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Action Id: 1696 Crisis: Participants: Eirene
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 16, 2018, 9:55 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Military Resources: 200
Action Points: 25

Action by Eirene

Utilizing her position with the Ministry of Defense, Eirene will portion out the various medical groups of the Compact- the Military medics of the various houses, the Physicians Guild, the Mercies. Her goal is to handle the actual MILITARY portion while Reigna is managing the ORGANIZATION portion. She needs an idea of what resources can go with the various fleets and prepare for the naval engagements with ships surgeons and ground medics for the land based troops.


Lady Eirene Malvici goes to inspire the healers among the military folk, and to encourage more to join the cause. The response is desultory at best, most of the military-based healers and support crew responding to her irascible ways with snark of their own.