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Action Id: 3797 Crisis: Participants: Rafael, Amantha, Nurie and Haptenna
Status: Resolved Submitted: March 18, 2020, 2:30 p.m. Public: True GM: Fabulist

Economic Resources: 6000
Military Resources: 1000
Social Resources: 6000

Action by Rafael

Cinder Hall, an apothecarial-focused chapterhouse and academy for Mercies of Lagoma at Cedar Vale

With permission from Count Graham as well as in coordination with the local Seraph and local Mercies, Lord Rafael will be using the experience gained from founding the Mercy chapterhouse at Pridehall to do similar good works at Cedar Vale. Our Lady of Glorious Change and Pridehall reside closeby a waterway offering access to medical supplies and knowledge coming in from the west. Rafael hopes to take strategic advantage of Cedar Vale's relative proximity to the opposing river, maximizing the flow of vital healing resources from the east to create a nexus ripe for medical innovation. With both Mercy sites working in tandem, and an already existing relationship with the Mercies of Arx, the overall positive effect for the people of the surrounding regions can only increase!

A modestly sized but whimsical castle designed with, as a nod to Lagoma, purposeful architectural emphasis on the harmony between human beings and the natural shift of the seasons, 'Cinder Hall' will conspire to create the perfect atmosphere for those seeking faith-based instruction in the healing arts. The chapterhouse will include intimate educational and residential wings, and a dedicated area of worship with representations of the entire Pantheon, not just Lagoma.

Given Cedar Vale's already well-established popularity among apothecaries, Rafael will see that Cinder Hall's academic focus be placed predominantly on the niche teachings most relevant to that vocation, thus differentiating it from the larger Mercy location at Pridehall's more generalized curriculum -- keeping the conversation on cooperation rather than competition, a point Rafael sticks to whenever the academy at Blancbier is brought up.

Action by Amantha

Amantha is all for another mercy chapterhouse, even though she herself isn't a Mercy. Being the commander of the Nurse Corps she'll lend her expertise to the best of her abilities. She'll offer advice on combat medicine and the apothecarie aspect of that, but especially she'll also offer her insights on the transport of more dangerous medicine and the criminal aspects that might be issues when dealing with certain sought after substances, those that can be used counter to the intentions of the Mercies. She'll also look for the possibility of making the Iron Guard's Nurse Corps known as an option for those mercies that are going to travel to Arx or it's immediate surrounding after their graduation.

Action by Nurie

Nurie Baseborn is happy to lend both her craftsmanship and networking skills to the endeavor. She will help design both a working tunic and sash with a special insignia for the graduates of the academy, so that they are easily recognized. These items can be worn together or separately, as the wearer deems appropriate, both of excellent craftsmanship and with special design elements to aid them in their work (built in pockets, incorporating aeterna in areas highly likely to be stained, and other touches that will likely be very pleasing to those that have earned them, as well as looking prestigious to those who see them being worn).

Nurie personally invests resources in silver to ensure an adequate supply of fabric so that the new chapterhouse and academy can use their funds towards their own goals rather than having to bear the expense of this. She also invests her considerable social abilities in talking up this new academy so that graduates and those wearing the ensemble will be easily recognized for their accomplishment.

Action by Haptenna

Haptenna has been asked by Rafael, by messenger, to draft a 'school song' of sorts of the school. Getting over her initial terror at the request because it's the last thing she wants to do, she settles down to write a song in her own particular stylings that she is sure will be rejected! Absolutely not be what is wanted by Rafael at all. Totally. As Haptenna's songs tend to be murder ballads and folktales, it is the song sung from the point of view of an ill-educated apothecary, inviting people to sample his wares for their healh, entirely cheerful about how it works... most of the time and, well, he definitely doesn't use them himself and so what if a few people have died. It's no big deal and that's just how these things go, come on, let's drink to your health. It's through-line shows the thin line between life and death and, naturally, the final lines aiming to fade out with his implied demise.


The plans are set in motion to begin building a healing annex within the borders of Cedar Vale; a sister site to the great shrine and healing college within Pridehall lands. This smaller chapterhouse is dedicated to the alchmeical arts, medicine making: tinctures, draughts, ointments, salves, potions and poultices.

With the curriculum designed by Lord Rafael Bisland, the students are all but guaranteed success, so long as they apply themselves. His efforts are not solitary, finding assistance from Ironguardsman Amantha Harrow who works out security protocols and patrols; Nurie Baseborn, who generously provides yards and yards and *yards* of fabric, used in everything from bed linens, school robes, bandages, suture and decorations around the Hall. It is, perhaps, Haptenna's contribution, in the form of a... memorable... tune, that sees word spread like wildfire of the new chapterhouse. It goes something like this:

In a town called Dranruee,
The people were as careful as could be,
For if they fell, got sick or hurt,
The call would sound and bring Ol' Kurt.

Kurt the Hurt they called him silently,
Each one he mended would sprout unsightly
Spots or pox or unwanted hair
The cost for healing too much to bear.

As often as he healed he hindered,
People often endured more than splinters
To evade his 'help' lest they find
A pus-filled boil on their behind.

Don't be like Kurt, get yer learning good
Don't mix your poultices with lice and wood
Head to Cinder Hall and learn from the best,
Avoid Ol' Kurt's fate and pass the test.

In the end the venture is a resounding success, with an increase in population and funds flowing into Cedar Vale as word of this new place of learning spreads, and associated with it, the names of those so vital to its success.