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Fortune's Harvest

Posted by Puffin on 05/10/18
Under the direction of Sir Jordan Ober, and with the guidance of Duke Harlan Ashford, a new trading enclave is established on Ashford lands. Built near the major granaries of Ashford, this operation is meant to provide a means to trade goods at bulk prices. With a reasonable tax rate and the services of Ashford guards to protect it, it is the start of a place where merchants can make deals and trade with a further reach than they historically have. It's a small venture still, but growing.

In addition to working with Duke Harlan, Sir Jordan has also started working with Seymour Oak, whose name as a merchant is certainly growing. First Stormwall, now Ashford, and with this tie-in there is cross trade as possible. With reasonable prices and increased business, Marquis Fairen Leary has also bought in, and Lord Tomwell engages Whisper Lumen to help spread the word of this venture far and wide, even going so far as to make sure that the accomodations for visiting merchants are comfortable, relaxing, and even filled with relaxing music and atmosphere. And Marquessa Iliana? She's leading the progection detail to make sure Fortune's Harvest Mercantile Enclave is as safe as she can make it.