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Action Id: 585 Crisis: Participants: Harald(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 13, 2017, 9:47 a.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Harald(RIP)

Harald has been told that some Abandoned tribes in the far northern islands may still practice blood magics that allow them to resist the Gyre’s madness. He has gotten Thrax approval to take Grimhall longships to the islands in search of settlements. Asger and Marcas have agreed to bring along a translator (a north-eastern Shav dialect, which will hopefully be similar enough to function).
     Harald will approach any discovered tribes with gifts (bottles of mead, steel knives, spearheads, harpoons, fishhooks, etc) to see what can be found. Any tribes who are willing to entertain the prospect will be offered Grimhall protection should they turn Prodigal, and share knowledge of any magical traditions. Those that refuse may be killed, he takes rejection poorly.


It could have gone better. House Grimhall is feared. There are in all likelihood hundreds of tribes throughout the Mourning Isles, and scores by House Grimhall, most hiding inland and away from the sea for fear of raids that make thralls of them- some tribes can go for decades in isolation without ever seeing the sea and being completely unknown, so it's an arduous and downright annoying process to land on islands of little value to Thrax and search and search. It's not the sort of work much beloved of Grimhall reavers, but they do it. Finally, they find a village of Clan Grimsea, a breakoff branch of of the Grimhall family from ten generations ago that was exiled after losing a civil war for Grihem's point. The power disparity is significant- perhaps a couple dozen Abandoned villagers compared to four score reavers- but they claim ignorance of the Gyre, and ignorance of blood magic in general. It's frustrating, though they do start to speak of the darkwater madness from one that traveled far and back... and that's when fucking Rolf makes a crude joke about the chieftain's daughter. An idiotic villager throwing a spear into him, everyone drawing swords, and a short time later he has three dead reavers, a dozen wounded, and a couple dozen dead villagers. No prisoners. It was incredibly frustrating, though he did at least confirm that the knowledge of the Gyre and blood magic is by no means consistent. The villagers, he's pretty certain, were too damned scared to lie to him unless they were certain they'd die for speaking, and he was making nice. It was just idiotic nerves that made the fight happen on their part.