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Action Id: 21 Crisis: Participants: Harald(RIP)
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Harald(RIP)

Half the Grimhall fleet has answered Victus' summons and will be moving up the Grey River toward Bastion with the Thrax to join with Redrain forces.
Harald has been put in command of the Grimhall warriors within the allied army, and will be leading them in any battles. He's also put the Grimhall longships at the disposal of the generals for purposes of moving troops, supplies, and other war materials along the rivers.


Logistics is an unsung hero of warfare, and Harald does an excellent job of it. The Compact host, while officially under command under Duke Gabriel, is really led by every single separate lord and the 40,000 odd troops are by no means equally supplied. While starvation likely wouldn't have been an immediate problem at Pridehall without Harald's efforts, desertion and forces picking the land clean and dying to shavs while doing it almost certainly would have been happening. Harald's river longships slaughter several dozen shav foragers along the rivers, and he leads Grimhall reavers in the main force when the Compact meets the 18,000 shavs at the Battle of Pridehall, personally cutting down a half dozen shavs in the battle.