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Action Id: 3326 Crisis: Participants: Shae, Nicia(RIP) and Kedehern
Status: Resolved Submitted: April 12, 2019, 3:15 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Social Resources: 300

Action by Shae

Shae is going to go to the Hall of Heroes, to the Valardin section, to where the statue of Breanne Keaton is. With the help of Nicia and under her guidance Shae is going to try and fall asleep with hopes of dreaming about the Black Hound of the Shadowood. To try and learn more about the creature. Having learned more about reflections, and with Amari pointing out to her that she is the only one of the Keatons that has had any dreams or seen the beast in the reflections of mirrors or windows, that perhaps there is a connection between her and the creature. So, focusing on that, with Nicia's help she goes to sleep in hopes of learning more. Kedehern will also be there to look over both Shae and Nicia, to make sure they are safe.

Action by Nicia(RIP)

Nicia has walked this path before, as such she has offered to help guide Shae along on the journey. Meditation, every sense of focus that Nicia is able to suggest she offers as suggestion to Shae.

Action by Kedehern

Kedehern attends to watch over the pair of ladies, on the off chance something untoward should happen. He's prepared to pull an all nighter as it were, and stands vigilant against any potential threat, as he stands as an honor guard of sorts.


Nicia and Shae meditate, with Kedehern watching over them. But consciousness evades them, all three at once. Nicia and Shae slump, and Kedehern falls to the ground unconscious.

"It comes."

That is the first thing they hear.

"It comes."

A whispered voice, full of urgency.

"It comes, brought to life by the stirring of the Green, summoned by the wasting curse. It comes, and it is hungry."

Shae is in a forest, and she is running - hunted. She looks behind, and Kedehern is trailing her. He waves. "Don't look back! Keep running, dammit!" Nicia is by her side panting with the exertion of it, and there's a thundering behind them of ponderous feet. A howl cuts the air, and they know they're doomed.

And then they stumble into a circle - a perfect circle of trees, and from the trees step lithe creatures with green hair - the Sylv'alfar. "A pact of blood to break the curse," they say together. "A promise giv'n to fight the dark." One holds out her right hand. In her left is a knife. "A binding oath to stop the hound." Shae slaps her hand into the woman's palm, nodding. "A treaty made in blood will mark."

And then the vision shatters and they return to consciousness, gasping for breath.