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Action Id: 470 Crisis: Participants: Sparte, Fortunato and Gisele
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Social Resources: 100

Action by Sparte

Sparte has been organizing people to contribute flowers, herbs, tree cuttings, and other natural items to be turned into bouquets, wreathes, and other presentations for the enjoyment of the king. Samples known to grow in the Gray Forest and the surrounding region have been focused upon for sentimental reasons in the wake of the suffering taking place there.

Sparte's primary role is requesting help and finding a place to store the plants and keep them alive until they can be brought to the king. Others are being sought to do the presentation that have a better eye for such things.

Action by Gisele

Godsworn and faithful, Gisele intends to ensure that Sparte's garden has a safe place and tender nurturing within the Shrine of Petrichor (with the Shrine of Lagoma holding any spillover as it's also set up for cultivation). She donates her own time to assist Petrichor's more knowledgable priests in tending the plants (she can pray over them for their health! She's got that much of a green thumb!) and offering her artist's eye to help craft pleasing arrangements (the far superior option for the bookbound Scholar).

Action by Fortunato

Fortunato gathers wild plants in the course of other investigations he's assisting Sparte with, great fun, plucking for aesthetic reasons, cataloging what you plucked, and helping as you can with curation and arrangement.


His majesty greatly appreciates the flowers. One of the first things he asked when he returned to his Gold Suite was asking, "So... who sent these?"