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Action Id: 352 Crisis: Participants: Darrow(RIP)
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Darrow(RIP)

Darrow and the ships of the Lament, participate in the hunt for the Gyre with the rest of the Thraxian captains (as primarily outlined by Maximilian). Darrow will be leading the marine contingent with Harald Grimhall.

He also contributes two ships of the Lament to the effort:
Darkwater (Lament - Darrow's wavecutter, captained by Hellespont and his first marines): The Reaper -
-- Marine contingent: "Ship Breakers" (First Lament House Marines)
Darkwater (Lament ship - wavecutter): The Regret
-- Marine contingent: Third Lament Regulars.

Additionally, many of the plans revolve around the Lament being a secondary holdfast; where the reserves of the fleet will be kept. His efforts to increase military standing and preparedness on the Isle of Lacrimus, thus, are to help prepare the launch of any reserves and the defense, if needed, of any retreat back to the north.
These ships and men will be assisting the ground forces of General Calypso in shore operations of Thirteen Hammers. His wavecutters and contingents of marines will allow a good deal of mobile response in the attack, to steal back away into the night rapidly and allow an expedient retreat if need be. The relentless Darrow and the marine squadrons he brings are very well suited to this kind of landing operation; as this is how he's conducted most of his historical combat against renegades and Shav pirates, rather than ship to ship actions.


The tremendous amount of preparation and effort Lord Darrow has invested into readying the marines shows, as by the time they finally assault the first shav stronghold, there is little comparison between the Lament regulars and the shav forces they come against. In truth, most of the men that have driven mad by the Gyre are suicidal and bold, and while recklessness is always extremely dangerous to fight again, it is far more dangerous for the one tossing caution to the wind, and in the first few actions the Lament Regulars take exceedingly little casualties. The sheer ferocity of one of the Abandoned clans gives the men pause, but Darrow personally wading into the heat of battle rallies the men, who are effective disproportionate to the far more numerous Grimhall or Lycene soldiers.