Lady Kiera Wyvernheart
I believe it is better to tell the truth than to lie....and I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant"

Description: Though quite petite, her form possesses curves of young womanly. Grace. Long red naturally curly hair frames a fair and freckled face. Her green eyes often peer at the world with a keen perceptive intensity. She has a small nose and then pink lips which can display a kind smile when not pressed in thoughtful concentration
Personality: Kiera is a scholar for certain, prizing knowledge greatly yet taking care to balance that search with adhering to the knightly virtues that the family is known for loyalty honor and truth. Not your typical shy bookworm, she has an affable social personally and is extremely trustworthy. This can be both an asset and liability in the treacherous waters of court, but she feels that where a shining jewel of truth is rare and knowledge used as a weapon it must be both sought and preserved. She is not however above holding a secret or bending the truth when lives depend on it. She is quite kind and lacks the hardline approach of inquisitor. If anything will be her undoing, it is her curiosity and zeal for adventure.
Background: Growing up in Blancbier Kiera was an inquisitive child. Unlike most of the family she did not engage heavily in martial pursuits though basic self defense and first aid skill was a requisite. Instead she had a scholar's bent though she did not seek knowledge solely from a library but from nature and social encounters as well Being an atypical family member does not mean she shirks her family duty but instead hopes to use her intellectual and social skills for Wyrmguard's advancement. She is eager to spend more time in Arx for the many learning opportunities it affords
Relationship Summary
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