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Action Id: 93 Crisis: Participants: Silas, Alarie, Rymarr(RIP) and Halsim
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Silas

Presenting Lord Commander Silas's plan to try to keep the city from destroying itself:

    - He will be assigning more personnel to high-crime areas by removing personnnel from low-risk areas, and he will be assigning commoner guardsmen to the commoner districts and noble guardsmen to the plagued merchant/courtier districts to ease tension while simultaneously preventing more crime.

    - Additionally, he will be asking guardsmen to look for anything out of place, particularly if it may be linked to Duchess Esera's disappearance (this is probably convered in Valk's crisis action but ya' know)

    - The guardsmen who were involved in the scuffle between the Iron Guard and the Knights of Solace will be interrogated. Their pay will be docked for two weeks for not keeping their tempers in check; if other damning evidence is revealed in the interrogation, the punishment will be adjusted to something much more harsh (dependent on what it is!).

    - The recruitment will be put into overdrive in an attempt to recover their numbers. Leaflets will be distributed, town criers paid, fliers will posted on walls, and bards will be hired to mingle entertainment with propaganda. Particular emphasis will be put on the merchant/courtier districts, appealing to commoners who may be more sympathetic to the plight of the Iron Guard and may wish to see it change for the better. Silas's appeals will be directed to protecting the entirety of the Compact from the Bringers as well as those who seek to prey on the vulnerable city, as well as reforming the Iron Guard to be something that represents and looks out for the needs of -every- citizen, high or lowborn. (He's essentially trying to adopt the Arxian version of Obama's HOPE posters).

    Other things are in the works, too, but those are likely covered in other crisis actions!
Presenting Lord Commander Silas's plan to try to keep the city from destroying itself:

    - He will be assigning more personnel to high-crime areas by removing personnnel from low-risk areas, and he will be assigning commoner guardsmen to the commoner districts and noble guardsmen to the plagued merchant/courtier districts to ease tension while simultaneously preventing more crime.

    - Additionally, he will be asking guardsmen to look for anything out of place, particularly if it may be linked to Duchess Esera's disappearance (this is probably convered in Valk's crisis action but ya' know)

    - The guardsmen who were involved in the scuffle between the Iron Guard and the Knights of Solace will be interrogated. Their pay will be docked for two weeks for not keeping their tempers in check; if other damning evidence is revealed in the interrogation, the punishment will be adjusted to something much more harsh (dependent on what it is!).

    - The recruitment will be put into overdrive in an attempt to recover their numbers. Leaflets will be distributed, town criers paid, fliers will posted on walls, and bards will be hired to mingle entertainment with propaganda. Particular emphasis will be put on the merchant/courtier districts, appealing to commoners who may be more sympathetic to the plight of the Iron Guard and may wish to see it change for the better. Silas's appeals will be directed to protecting the entirety of the Compact from the Bringers as well as those who seek to prey on the vulnerable city, as well as reforming the Iron Guard to be something that represents and looks out for the needs of -every- citizen, high or lowborn. He's essentially trying to adopt the Arxian version of Obama's HOPE posters. He has +donated 20000 silver to this effort (Iron Guard Recruitment Drive).

    Other things are in the works, too, but those are likely covered in other crisis actions!

    A patrol is assigned to the Dockyard and River Mouth with instructions to be on the look out for any bodies which may wash ashore.
Silas has constructed the Commons Medical Clinic in the Lower Boroughs. He has left it in the care of Benjamin Carver and the Physician's Guild, and Khloe Ulbran now operates there.

Action by Halsim

Halsim is very interested in finding the root causes of the crime wave. Ianthes people he's been told may be involved, but Halsim goes where the evidence leads, not the other way around. If he can find instigators, or high risk trouble spots, he either brings down Inquisition or Iron Guard attention on confirmed sources of trouble as appropriate. He works with Alarie on these matters, and if they get into trouble, Halsim uses his alchemical concoctions to get them out (he likes using fire and smoke vials for this) so the Iron Guard can deal with it.

Action by Rymarr(RIP)

Rymarr's assistance to Silas in this matter will be entirely within the realm of the King's Own, acting as their Lord Commander. Dispensing orders to His Majesty's knights as well as following those orders himself, to casually speak of the Iron Guard's need for willing individuals to lend themselves to the Iron Guard, for the betterment of the Compact. Furthermore, Rymarr will take the opportunity to aid in the form of training. Dispatching a handful of knights including Knight-Lieutenant Rainier Ashford at a time to the Iron Guard barracks, making quite the show of offering group training and assistance to the Iron Guard in order to show cohesion among the Compact's warriors, and likewise show those who may be on the fence of recruitment into the Iron Guard the benefits of having the opportunity to train and work alongside as noble and decorated fighting unit as the King's Own.

Furthermore, Rymarr will attempt to make an appearance at the Iron Guard barracks itself in order to meet some of those who have already volunteered their time and bodies to the Iron Guard's cause, personally thank them, and publically reinforce the need for cohesion and unity among the Compact during these trying times. Now is not the time for division or attempting to replace a system(the Iron Guard) that only needs adjustments. Essentially attempting to display his leadership qualities, he's hoping to appease those who aren't onboard with the unity and general agenda of working together before all else.

Overall the goal is less about truly training the Iron Guard and more about giving the impression that the Iron Guard and King's Own are working closely together, in a bid to assist the Iron Guard with their own recruitment. Though such a matter of frequent inter-organizational training could become such a thing in the very near future in order to solidfy the ability of the King's Own and Iron Guard working more closely together when necessary.

Action by Alarie

Alarie is assisting Halsim in his actions. Though, she will be using her influence in the lower criminal circles to encourage them to lay low for a while.


The Lower Boroughs are seemingly pacified by the steps, though the Upper boroughs and even the Ward of the Compact saw a steady uptick in crime taking advantage of the Lower Iron Guard numbers at first. This is eventually suppressed, and seems to go hand in hand with both Rymarr's training of Iron Guard by the King's Own, and most importantly the recruitment drive. Many are interested, and quite a few will serve in short stints, the money put forward by Silas doing a great deal in getting a few hundred guardsmen on the streets. Of course the Iron Guard numbers are substantially depleted, but there's vastly more willing recruits, if the iron Guard (or crown) are willing to support the recruitment drive- they could easily hire, train, equip and pay an iron guardsman for a hundred silver per guardsman to the end of the siege at least, which could go a very long way to balancing out the numbers that the Bringers of Silence are bringing to bear against the city. If they are willing to pay for it, at least.

The medical center and the different tension-defusing tactics are large hits, and see a sharp downtick in violence, at least in so much that the danger of riots and the city destroying itself are being diverted.

As for Halsim's investigation helped out by Alarie, it becomes increasingly clear there's nothing supernatural about this, it almost certainly is the crime families in the Lower Boroughs, though which one?