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Free Plays in Nightingale Park

Posted by Kalakh on 07/06/20
Princess Sabella Grayson has been putting on annual free plays in Nightingale Park for several years now, and this year she apparently went above and beyond to do a little something extra. More interactivity! Emphasis on the activity. Lots, and lots of activity. Lady Braith Mazetti, Nina Autumndale, Lady Orelia Stonewood, Ilira Starlys, Gianna Delvecchio, Prince Niklas Grayson, and Lord Rorik Kennex performed alongside her to quite the enthusiastic audience. Enthusiastic!

It was a wonderful effort to raise the spirits of Lowers children during a time that's been especially rough on them, and a wildly successful one, often very much literally. There's a lot of grumbling about how the noise could be heard halfway across the Lowers, but it's not terribly rancorous, and it's often accompanied by begrudging acknowledgement that, yeah, that was actually a pretty nice thing to do. The parents are both delighted and relieved; although one particularly grateful parent does express that it was wonderful, and amazing, and gosh it would also be nice if his daughter would just. Stop. Banging that damn drum.