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Action Id: 4271 Crisis: Participants: Jaenelle and Aureth
Status: Resolved Submitted: June 30, 2020, 2:09 p.m. Public: True GM: Herja

Action by Jaenelle

With the understanding of how spidersilk is made (clue 3579), that hard (impossible) part is done. Now fine tuning is a must to protect the spiders and honor the Queen of Endings. Jaenelle wishes to collect more spidersilk, this time with the assistance of the Faith to offer suggestions and new ideas on ways to better, safely, harvest the rare silk threading to weave into cloth.

Action by Aureth

The aid that Aureth lends to this venture is largely by virtue of his person, his unique relationship with spiders generally, and the grace of Death. To say that what he does is _communing_ with them is a little bit of an overstatement. But the weave of the spiders and whatever he can do to coax their cooperation and ensure the health and safety of the Queen's favorites, by his presence and whatever gentle patience he can summon -- with prayers to Death before each enterprise.


The process for harvesting spidersilk is still incredibly difficult, but, with this second harvest, the technique is less deadly for the spiders involved, but output does not increase. The harvest results in a modest amount of spidersilk, but it is clear that this material will remain remarkably rare for the foreseeable future.

(OOC: Jaenelle now has more spidersilk in her inventory! Yay!)