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Action Id: 31 Crisis: Participants: Ainsley
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Ainsley

Hearing of the excommunication and potentially overreacting Ainsley will be ordering units of Iron Guard to go be on patrol near the gates of the High Lords homes and also at the palace, just in case anyone thinks that this is a good time to start rioting. They are ordered to protect the high lord and any nobles with them (since the Iron Guard is sworn to the crown and the regency council at this time).
So, Ainsley will be sitting outside of the refectory during the convocation, ready with a squad of five Iron Guard to take Fawkuhl to the palace for jailing.


In times of turmoil, it's near universally appreciated that the Iron Guard have matters well in hand, and are a stabilizing force. All the great houses affected by the excommunication and their commoners appreciate it, as does the Iron Guard itself, though the Faith isn't thrilled with having Iron Guardsmen sitting outside the Rectory in what they see as insulting overreach. But for the most part it is greatly appreciated.