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Dame Salena Dumund

I live to serve, aim for perfection.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Bodyguard Knight
Fealty: Crownsworn
Family: Dumund
Gender: female
Marital Status: married
Age: 28
Birthday: 11/20
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: average height
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: green
Skintone: pale

Description: Salena is a lankly figure, her wide set frame being toned down towards a visual that just barely skirts the line of androgyny. She keeps her dark red hair in dreads, which are often bound tight in a pony tail to keep the grime off her high, bushy eyebrows and out of her wide, inset eyes. Her nose is long and crooked, pinned just above large, chapped lips. Her coarse skin is covered in opaque freckles from pale head to nearly translucent toes, and any femininity has long since been drilled out of her soldiering gait.

Personality: Salena is gruff in both voice and mannerisms. She is quick to default to the wisdom of others in social scenarios but should the time call for it, the redhead is even more quick to draw steel. When cajoled to speak more than five words at any given time, Salena is often cocky when it comes to her own martial prowess, and if she is pestered on her appearance or uncouth demeanor, the lass regresses to a series of grunts and growls, with howls following suit if swords are called for. A trainer of wildlife herself, Salena's frosty exterior melts away in the company of animals, where she may be spied as being calm, caring, and compassionate.

Background: Born and raised a Northern girl, Salena has made a reputation for herself in the travels from her homelands and into Arx's bustling streets as being a solitary warrior and beast trainer. With knightly arms and the company of a Shaman of her home, she spent months spreading good fortune along the countryside and in various villages on her way to the capitol. While her manners were always found to be lacking, the young knight has made a name for herself as being dedicated and efficient in her promises, often attempting to solve conflict without bloodshed, even if it meant beating someone with a sheathed sword. During her short time in the confines of Arx, Salena has kept to her former company of wild animals and a lone Shaman she has guarded in their travels from the North, keen to hitch her own name and fortune to the religious fanatic's sharp wit and captivating vision quest.

Name Summary
Elgana A knight! One cannot have too many of those about. She seems very lovely and I would like to get to know her better. It is good to have her in the city. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for her.
Niklas Humorless knight. Didn't seem comfortable around nobles. Obviously we are destined to be best friends.
Reese She seems like a good guardian to her friend. Probably has an inner strength.
Sabella Did I not get to talk with her as much as I would have liked at the garden party, but she seemed very interesting! Another shaman! I'm not really sure about Shamans in general, but every one I ever met has been super nice!
Stygia Like a fish out of water right now, but soon she'll find the current and unfurl her sails.