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Kindred Spirits Animal Center

Posted by Aiden on 10/18/17

To the People of Arx:

On the 4th day of the 6th month of year 1007 AR, as Officiator of the Menagerie and the Crown Sanctuary, I'm proud to announce the opening of Kindred Spirits Animal Center, which offers an animal clinic, a shelter, and an adoption area. Through the sales of Menagerie Plushies and previous fundraising, we were able to achieve construction on this project a lot quicker than anticipated. I thank all those who have donated in the past or purchased a plushie; your contributions ensure we have facilities to aid those of fur and feather.

The clinic will provide an area of practice for the physicians recently named veterinarians to ensure ongoing medical care for animal companions, menagerie animals, and those rescued from outside our walls. We take all types. We have ample space in the building to house for sick, injured, rescued or lost animals, and finally, with great heart and hope, an adoption center to aid in rehoming animal companions who have lost their handlers in some way.

If animals are in need, bring them to the center and our experts will meet you there. In unforeseen circumstances, remember to think about your animal companion and what would happen to them without you. Ensure you find family or friends to look after them, and if none are able, I offer to take on your animal companions if written in your Last Wills to intrust their care to the Animal Center. It is my promise to you, we'll provide the best care until we can acquaint them with a new handler, friend, and home.

I welcome the Physicians Guild and those of the Lodge of Petrichor to use this facility if the need arises.

The Kindred Spirits Animal Center is located off the Animal Companion Park, accessible through the amphitheater.


Prince Aiden Grayson
Officiator of the Menagerie and Crown Sanctuary
Minister of Upkeep for House Grayson

--- Faith of the Pantheon Stance ---
The Faith supports this initiative, and the compassion behind it.

--- Culler Stance ---
Things the nobility values more than its poor...

--- Grayhope Stance ---
If there are animals too far gone to save, there's a soup kitchen project in the Lower Boroughs that could use donations.