Baron Rane Moore
If life--or love--gives you a second chance, take it.

Social Rank: 6
Concept: Devoted Guardian
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 32
Birthday: 10/27
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Soldier
Height: tall
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Skintone: tan
Obituary: Slain in another attack on House Moore at Acorn Hill.
Description: The look of a soldier is an unmistakable thing. Rane cuts a fine figure in armor and finery alike. His arms are strong, honed from years of practice and daily exercise with his army. A stern expression commonly clouds his features, but not for any cause beyond depth of concentration and thought. He'd long been blessed with a handsome face that fit the look of authority and martial prowess. Dark eyes and darker hair adds another layer of what seems to be stoicism in most regards, but it's not unusual to see a polite, often warm smile as he meets with people across the Compact.
Along the inside of his forearm is something very new and very different. There's a marking. It resembles a tattoo of black mixed with dark green in the shape of a thick, thorny vine that curls around a scar running down and diagonal the entire length of his forearm. Closer inspection reveals it's clearly not a tattoo, but something else altogether.
Personality: The presence of a soldier is an even more unmistakable thing. Rane does not have all of the social graces of many of the peerage, though he's polite and responsive should a conversation arise. He's methodical and prone to routine. The same places for food and drink, the same route to his suite at the Keaton Hall. Even off of the battlefield, he finds solace in order and repetition. A member of the Academy of War, his mind is usually on one thing: the defense of the Oathlands. What little time is granted to less important matters are usually spent exploring Arx and the surrounding forests. All in all, he's a fine example of an Oathlander.
Background: A second cousin to Kael Keaton, Rane has ever been focused on his family and fealty. As a young boy, he fought with wooden weapons among friends for fun and instructors for practice. There was only ever a singular focus driven into him by family and instructors: duty. Duty to the Oathlands, his family, and those unable to defend themselves. Idealistic were the teachings to the point that there was room for little else but perfection in training and pure obedience to the tenets of Gloria. Rane married a lovely young woman at the age of eighteen, Lilliana. She carried their first born when a band of shavs captured them in the night and assassinated her in front of him. It was only by luck that the knife found in his own chest did not kill him. Some would call that good luck. For many years, it was the darkest thought in the Keaton's mind. He courted death for some time afterwards, longing for an end to his torment. But it's only recently that someone else had come into his life to lift that grim veil from his eyes.
Name | Summary |
Calla | The Baron of House Moore and I seem to share a curiosity of learning about new places. I predict many engrossing conversations. |
Piccola | The Baron-Consort of House Moore is easy to talk to. This is a good thing. His House's story no doubt could serve to inspire others. |
Razija | We have too much in common for me not to like him. I hope our future business endeavors are beneficial to us both. |