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With Sorrow and Regret

Posted by Orazio on 10/30/17
To the Faithful:

One of the most cherished positions that a child of the Faith can hold is that of Disciple. These men and women are not godsworn, and yet they donate their time and their effort to the Church, and stand as shining exemplars of what it means to walk the path of piety. Their contributions cannot be overstated.

However, it does come that sometimes Disciples stray from the path, or in error feel that the protection of their lands and family cannot co-exist with their service to the Faith. When Disciples of the Faith take actions which undermine the goals of the Faith and, in doing, separate themselves from the path of Discipleship, it brings us great sorrow. It would, however, bring greater sorrow not to acknowledge the choice of Disciples to walk apart from the Church by their actions. Not just to the Church itself, but to all the Faithful who look to Disciples to demonstrate piety and service to the will of the gods.

In the case of thralldom, there has always been a fine but very important distinction between a practice the Faith loathes, but which it has tolerated, and chattel slavery, which cannot, and will not, be accepted in any demesne of the Compact. That distinction is this: a thrall serves not for the economic betterment of a land, but to pay off a personal or social debt. When that debt is paid, the contract of thralldom is ended. Should any lord, lady, or land refuse to accept payment of that debt in order to retain unpaid labor in perpetuity, that lord casts off this distinction and declares to all that what they practice is chattel slavery, and no member of the Faith can support, abide, or suffer the existence of chattel slavery within our Compact.

Thus, it is with a heavy heart that the Faith formally acknowledges the separation of the Count and Countess of Navegant, and of their Voice, Lady Regla, from the position of Disciples of the Faith. We do this in the spirit of loving correction, and hope that, with time and greater wisdom, the ruling house of Navegant will see their path returning to walk with the Faith once again. When that day comes, we trust that Navegant will have remembered that there is no asset truly irreplaceable except the love of the Pantheon for its children, even the wayward ones.

By my hand and authority,

Father Orazio, Legate of Concepts, Shield of the Faith

--- Nox Stance ---
We disapprove of that which causes Orazio sorrow and regret, and will stab it to death if necessary.

--- Grayson Stance ---
As one once similarly parted from the Faith, Princess Lark Grayson offers her advice for the Navegants if they wish it to help reconcile.