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Posted by Gianna on 03/17/19
Whisper House has elected its newest Radiant, Bliss Whisper. We thank our Twin Radiants, Saedrus and Lumen Whisper, for their bright and inspiring service. Whisper House looks forward to a new era.

Gianna, Softest Whisper
Nightingale of the Bard's College

--- Redrain Stance (from Darren) ---
House Redrain congratulates Bliss Whisper on her appointment as Radiant and looks forward to watching the Whisper House continue to flourish with her guidance.

--- Igniseri Stance (from Quenia) ---
House Igniseri welcomes Radiant Bliss to her new position. May she prosper as Radiant.

--- Mazetti Stance (from Cambria) ---
House Mazetti offers a hearty congratulations to Whisper House and its newest Radiant, Bliss.

--- Keaton Stance (from Reigna) ---
Congratulations to the newest Radiant, fitting title for one as brilliant as Bliss Whisper!

--- Harthall Stance (from Ouida) ---
Harthall celebrates with Whisper House as the new Radiant is named. May she serve long and well, and Whisper House continue to defend and enrich the Compact in ways both seen and unseen.