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Action Id: 4751 Crisis: Participants: Martino, Eirene, Lucita, Drake, Alexio and Thea
Status: Resolved Submitted: Nov. 15, 2023, 5:10 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Martino

With Despite's fall and forgetfulness being lifted from the Compact, Martino is taking the opportunity to research into how the Malvici armies protected Arx during the Reckoning. How they held their own, what tools, formations, potential magics or artifacts they had in their possession to do such a thing. Was it shields made of certain material? Magics to aid their combat prowess or unyielding nature?

Whatever it was, now is the time to find out and to begin drilling the Malvici army in this knowledge.

Action by Alexio

Alexio may not be much on troops and war. But knowledge and teaching he can do. Alexio will do his best to provide surprisingly useful briefings on different types of magics, risks, and known ways of addressing.

Action by Lucita

Knowledge is always useful. Lucita delves into Saik History as it relates to the time Platinum left Arx and his Platinum Guard relocated to Saiklang Greens and the years afterward. Using her charm and her stewardship knowledge of who to contact and how to organize efforts, she sets up searches for anything that might help fill in gaps in history and information, locations of any possible weapons, tools, artifacts using family, Scholars and verbal history from some of the older commoner families. As far as magic, she is a spellsinger and can, when Eirene tells her it is time, the troops are ready, reminds them of the usefulness of magic in the more recent wars.

Action by Eirene

Eirene used her own occult knowledge to instruct the Malvici troops (once a Malvici always a Malvici) in the demon and Legion fighting techniques she's learned over the past 15 years. Anything Martino discovers she passes on.

Action by Thea

While Eirene has the troops in order, Thea will use this to do some more research. With her notes and the growing of Sundraw, she already has a starting point of her own, but it never hurts to expand one’s knowledge.Not to mention, the always Malvici in blood and spirit has seen, experienced, and experimented a few things on her own over the years. Whatever information she DOES acquire, Thea will make sure it’s swiftly brought to Martino.

Action by Drake

If the order of the day is training troops, Drake will also assist in this. He's also built up a lot of specialized knowledge over the years in fighting different types of foes - not always human, necessarily. He can start by focusing on weapon techniques and where best to strike at the heart and weak points of things that need to be fought. He'll also be sure the troops have courage - it will take teamwork and bravery to join this fight.


Sometimes getting the answers is not really helpful when it's only a surface answer. The soldiers of House Malvici had a number of powerful adepts, and their weapons and armor were oft enchanted. That's what they glean from research, but how to reproduce that? That's largely blank, and almost certainly a problem of where the world is now. Magical ascension seems to be distinctly personal, so reproducing it on a large scale is something that remains elusive.