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Action Id: 3907 Crisis: Participants: Leola
Status: Resolved Submitted: Feb. 19, 2020, 4:25 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Leola

Leola Rallies the Mangatan Finflaps
    Leola seeks out Sir Norman, or those who know him, and ask for a message to be carried to her allies.

"Her Eminance, Archpriestess Me'Ning Finflap, of the First Order of Mangatan Finflaps, Far More Blessed Than Me, I Write Unto You

Your willingness to aid the Lodge in its time of need was noted, and appreciated. Now, a war which is truly of the enemy approaches; a great fleet, with chains of gold, which comes to catch all within them. They sail to us from Eurus, carrying the shackles of gold on their flags.

The Compact will go to war, but we would seek your aid. It is most possible, as they serve those beyond the mirrors, that foes such as sharks (who are jerks) sail with them. We urge caution, and would know what threat you face. Should you see more, the Compact would appreciate the wisdom and cunning of the Finflaps in their service to Mangata, to listen and learn and let us know what they can of these terrible ships and those who sail on her, what they say and what they intend.

Those among the Compact are greatly aware of the cunning porpoise, and so we now seek Me'ning among the wisdom of the waves.

Leola (who is not a shark, and so, not a jerk)


Leola is, after a time of searching and passing messages from one bird to another and a painfully long conversation with an otherwise well meaning sea turtle, able to locate the seagull Sir Norman Beachflop. Sir Norman Beachflop agrees to carry her message in exchange for the creation of a peerage, as Leola is now the Grand Empress of the Furless Lands, as well as the Marquessa of the Featherbutt Shores, so it is only right and proper that she elevates her forever leal servant Sir Norman Beachflop to the peerage. After the matter is settled of formally investing Sir Norman Beachflop now and forever with dominion over a birch tree that he likes, the now Baron Norman von Beachflop of Birch Tree Kind of Near The Beach But Not That One It's Actually The Other One By The Path You Know agrees to deliver her message to Me'Ning.

Leola does not have to wait too long for a response.

A great many dolphins eventually arrive at an appointed place on the beaches near Arx, as arranged by Baron Norman von Beachflop. Led by Her Eminence, Archpriestess Me'Ning Finflap, of the First Order of Mangatan Finflaps, it is solemnly declared that all of the Finflaps will come to Leola's aid should she participate in a ritual of rebirth and revitalization for the Finflaps, called The Great Finflappening.

This mostly involves Leola on land clapping her hands together as if she was a dolphin and awkwardly making dolphin noises. Some fishermen in the distance look on and shake their heads. This could come up later.

Eventually, The Great Finflappening is finished and there is much splashing on Leola despite any attempts to stay dry, as they annoint her with Mangata's Blessing to forever protect her from sharks (who are jerks).

Ne'Ming declares that thanks to Leola, the ritual is now done, and they will go forth and scout and harry the Eurusi forces who almost certainly are working with sharks (who are jerks). All the Finflaps declare, "Thanks to She Who Does Not Have Fins, we now go to crusade with renewed porpoise!"

They swim away, leaving a drenched Leola.