A Corsetina Invitation
Posted by Mirari on 11/25/21
The Corsetina ( https://play.arxmush.org/topics/org/176/ )are a famous family of commoners that have been around for a long time. Recently they have been reworked a little and there are new rosters for them, with some storylines starting very soon. If you are looking to play some cloak and daggers with elements of horror I encourage anyone to give them a look.
Mailys - https://play.arxmush.org/character/sheet/9827/
Mailys is the Corsetina second-in-command and our social butterfly and mistress of mystery. Very socially-oriented with a little added spice.
Miraya - https://play.arxmush.org/character/sheet/16281/
Miraya is Mirari's long lost sister whose appearance synched with their father's death, soap opera style. She is a fighter with pirate-esque leanings and our dashing heroine.
Beatrix - https://play.arxmush.org/character/sheet/554/
Beatrix is our scandalous Corsetina who has problems with her side of the family hunting her down. A fighter in her own right, she dreams of being rich as nobles and fancy as they are.
If you have any questions page Mirari whenever I am online.