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Marquessa of the Cloudspine

Posted by Gaston on 01/21/20
From this eleventh day in the eighth month in the year 1012 AR, I hereby resign the mantle of leadership of House Blackram, and return all privileges afforded me as Marquis, so that the Lady Teagan may step into the position uncontested as our new Marquessa.

There are many reasons for this decision, but first and foremost is that I have come to realize this is not a time for hot blood, strength and stubbornness alone to lead the people of the Stoneburner Hills; such things had their day, but the changing face of the Compact requires leaders of great subtlety, intelligence, and skill, all of which my sister exemplifies.

I believe this is the best choice for my House and my people, and would ask our peers to welcome this change with open minds and hearts. I am very grateful for the alliances we have built in my time as Marquis, and pray they continue to support us.

By my hand,
Gaston Blackram
Marquis of the Cloudspine
"Strong Walls. Strong Souls."

--- Telmar Stance via Tesha ---
House Telmar is saddened to see the stepping down of Marquis Gaston, but, we will be watching Marquessa Teagan with great interest. May she lead with the insight and courage that we've seen in the past from her.

--- Templars Stance via Preston ---
The Templars are certain the people will be sad to see Marquis Gaston step down, but we congratulate the new Marquessa, and look forward to working with both the new and former leader of the March and her people in the coming months.