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Clement Birth Announcement

Posted by Adalyn on 12/28/21
It is our great privilege to announce the birth of Elani Clement, thirdborn of Lady Adalyn Clement and Lord Vitalis Clement on the tenth day of October, 1016 AR.

On behalf of our family, we invite you to raise a glass of your preferred drink in Elani's honor at the Sleepless Knights for the next thirteen days.

Lady Adalyn Clement, Heir to Duskshire

--- Thrax Stance via Alarissa ---
Thrax raises its cups in celebration of the newest Clement and wishes long life and health for the family.

--- Mazetti Stance via Cambria ---
House Mazetti is thrilled by the news, and wishes House Clement and its latest addition all the best.

--- Telmar Stance via Tesha ---
House Telmar is overjoyed to hear of the birth of Lady Elani and congratulates House Clement on the newest addition.

--- Laurent Stance via Mabelle ---
House Laurent rejoices in the expansion of House Clement and raises a glass of milk for the occasion.