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Episode: And Not to Yield

Posted by Story on 01/20/24
Bastion fell once, but never again. That's the view of the soldiers that have been gathering, and the rally from House Grayson is truly massive. It's one of the largest armies assembled in the Crownlands, and the navy is nearby along the river to support. The houses of the Crownlands have rallied to Grayson's banner, largely out of respect for the highlord, who has seen time and again at the battles for the Compact.

But they know what's coming. There's been harrying attacks on Azazel's legions through the crownlands. House Ashford trapped all of Ashford Keep, and many of its fabled trees of its tree city came crashing down on the legion. Roads were blocked, and houses surrendering their domains tried to bleed the legions as they pushed forward to Bastion. But they came on, and as the miles upon miles of the enemy creep into view, the Crownlands makes a stand to hold the enemy before they reach Arx, in the hope all the evacuated domains may have a chance to flee for the city.