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Story Coordinators

Posted by Apostate on 06/14/20
I will be doing a large overhaul of current plots in the game and making much more use of the +plots command in order to help keep a much better handle on all the major existing story arcs so we can see when they are stalling out and need help to keep stories moving. As part of this, I am going to be asking for volunteers in order to help staff keep track of all the plots going on in each @org. These will be called Story Coordinators.

Each org that staff GM's for will have a player that acts as a story coordinator to help. A story coordinator will have two OOC responsibilities: OOC bookkeeping for plots of their orgs, and helping players in their orgs become involved in plots.

For book keeping, this would be updating every time an org-centric plot needs to be updated, what the plot is waiting on, when PRPs for it is next being run, contacting staff when a plot is stalled and needs help, writing beats/emits as needed, adding plots to the org, and other related tasks.

For helping players, this would be acting as a mentor whenever a roster PC becomes active in the org, or an OC joins, and seeing if the new player is interested in joining any of the plots and helping them become involved. Because of these two responsibilities, a Story Coordinator would have to be active, and I'd probably appoint someone else if someone has been offline or inactive for a couple of weeks.

It is important to note that personal character secrets are NOT org plots by default, nor is any plot an org plot simply because it involves members of the org. However, personal plots like these can become org plots if and only if the owner of that plot wishes it to be added. So it is the discretion of someone that holds a secret, or smaller story arc, whether or not they wish to involve the org in it or at what ranks.

While this seems like a big deal, it really is more just formalizing of my constant practice of having to hunt down PRP runners and talk to dozens of people to figure out what was going on, and adding more structure to smooth things out.

Orgs can feel free to talk about this oocly on channels to see if anyone wants to get stuck with being the contact person for org plots and take this job, and feel free to drop in +requests volunteering, and I'll review them all in a little bit after code is added to support this.