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Action Id: 3103 Crisis: Participants: Kedehern, Norwood, Shae, Adalyn and Elsa
Status: Resolved Submitted: Feb. 10, 2019, 12:11 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Kedehern

At the behest of his nephew and liege lord, Duke Cristoph, Kedehern is gathering together a group of trusted individuals to plan and carry out another scouting mission of the border of Artshall and Duskshire, to see if they can find indications of House Durand's hide out.

The idea of the mission is not to attack or engage Durand if they can help it, but get evidence and a better idea of actual location in order to plan an actual strike at them in the near future, in order to bring this to a close. Of course, if the group does find themselves attacked or otherwise engaged, they will defend themselves but the overall idea is to get the information back to Cristoph rather than wage a battle.

If after scouting the border, they fail to find signs, they'll move further into Duskshire to continue their search, expanding the parameters, and failing that, will start look into the border of Duskshire and the Shadowood.

Action by Shae

Shae will be part of Kedehern's scouting group, assisting with looking for any sort of signs of members and soldiers of House Durand. Including in sort of tracks or trails that might lead them to where they are hiding. Including using her dog Daegmund to sniff out any possible signs of people, or anything out of the ordinary.

Action by Norwood

If a Laurent is going to be stupid enough to head out looking for Durand, Norwood is coming along with Queensguard at his side. Maybe whatever Annalise Grayhill did with the sword will only work when the actual lord/heir is in danger. But maybe it'll protect any of the line.

Of course, they're also going to be heading into Duskshire, so Norwood will be their local guide. His years of fighting the malcontents in Duskshire give him a unique perspective on the area, even if he happens to brush off the number of skeletons they're probably going to find there. Of particular note he keeps an eye out for tunnels like the ones under Duskshire's main keep that might hide their elf friends - or even just regular bandits. Because those bastards like to hang around too.

Now, Kedehern might be leading the group, but on Duskshire lands Norwood's going to have a very different view of the chain of command. They killed the Laurent Duke he loved (I mean, Cristoph's pretty cool but Edmund was more like a buddy), and threatens the children of that duke. Screw them. If they run into Durand on Duskshire lands, Norwood's going to attack. Period.

Action by Elsa

Elsa will be going out with Kedehern and the others to try and find the location of Durand and its people. She will be using a small group of Fine Valley Hounds to try and pick up scent trails to track them through Laurent's and Clement's land as well as her own skill in tracking.

Action by Adalyn

Adalyn's going along in the off-chance that somebody or something needs to be hit. She won't be doing much scouting, more following and providing an extra measure of security. She's going to stick close to Norwood and ensure that the old - hale, hearty - man doesn't get in over his head. If this entails use of force, that's what she'll do.


It's long, difficult work searching all the surrounding territories near Artshall and Duskshire. A painstaking process that takes them into surrounding domains such as the Shadowood as well, with the different scouts all patrolling over seemingly endless, difficult ground, some that for all they know may have never had people pass through it in centuries if ever. In the end, by slowly working tracing some of the attacks, they are able to track back to what should be the source. Should be.

It's not what's expected. The extremely well hidden camp has a scent first caught by Elsa's Fine Valley hounds, and then Shae and Kedehern lead their scouts cautiously towards the camp. The group is almost immediately attacked by three different Durand knights, who are promptly cut down by Norwood (while he is lectured about proper protocol in battle cries) and Adalyn, though that is a surprisingly soft force. What they find is the camp is almost entirely abandoned, and looks like it was in the process of being burned to cover their tracks when they were able to intercept them, and the camp must have been a mere staging ground for attacks upon Laurent lands.

Kedehern is able to rescue a letter that was in the process of burning as they arrive, and half of it is still legible. They can make out, "...and then return to Cassyl." signed with 'GF'.

Cassyl is the ancestral holding of House Fournier.