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Episode: The Sack of Bastion

Posted by Story on 02/22/22
It came as a surprise to many when the Mirrorguard announced their intention to hold a pilgrimage to Lagoma's Shrine in each great city: Farhaven, Sanctum, Lenosia, Setarco, Maelstrom, and for Bastion-beset, back to Arx. Not an unwelcome surprise and their show of devotion was noted by the Faithful, some of whom felt an uneasiness to the Mirrorguard prior to this due to their name. This has alleviated many fears, especially in the Oathlands, although some distrust may still remain among the Orthodox. The members of the Mirrorguard, including Vitalis, Alexio, Agostino, Quenia, Esme, Cerys and Pasquale, lit candles in each of the Shrines and spoke of the benefits of change to an interested audience. The pilgrimage was smooth for the most part besides the odd, but swiftly dealt with, brigand attacks. The group tracked and apprehended a clan of heretical shavs in the outskirts of Lenosia for which the peerage is truly grateful. Devotion to the Goddess Lagoma has been re-ignited and coincidentally, the increased infestation of bugs in Lenosia's Shrine that had started earlier in the week also suddenly ceased. How lovely.