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Marquessa Ezmeralda Leporidae

Posted by Alarissa on 04/15/21
To become a silent reflection is not butchery, nor slavery but a consequence for those who swear oaths to the faith and have violated their vows in a fashion that merits it. In some cases it is a chosen path of service and they are revered for the choice. It is a cornerstone of our faith. A far less vulgar thing than the Dragon's Flight that you yourself have described proudly and in vivid detail in your whites. I expected better from a newly minted Prodigal house that has bent the knee and joined the compact. So let me introduce you to another ritual and cornerstone of the Compact that you are now a part of.

I challenge you for the insult you have levied against that which I value dear in my heart. Choose a champion or publicly apologize to the Compact and the Faith for the callous words you have paid to have spoken in the streets by your hand.