Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

Social Rank: 9
Concept: Professional Junkie
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 19
Birthday: 8/22
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Criminal
Height: average height
Hair Color: carob-hued
Eye Color: cerulean blue
Skintone: pale ivory
Description: A lanky, slender beanpole, this man is rises to a decent height, looking all skinnier because of it. His pale ivory flesh is littered with pitch-coloured tattoos, inked designs of birds and flowers covering most of his torso. He is of a plain face, having a long, slender nose, and narrow chin, covered by a short, patchy beard. Slim lips conceal pearly teeth, though they are rarely shown. Eyes of a piercing cerulean-blue are his most noticeable feature, their stare conveying the majority of what little emotion he shows. His dark, carob-hued hair is normally shorn close to his head.
Personality: Arturo is a man at odds with his occupation. He does whatever he can to scrape by -- and there is little he wouldn't do if his situation demanded it-- but he has little drive or ambition to further himself. He is demure and shy, and one can hardly get a word out of him, lest he has lute in his hand. Music is his muse and inspiration, his true love, second only to that of his most favored vice. Dust.
He has an addictive personality, almost to the point of being eccentric. When something strikes his fancy, he will obssess over it to no end, only for his eye to be caught by something else a week or month later. Music and dust have been the only things to capture his attention for any length of time. Beneath the surface of his quirks and shady jobs lies a kind, smart man. He doesn't wish to hurt anyone, or take anything. But he will if that's what it takes to get the next bowl of dust.
Background: Arturo's sire was a drifter, and drift he did. He was in Arx just long enough to knock up Arturo's mother, a lower-class Grayhope. His mother was a performer, singing in taverns, acting small parts in the theatres, and cooking and cleaning when she needed more to feed herself and child. Despite the reputation of her family, Arturo's mother never was one to dabble in the shady side of things.
As a youth, he shared his time between roaming the streets and following in the footsteps of his mother, learning to sing, read music, and play instruments. He grew talented at it, as well, earning enough to make his way as a poor bard. He had the potential to attract a patron, and continue such a career. And then he smoked his first bowl of dust... Everything changed after that. No amount of coin could keep enough of the drug for him, and the poor income he earned from being a bard certainly couldn't. Situation forced his hand. It was at that point that Art turned to his cousins, seeping into the darker side of the Grayhope family. Addiction fueled him. Always desperate for his next fix, he became willing to do whatever was asked of him.
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