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In Response to The Response of The Response to The Response

Posted by Lumen on 10/14/18
Upon request, an answer from Whisper House for the behavior of our leading Voice:

Whisper House's neutrality does not dictate any express necessity to pretend things contrary to the truth, be they actions taken in poor taste or outright dishonor. While the passion and methods with which these revelations were introduced to the public were troubling and admittedly unbecoming of a Whisper as tradition might dictate, this does not negate the credibility of the accusations posed.

I thank representatives of the Faith for their involvement at this time and am comforted in the knowledge that those involved will soon accept Limerance's guidance.

I further acknowledge and thank the hardworking heralds whom today of all days have been called upon to serve above and beyond customary expectations. I invite all involved to take to private notes so that these men and women might rest. Letters are not quite as fulfilling to one's vanity, I know, but then this isn't about that... right?

Radiant Lumen Whisper