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They seek him here, they seek him there

Posted by Preston on 12/03/21
In a couple of months we will approach the Feast Day of Alor Valardin. Often I have shared a meal and stories with my brothers and sisters in the Arx Chapter House on this day, or at a small shrine when we are on campaign. This time, I will be holding this feast at our Chapter House in Maelstrom. And I call every Godsworn knight commander of the Templars in the Isles to join me and knights from Arx, so we might sit together and worship as one.

But more, it is time that we ended the threat behind us so we can strike forward with certainty and confidence. Waldo Bellerive and his supporters have been given many chances to explain themselves, to submit to the Faith and to place themselves back within the grace of the Gods. They have rejected this. And while the Most Holy is a man of infinite patience, kindness and forgiveness, that is not my role.

I call then on the Seraphs of the Isles to raise their Templars to muster 3 days after the feast - so that the Knights may return and lead them with my instructions on the hunt for renegade Waldo Bellerive and his supporters. Any Seraph who cannot bring themselves to undertake this command may relinquish their post and come to Arx and explain their failure to honour their oaths, and I will send a replacement as Seraph to take their place. Any Godsworn Templar who cannot obey the orders of their Faith and their Order may find alternate work within the Faith under the guidance of the Archlector of the Thirteenth.

I hear the call of the Isles, for tradition. It echoes in the beat of my Orthodox heart. The first tradition of our people, the most important, is that we honour our oaths and vows, taken under and to the Gods. And in turn that we should never harm the Gods' representatives here on Arvum, the Faith. I do what I do because it is necessary to defend the Faith, to uphold our traditions, to protect our people. I do it because that is my oath as Carnifex, and as Gloria's champion I can do no less than honourably obey.

By my hand, and in defense of the Faith,

Sir Preston, Carnifex of the Faith of the Pantheon

--- Thrax Stance via Victus ---
We commend the Carnifex's initiative and hope the *truly* faithful of the Isles will support his endeavors. May Waldo be judged by the Gods he defies.