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Healing More Than Just Bodies

Posted by Herja on 04/26/22
In the months since the reclamation of Bastion, as the dust begins to settle and the work of rebuilding begins, the Physician's Guild of Arx as guided by Lady Eirene Riven has taken a strong role in assisting not just with the settlement of refugees but also contributing to the efforts current underway in Bastion itself. With the money raised, five million silver along with a great many favors being called in, none of the refugees of Bastion went hungry or homeless or lacked for care while displaced. Many of those refugees were also offered help in returning to and repairing their homes in Bastion. While House Grayson is busy funding and working on repairing the walls and structures of the city, the Physicians Guild is credited with helping a great many with the smaller work of rebuilding homes and repairing shops. It is good work and the Guild is commended for it.