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Memoriam of the Fallen at High Hill Crossing

Posted by Marian on 08/11/19
Death must not be feared. Death, in time, comes to all warriors. Yes, every warrior feels the shadow of the reaper in his first battle. If that warrior denies such a claim, he or she is a liar. At some point we accept our mortality when we raise our sword and shield in defense of this great nation.

It takes no great effort to fight a battle that you know you're going to win. But to charge the enemy, knowing your own life will end takes true courage, honors Gloria. So today, House Redrain bends its head in solemn prayer for Duke Arn Telmar and those Oathlanders that lost their lives at the Battle of High Hill Crossing. We offer our condolences and aide to our allies within House Valardin.

By my hand, in memory to those who fought to the last,
Princess Marian Redrain
Warchief and Voice of House Redrain

--- Grimhall Stance via Valdemar ---
Grimhall offers condolences to its allies in house Telmar for their fallen, but also a toast to the example set by Duke Arn, who died with the same honor and courage that he lived.

--- The Crown Stance via Saoirse ---
The Crown grieves with Redrain.

--- Shepherd Stance via Malcolm ---
House Shepherd lifts a glass high to toast the memory of the Telmarch's Duke, Arn Telmar. A just and honorable warrior until the very end.

--- Ashford Stance via Lisebet ---
House Ashford grieves the loss of a just, honorable and valiant warrior. Duke Arn will be missed.