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Shav Sympathizers

Posted by Smile on 07/31/21
Days after the proclamation from Duke Malcolm about the mass knighting of the mountain dogs of Graypeak, many nobles have expressed their resentment toward the idea of one not born to the position, but rather raised posthumously, wishing to make such a grand announcement.

Yet not all nobles think the same, as Lady Medeia Eswynd has made her sympathies toward the neo-noble duke were made public where she chided nobles for their treatment toward commoners, prodigals and newly-elevated nobles. The lady's words prompt little more than pure confusion that someone from such a poor noble house would feel emboldened to make such a claim. It doesn't reflect well on House Saik nor do people think it respects the memory of the late Dominus Orazio. Many, especially among the Isles, believe that marrying into the prodigal or neo-noble houses corrupts the minds of old blooded nobles, to the point where they lose sight of their purpose.

It has not made sentiments among the traditionalists any calmer and there are those who wonder if perhaps the previous High Lord would have allowed such leniency with his vassals.