Episode: Shattered Peace
Posted by Story on 08/07/22
It hasn't been long since news of the mass abductions in the Crownlands reached the ears of the citizens of Arx. Tales of what happened when an intrepid group set off to the Crownlands in an attempt to rescue these commoners spreads fast across the city. The adventurers, among them - Katarina, Ailys, Ezra, Thea, Eirene, Ian, Felicia, Raven, Alantir, Preston, Caspian, Tesha, Vitalis, Giorgio and Gaspard, traced the bandits to a modest holding north of Graypeak which was heavily guarded by some of their number. Fighting their way through when it became clear that a parley was not in the cards, they found the victims tied to altars within the holding, surrounded by their captors. While they found themselves overwhelmed when the chief of the band of shavs arrived to dispel the would-be heroes, a turning point came when Dame Felicia Harrow forced the leader to retreat (although the specifics are unclear), sacrificing herself in the process. Though they did not emerge unscathed, the adventurers were able to rescue the vast majority of the captives and offer their wounded aide before returning them to their loved ones. Save for the leader, not one of the vile bandits escaped with their lives, with the surviving shavs awaiting judgement.