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Pravus Banners Called

Posted by Sebastian on 11/22/20
A fight against slavery requires the setting aside of old grudges, ambitions and selfish wants, recognizing a cause that cries out loudly, but will die in silence and oppression if we do not act.

It is time to be loud. It is time to make noise.

Our Archduchess Belladonna Pravus, the Chainbreaker, Highlord of the Saffron Chain, stood up and made noise. She has spearheaded the breaking of chains within the Saffron for years. And she is not done.

Pravus is united with the Compact and the Faith, and calls its banners to war. The Black Fleet will once more sail to victory.

Prince Sebastian Pravus
Voice of House Pravus
Ebon Hound of Setarco

--- Seraceni Stance via Dio ---
Seraceni answers the call of Pravus, and joins the Black Fleet against the enemies of the Faith.

--- Inverno Stance via Tyche ---
In this, and in all things, Inverno stands with Pravus.