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Episode: Storms Over Esterhold

Posted by Story on 08/14/20
News of a terrible attack spreads through the city like wildfire, and the story is sensational enough to go along with it. Blood was spilled in a place of sanctuary, an unforgivable crime, and the Grandmaster of the Knights of Solace declared the life of the culprit to be forfeit, as both Faith and Duty require. What happened after that is far less clear, but the stories claim that the House of Solace came under vicious attack by a large group of murderous thugs, possibly even shav infiltrators, attempting to free the condemned man. The Knights of Solace fought valiantly, taking grievous injuries and several deaths, protecting those within the House of Solace who stood no chance of defending themselves with their bodies and their lives. Fortunately, none of the sick or ill were harmed, as the Mercies presumably evacuated them in the chaos, though there's a bit of confusion over that, as some people are claiming they were evacuated well before anything actually happened.

It's unclear if the attackers succeeded in their rescue, but they seem to have fled. The guards posted at the gates alert their superiors that some force incredibly fast and bleeding ran out into the forest before they could stop it.