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The Champagne Fleet

Posted by Tenebry on 06/01/20
Celebrate the accomplishments of House Champagne. What grand glories Yasmine has brought to their name. With much quiet endeavor, research, design, and construction, Yasmine has made of her merchant fleet something spectacular. It is not a fleet of caravels, but is a fleet of something only just short. Wide sailed and wide decked and deep-bowed, they are formidable ships, prepared for significant cargo.

Yasmine has many to help her in this endeavor. Marquis Dio Seraceni offers the use of the Seraceni docks for the project. Modi acts as envoy to an array of noble houses - see our successes? See the strength of the merchant fleet which could be serving your trade needs? Marquis Kael Keaton arranges for additional shipwrights and provides Keaton rivercraft for research and comparison. Duke Valdemar Grimhall tests the prototypes with Mourning-Isle-weathered sailors.

In the end, it is an agile, robust set of ships that is launched out over the water. Yasmine is like to have no shortage of commission and sailors.