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Emilia Godsworn

Posted by Preston on 01/15/20
There were events the other day at the Lodge of Petrichor. In them, slavers attacked a group engaging in spring planting with the stated intent of killing or enslaving those present. This is clearly an attack. It is clear to me that sanctuary does not exist in this context - a Templar's duty is to protect those at worship in holy places, those who would attack them cannot claim the protections of sanctuary, only be granted them by the Godsworn. In this, Dame Emilia was not wrong.

But, there is an old story. Of a beloved of Gloria who pursued her enemy beyond thought, beyond reason. Her devotion became pride. Her righteousness became arrogance. Her brothers and sisters died trying to keep with her. And eventually she fell, abandoned by Gloria for though beloved, Gloria could no longer see herself in her child. In executing the wounded slaver leader on the battlefield, with no argument to be given that this was mercy or necessary, Dame Emilia placed her sense of righteousness above her honour, and more importantly above the honour of the Templars. She abandoned her oaths to the Templars, and when confronted by Gloria's clergy, she responded with arrogance.

No one Templar can ever be more important than the Order. No Brother or Sister can step ahead of the line and expose all to risk. Each must trust the man and woman to their left and to their right, and hold true to them. Dame Emilia forfeited that trust, she acted with grave dishonour and forfeited her place in the Holy Knights of the Temple. As she forfeits her honour, so she forfeits her knighthood, and the Faith - by approval of Mother Cassandra - withdraws that honour. She is now simply Emilia Godsworn. She will be taken from the Chapter House to walk through a guard of thirteen brothers and sisters, who will each strike her before she leaves so she might understand the hurt she has caused us all.

But. We cannot condemn for a lack of mercy without offering our own hope for her redemption. If she wishes to prove her devotion to the Gods, to try and show she can work for the greater good, she must find a way to demonstrate her repentence and show that Gloria has accepted her once more. And, once 13 months has elapsed since her banishment from the Templars, she may present her tale of redemption and pennance to the Brothers and Sisters of the Arx Templar Chapter House, and the Brothers and Sisters of the Chapter, along with the Blessed Astraea and Mother Cassandra, shall vote on her re-admittance as a Templar.

If she chooses not to seek that redemption, it is a choice she has. Though unless she seeks release or the Dominus should say otherwise, Emilia Godsworn remains just that - bound by her vows of service to the Gods.

By my hand, in sorrow,

Sir Preston Godsworn
Grandmaster, Holy Knights of the Temple

--- Faith of the Pantheon Stance via Cassandra ---
It is with a heavy heart that the Faith supports Grandmaster Preston's decision. We will hope Emilia Godsworn finds the temperance to be accepted as a Templar once again.

--- King's Own Stance via Corban ---
The Silver Swords hear with sadness Emilia Godsworn's deviation from chivalry's path. We pray she will find her way once more.

--- Blackram Stance via Gaston ---
House Blackram stands firmly if sorrowfully behind the wisdom of Grandmaster Preston in his judgement. We nobles of the Oathlands look to the Templars to uphold our higheet standards and ideals and pray that is remembered.

--- Scholars Stance via Sina ---
We are saddened to hear the story of Emilia Godsworn. We pray that she will find redemption in the eyes of the Templars and the Gods.

--- Melaeris Stance via Llewella ---
House Melaeris knows the power of a redemption story and so wishes Sister Emilia Godsworn well in her quest for it.

--- Harlequins Stance via Hamish ---
Fortunately arrogance does not need to be a terminal diagnosis. The Harlequins hope to hear that in thirteen months Emilia Godsworn has made a full recovery.

--- Malvici Stance via Eirene ---
House Malvici is glad the Templar's uphold their honor with such a swift and appropriate punishment. May her honor be someday redeemed.