss she could support him if actually did. The conclusion of the song makes the Pirate Lord take in a deep breath and slowly clap, the clapping speeds up though and eventually the round of applause is in full force.

"Nightingale," she says while squinting a little and nodding to herself. The big man leans in and the pair of them talk for a moment. Meanwhile, Coraline maddogs the gloomy fellow who has just now removed his hood to reveal an equally handsome face as that of the Siren with the same colored eyes as the others but his skin is milky and pale as to where theirs is dusky and bronzed. He shrugs out of his cloak and slowly walks aside with Coraline. Their gazes lock and their weapons are drawn, but not with intent to kill. That much is clear from the look they share and how they square up.

The pair of them dance then and it's a beautiful dance with the man demonstrating his skill with a sword and Coraline demonstrating her mastery of form. Clanging steel sends sparks into the air around them and eventually a splash of crimson hits the sand and the man stumbles back a few steps to hold his abdomen. His eyes look to the Siren with surprise then, and she nods. His blade is put away but he seems intent to chat more with the Thraxian princess. "Such a song...such moving words. All of it was nice but if your Marquis will hear what I have to say with open ears and me, my brother and my son can be welcomed into the family with titles of Peerage, then I'll give you my oath but only when we make landfall on Ischia and I hear it with my own ears. I'm not gonna bend the knee and become some fucking Prodigal. We're blood, so treat us like blood."

As Cora and the young man begin their dance, she seems one with her axe, for she is a THRAXIAN dammit, and as such an axe is the only weapon for her. Their dance ends with Cora getting first blood, but she is also a knight and as such doesn't press the advantage after that first blood is made. Instead she offers her hand to the man, warrior to warrior...respect yo, not really listening to the politikin, instead doing her own version of diplomacy.

Gianna sings her heart out, and her voice soars, calling up emotion and want. A seductress singing the call of sirens, her performance is dynamic. When she's finished, her cheeks are flushed and she's smiling. Really smiling, with warmth and sheer joy. She laughs, bowing to those assembled with a flourish; when she straightens, she claps her hands together and tells Merek, "Thank you."

Carefully, Iseulet considers after the stirring song ends. Her cerulean gaze settles on the Siren again. "Very well. I'll send word to the Marquis and let him know your intention to meet with him and your desire to become a Peer of the Compact. I'll let him know that everything went well here and that you remember the blood tie to House Seraceni and will advise that he do the same."

Merek puts back the lute once the music is complete, then he nods to the others after watching the combat. He seems content to listen while he shifts his cloak about him and watches from the hood after nodding to Gianna. The man inspects the Pirate once more as he seems to consider all of the gear she has with her it would seem.

Giving a little nod to Iseulet and back to the Siren, Nijah nods. "I am sure that it can be arranged," Nijah says. "I will be doing everything in my power to make it so. I am hoping we will be seeing each other again, yes? You will not be regretting this!"

Perhaps this wasn't how the Siren expected it to go either. Merek's assessment of her seems to draw that conclusion well enough from the red leather armor she wore, the rubicund whip-blade on her hip and the mass of throwing knives on her person. The big man seemed satisfied by this and turned to go back to his dinghy,"Good. Now I can finally go and drop this log." He shakes his head in a bored manner, but peeks over his shoulder at Nijah once more before going. The young fellow shakes Coraline's hand and flashes a smirk to the woman before leaning in to whisper his goodbye, he even sketches a bow of respect for her but he too heads back towards the dinghy. The last one to go is the Siren who steps up to Iseulet and shakes her hand to seal their agreement, but she tugs her in close and has a few choice words for her too. After which, she steps away and looks to Gianna. "I can promise you safe passage lass, sail with us back to Ischia with everyone else and maybe, just maybe we might be able to sing the most beautiful duet yet." With that, she begins to walk back to her ship - preparing the flotilla to head to Ischia where their lives would change, hopefully for the better.

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